National Institute of Statistics, Italy

The Italian National Institute of Statistics is a public research organisation. It has been present in Italy since 1926, and is the main producer of official statistics in the service of citizens and policy-makers. It operates in complete independence and continuous interaction with the academic and scientific communities. Since 1989 Istat has been performing the role of directing, coordinating, and providing technical assistance and training within the National Statistical System (Sistan). The System was established under Legislative Decree 322/89 in order to rationalise the production and publication of information and to optimise resources allocated to official statistics. Sistanis made up of Istat, central and branch statistical departments of Public Administrations, of local and regional bodies, Chambers of Commerce, other public bodies and administrations providing statistical information.

Все наборы данных: A N W
  • A
    • Декабрь 2022
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 декабря, 2022
      Data source(s) used: Annual register on earnings, working hours and labour cost for persons and enterprises RACLI is the Register with information on employment, wages, labor costs and hours for each employee job (a person might have one or more jobs, with the same or different employer, at the same time or not) and related employer (LEED structure employer-employee Database) in the private non-agricultural sector. It is consistent with the Employment and Business Register (ASIA Occupazione e Imprese) and the Business Local Unit (ASIA UL).From the beginning the production of the RACLI register started separately but in a coordinated way with the employment information system (the so-called DB-Employment) at the single job position level, whose experimentation started during the Census of Industry and Services 2011 thanks to the timely availability of new LEED administrative sources and in particular of the new National Social Security Institution (INPS) declaration, the UniEmens. The main basic statistical input for the production of the RACLI register is the DB-Employment, based on the integration of various administrative sources of the INPS Social Security Institute and not only, among which for the employees a fundamental role is played by the UniEmens archive, in addition to those relating to employees of the entertainment sector (Enpals flowed into the UniEmens since 2015), agriculture (DMAG) and the archieve related to workers with the INPS short-time work benefits.The role of RACLI is mainly to extend, for the employee job sub-population, the information on gross wages, labor costs and hours paid by integrating information from the UniEmens, other than the information related to employment, but also merging other administrative and statistical sources, including data from the 770 / CU tax model and survey data, in particular the four-yearly ‘Structure of Earnings Survey’ (SES), the quarterly survey on ‘Job vacancies and hours worked’ (Vela) and the ‘Monthly survey on employment, working time, earnings and labour cost in large enterprises’ (GI).The main statistical units of the RACLI register is the employee job position defined as the work relationship established between an economic unit and an individual and defined by a starting date.The RACLI register produces annual information on wages and hours paid with a high level of detail with regard to the characteristics of the job position (working time, duration of the contract, contract position, etc.), of the individual (gender, age, country of birth, level of education through the integration with the Population Register) and of the economic unit (economic activity code, size class, local units, etc .. thanks to integration with the ‘Statistical Business Register’ ASIA). The variable total labor cost, at the moment, is produced only at company level, integrating for this purpose also the information from the quarterly survey ‘Employment, earnings and social security contributions’ (OROS) but advanced study are on progress for the estimation of the other labour costs at job level.The first release of RACLI Register was on the 30 December 2016 related to data of the reference year 2014 (Istat, 2016) but it auxiliary information has been widely used since 2012 for a lot of different statistical purposes.
  • N
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 04 января, 2024
      Data source(s) used: OROS Survey (Employment, earnings and social security contributions): The Oros survey is aimed at producing quarterly indicators on gross wages, other labour costs and total labour cost for firms with at least one employee. To reduce the statistical burden on enterprises, Oros survey uses data from pre-existent statistical surveys and from administrative sources. Oros indicators are estimated by the integration of Social Security data (employers’ social contribution declarations to Inps, the Italian Social Security Institution) and monthly Large firms Survey data (LES). The Oros target population are enterprises and private institutions with employees that, in the reference quarter, have paid wages and salaries subjected to social contributions and classified in the sectors of industry (sections B to F of the Nace Rev. 2) and services (G to N of the Nace Rev. 2). Each quarter, Oros survey releases a provisional estimate on the current quarter and a final estimate related to the same quarter of the preceding year. The provisional estimate is released with a delay of about 70 days after the end of the reference period and can be revised for the next three quarters until the final estimate release, after 12 months. The final estimate is required to incorporate the new information available after the provisional estimate. The discrepancy between the preliminary estimate and the final one depends on many different factors: - quality and completeness of the final version of the administrative micro data improve with respect to the preliminary version; - the annual revision of the LES data referred to the previous year, included in the OROS estimates in the delivery of the first quarter; – updating of structural variables based on other external sources (e.g. Nace Rev. 2 economic activity classification and institutional nature, etc.); - occasional methodological revisions of the indicators’ estimate.
  • W
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 ноября, 2023
      Data source(s) used: INPSINPS' administrative archives: The compensation wage fund was established by Legislative Decree n. 788/1945, and is a financial benefit provided by INPS with the function to replace or supplement the pay of workers suspended or with reduced working hours when there are events specified by law (the lack of jobs, the bad weather, restructuring, reorganization and corporate restructuring). Depending on the nature of the event there are three types of intervention: Ordinary, Extraordinary and Deroga.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 февраля, 2024
      Data source(s) used: Gross contractual wages, length of work contract and yearly wages and salaries on an accrual basis: Statistics from this survey are based on concept of labour price. For each nation-wide collective agreement, the number of employees and their composition by specific wage level (combined with indications for seniority, skill, estimation about shift work) are fixed at a base year and remain constant until the renewal of base has been done. Employees exclude apprentices and managers. The base used now is December 2010=100 Moreover, these indicators are not influenced by changes due to overtime, worked hours or not worked for strikes or worker's illness. Istat produces two type of statistics on wages according to collective agreements: monthly index (IRC) and annual figures (RCA). Both indicators include basic pay, seniority and shift work allowance, all bonuses specified in national agreements and payable to all workers as well as those paid periodically (e.g. the 13th month). Bonuses related to individual performance or individual working conditions, supplementary payment agreed at the company or local level are not included. Monthly index excludes also bonuses-arrears and una tantum paid in late, but these two items are included in the annual wage figures (retribuzione annua di competenza o di cassa). Wages include tax and social security contributions paid by employees. The monthly index is calculated dividing by 12 the annual figures for each group of qualifications in the collective agreement. It shows the evolution of full-time employees' wages according to collective agreement and to law in force. General index is calculated each month as the average of the increase sets in each collective agreement signed in the national territory. The figures are derived from a selection of the most relevant nation-wide collective bargaining agreements on wages between labour unions and employers' associations. Every month the press release "Contratti collettivi e retribuzioni contrattuali" publishes two wage indices in national labour agreements: per capita and per hour. Per capita index measures the change in the collectively agreed annual wages compared to the base year. Hourly index measures the change of the wages per unit of time (annual earnings divided by the total number of working hours in the year). Annual figures are in terms of accrual or cash values. The first one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di competenza) is the annual wage amount that employees would earn each year if the National Collective Agreement came in force on time. This remuneration assigns backdated una tantum and arrears payments to the theoretical relative month. The second one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di cassa) is the sum of wages that employees have actually received every month. Accrual values are revised if the renewed collective agreement settles the payment of una tantum and/or arrears for the period in which the collective agreement is expired and the new isn't still signed.
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 13 февраля, 2024
      Statistics from this survey refer to a concept of labour price. For each nation-wide collective agreement, the number of employees and their composition by specific wage level (combined with indications for seniority, skill, estimation about shift work) are fixed at a base year and remain constant until the renewal of base has been done. Employees exclude apprentices and managers. The base used now is December 2015=100 Moreover, these indicators are not influenced by changes due to overtime, worked hours or not worked for strikes or worker's illness. Istat produces two type of statistics on wages according to collective agreements: monthly index (IRC) and annual figures (RCA). Both indicators include basic pay, seniority and shift work allowance, all bonuses specified in national agreements and payable to all workers as well as those paid periodically (e.g. the 13th month). Bonuses related to individual performance or individual working conditions, supplementary payment agreed at the company or local level are not included. Monthly index excludes also bonuses-arrears and una tantum paid in late, but these two items are included in the annual wage figures (retribuzione annua di competenza o di cassa). Wages include tax and social security contributions paid by employees. The monthly index is calculated dividing by 12 the annual figures for each group of qualifications in the collective agreement. It shows the evolution of full-time employees' wages according to collective agreement and to law in force. General index is calculated each month as the average of the increase sets in each collective agreement signed in the national territory. The figures are derived from a selection of the most relevant nation-wide collective bargaining agreements on wages between labour unions and employers' associations. Every month the press release "Contratti collettivi e retribuzioni contrattuali" publishes two wage indices in national labour agreements: per capita and per hour. Per capita index measures the change in the collectively agreed annual wages compared to the base year. Hourly index measures the change of the wages per unit of time (annual earnings divided by the total number of working hours in the year). Annual figures are in terms of accrual or cash values. The first one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di competenza) is the annual wage amount that employees would earn each year if the National Collective Agreement came in force on time. This remuneration assigns backdated una tantum and arrears payments to the theoretical relative month.
    • Февраль 2023
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics, Italy
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 04 февраля, 2023
      Data source(s) used: Data were drawn August 31, 2011Gross contractual wages, length of work contract and yearly wages and salaries on an accrual basis: Statistics from this survey are based on concept of labour price. For each nation-wide collective agreement, the number of employees and their composition by specific wage level (combined with indications for seniority, skill, estimation about shift work) are fixed at a base year and remain constant until the renewal of base has been done. Employees exclude apprentices and managers. The base used now is December 2010=100 Moreover, these indicators are not influenced by changes due to overtime, worked hours or not worked for strikes or worker's illness. Istat produces two type of statistics on wages according to collective agreements: monthly index (IRC) and annual figures (RCA). Both indicators include basic pay, seniority and shift work allowance, all bonuses specified in national agreements and payable to all workers as well as those paid periodically (e.g. the 13th month). Bonuses related to individual performance or individual working conditions, supplementary payment agreed at the company or local level are not included. Monthly index excludes also bonuses-arrears and una tantum paid in late, but these two items are included in the annual wage figures (retribuzione annua di competenza o di cassa). Wages include tax and social security contributions paid by employees. The monthly index is calculated dividing by 12 the annual figures for each group of qualifications in the collective agreement. It shows the evolution of full-time employees' wages according to collective agreement and to law in force. General index is calculated each month as the average of the increase sets in each collective agreement signed in the national territory. The figures are derived from a selection of the most relevant nation-wide collective bargaining agreements on wages between labour unions and employers' associations. Every month the press release "Contratti collettivi e retribuzioni contrattuali" publishes two wage indices in national labour agreements: per capita and per hour. Per capita index measures the change in the collectively agreed annual wages compared to the base year. Hourly index measures the change of the wages per unit of time (annual earnings divided by the total number of working hours in the year). Annual figures are in terms of accrual or cash values. The first one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di competenza) is the annual wage amount that employees would earn each year if the National Collective Agreement came in force on time. This remuneration assigns backdated una tantum and arrears payments to the theoretical relative month. The second one (retribuzione contrattuale annua di cassa) is the sum of wages that employees have actually received every month. Accrual values are revised if the renewed collective agreement settles the payment of una tantum and/or arrears for the period in which the collective agreement is expired and the new isn't still signed.