Statistics Sweden

Statistics Sweden is responsible for official statistics and for other government statistics. This means that Statistics Sweden develop, produce and disseminate the statistics and coordinate the system for the official statistics in Sweden.

Все наборы данных: P
  • P
    • Апрель 2023
      Источник: Statistics Sweden
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 мая, 2023
      Population aged 15-74 (LFS) by region, labour status and sex. Quarter 2005K2 - 2018K3observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.Margin of error ± percentThe presented margin of error corresponds to a 95 percent confidence interval.observationsMargin of error ±, 1000sBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.Margin of error ± percentBecause the LFS is a sample survey based on a national random probability sample, there is a degree of uncertainty that can be calculated. The presented information consists of estimations and consideration must be taken to uncertainty/margin of error when drawing conclusions. The interval that is created by the level estimation ± margin of error here is a 95 percent confidence interval, which is an interval with a 95 percent probability including the actual value.observations: Percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Margin of error ± percent , labour status: unemployedUnemployed as percentage of labour force. The labour force consists of employed and unemployed persons.observations: Percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the populationobservations: Margin of error ± percent , labour status: employedEmployed as a percentage of the population