National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, Peru

The National Institute of Statistics and Information Technology -INEI- is a specialized technical body, with legal status of internal public law, with technical and managerial autonomy, dependent on the President of the Council of Ministers. It is the central body and rector of the National Statistical System, responsible for regulating, planning, directing, coordinating and supervising the official statistical activities of the country. The INEI has the rank of Functional System and its Chief is the highest authority of the National Statistical System. The organic structure of the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, is made up of: i). The Senior Management, integrated by the Headquarters, Sub-Head of Statistics and General Secretariat; ii). Advisory bodies; iii). Support bodies; iv). Deconcentrated bodies conformed by the National School of Statistics and Computer Science and the Research and Development Center; Y, v). The statistical line organs, constituted by the National Directorate of Censuses and Surveys, National Directorate of National Accounts, Technical Directorate of Economic Indicators and the Technical Directorate of Demography and Social Indicators. For a better coverage of the information we produce and the opportunity to disseminate it, the INEI has offices in all departmental capitals and in the cities of Chimbote and Tarapoto.

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    • Январь 2022
      Источник: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics, Peru
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 24 января, 2022
      Demographic Statistics of Peru