Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an international economic organisation of 34 countries founded in 1961 to stimulate economic progress and world trade. It is a forum of countries committed to democracy and the market economy, providing a platform to compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practices and co-ordinate domestic and international policies of its members.

Все наборы данных: 3 D E H I O P R S
  • 3
  • D
    • Сентябрь 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 сентября, 2023
      Tourism can be regarded as a social, cultural and economic phenomenon related to the movement of people outside their usual place of residence.
  • E
    • Май 2024
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 августа, 2024
      The OECD Economic Outlook presents the OECD’s analysis of the major global economic trends and prospects for the next two years. The Outlook puts forward a consistent set of projections for output, employment, government spending, prices and current balances based on a review of each member country and of the induced effect on each of them on international developments. OECD (2024), OECD Economic Outlook No 115 (Edition 2024/1)EO115 Database documentationEO115 Last historical pointsOECD Economic Outlook website: Contact: [email protected]
    • Август 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 08 августа, 2023
      The Fisheries Committee (COFI) from the Trade and Agriculture Directorate (TAD) collects, on an annual basis from all its participating countries, data on landings, aquaculture production, fleet, employment in the fisheries sector, and government financial transfers. Data are collected from Fisheries Ministries, National Statistics Offices and other institution designated as an official data source. Concepts Classifications Data are collected by the OECD using the methodologies established by the Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics (CWP) ( This inter-agency body, created in 1960 to develop common procedures and standards for the collation of fisheries statistics, provides technical advice on fishery statistical matters. Its handbook of Fishery Statistical Standards comprises definitions of the various concepts used in fishery statistics, with the exception of Government Financial Transfers which is unique to the OECD. All other statistics are based on the CWP definitions. The OECD, a partner with the CWP, additionally collects information on values for its landings and records the breakdown between the types of landings (i.e. landings in domestic ports, landings in foreign ports) data series which are not collected by the FAO. While a number of countries cover landings in a similar fashion, the same does not hold true for capacity (feet/meters, GRT/engine powers), or for employment for which both Full-time equivalents or numbers of people are used. The OECD therefore does not duplicate FAO statistics but requests complementary information to feed its analytical work.
  • H
  • I
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 08 ноября, 2017
      The sources for this database are mainly census data, from the 2000 round of censuses. Census data were used for 22 countries. Countries not taking periodic censuses but keeping population registers have provided data extracted from these registers; this is the case for four countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. For some countries, not all themes covered in the database are present in the national census or register. Labour force surveys, provided by Eurostat and averaged over the period 1998-2002, have been used to fill the gaps where possible.
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 08 ноября, 2017
      The sources for this database are mainly census data, from the 2000 round of censuses. Census data were used for 22 countries. Countries not taking periodic censuses but keeping population registers have provided data extracted from these registers; this is the case for four countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. For some countries, not all themes covered in the database are present in the national census or register. Labour force surveys, provided by Eurostat and averaged over the period 1998-2002, have been used to fill the gaps where possible.
    • Декабрь 2018
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 03 декабря, 2018
      The sources for this database are mainly census data, from the 2000 round of censuses. Census data were used for 22 countries. Countries not taking periodic censuses but keeping population registers have provided data extracted from these registers; this is the case for four countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. For some countries, not all themes covered in the database are present in the national census or register. Labour force surveys, provided by Eurostat and averaged over the period 1998-2002, have been used to fill the gaps where possible. The exact national source and reference period for each file is given in Table A.1 (see the methodological document).
  • O
  • P
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 31 августа, 2024
      The OECD Productivity Database aims at providing users with the most comprehensive and the latest productivity estimates. The update cycle is on a rolling basis: each variable in the dataset is made publicly available as soon as it is updated in the sources databases. The productivity database contains data on labour productivity both measured using employment or hours worked and the compenents of capital and labour inputs. The productivity database in levels, in growth rates and by industry contains annual data, while the database on productivity and unit labour costs are quarterly estimates. Further information for all datasets and the methodology may be found in the attached file OECD-Productivity-Statistics-Database-metadata
  • R
    • Май 2021
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 сентября, 2022
      The Regional Database contains annual data from 1995 to the most recent available year (generally 2016 for demographic, 2015 for labor market data and 2014 for regional accounts, innovation and social statistics).
  • S
    • Июль 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 24 июля, 2023
      The OECD indicators of employment protection are synthetic indicators of the strictness of regulation on dismissals and the use of temporary contracts. For each year, indicators refer to regulation in force on the 1st of January. Version 1 of the indicator of strictness of employment protection - individual and collective dismissals (regular contracts) - does not incorporate all the data items of version 3 and, in particular, does not incorporate regulation of collective dismissals. You should only use version 1 if you need data for years for which neither version 2 nor 3 are available.
    • Август 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 августа, 2023
      The OECD indicators of employment protection are synthetic indicators of the strictness of regulation on dismissals and the use of temporary contracts. For each year, indicators refer to regulation in force on the 1st of January. For more information and full methodology, see
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 ноября, 2023
      The OECD indicators of employment protection are synthetic indicators of the strictness of regulation on dismissals and the use of temporary contracts. For each year, indicators refer to regulation in force on the 1st of January. For more information and full methodology, see
    • Июль 2023
      Источник: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 июля, 2023
      The OECD indicators of employment protection legislation evaluate the regulations on the dismissal of workers on regular contracts and the hiring of workers on temporary contracts. They cover both individual and collective dismissals.The indicators have been compiled using the Secretariat’s own reading of statutory laws, collective bargaining agreements and case law as well as contributions from officials from OECD member countries and advice from country experts