National Association of State Park Directors

The National Association of State Park Directors (NASPD) is devoted to helping state park systems effectively manage and administer their state park system. The mission of the Association is to promote and advance the state park systems of America for their own significance, as well as for their important contributions to the nation’s environment, heritage, health and economy.

Все наборы данных: S
  • S
    • Март 2016
      Источник: National Association of State Park Directors
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 марта, 2020
      The AIX reports are designed and intended primarily for use by the state park directors and their staff for various purposes, such as identifying program, facility and personnel needs, formulating budgetary requests for state legislatures, and comparing their programs with those of the other states. For such “inhouse” use, the reported data essentially speak for themselves and require little explanation or amplification. Over the years, however, state parks data published in the AIX have been increasingly requested, and presumably used, by a growing number of other individuals – in academic institutions, other governmental agencies, and business and industry. Because of these expanding external interests, it is important that the subject data first be adequately understood so they may be properly applied. For that reason, every effort has been made in compiling this report to provide guidance for the user, as well as to ensure accuracy and completeness of the data themselves.