International Labour Organization

The International Labour Organization (ILO) is a United Nations agency dealing with labour issues. The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. The ILO was founded in 1919, in the wake of a destructive war, to pursue a vision based on the premise that universal, lasting peace can be established only if it is based on social justice. The ILO became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946.

Все наборы данных: P
  • P
    • Апрель 2022
      Источник: International Labour Organization
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2022
      Data may differ from nationally reported figures and the Global SDG Indicators Database due to differences in sources and/or reference years. Estimates on economic activity among children aged 5-17 refer to: (a) children 5–11 years old who, during the reference week, did at least one hour of economic activity, (b) children 12–14 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 14 hours of economic activity, (c) children 15–17 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 43 hours of economic activity. For more information, refer to the concepts and definitions page.
    • Февраль 2025
      Источник: International Labour Organization
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 24 февраля, 2025
      Data may differ from nationally reported figures and the Global SDG Indicators Database due to differences in sources and/or reference years. Estimates on economic activity and household chores among children aged 5-17 refer to: (a) children 5–11 years old who, during the reference week, did at least one hour of economic activity or at least 21 hours of household chores, (b) children 12–14 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 14 hours of economic activity or at least 21 hours of household chores, (c) children 15–17 years old who, during the reference week, did at least 43 hours of economic activity. For more information, refer to the concepts and definitions page.