
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across EU member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.

Все наборы данных: A E F G P T
  • A
    • Май 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 мая, 2024
      The Air transport domain contains national and international intra and extra-EU data. This provides air transport data for passengers (in number of passengers) and for freight and mail (in 1 000 tonnes) as well as air traffic data by airports, airlines and aircraft. Data are transmitted to Eurostat by the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland as well as by Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries (on voluntary basis). The statistics are compiled followinng the provisions of the Regulation (EC) N°1358/2003, implementing Regulation N°437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air. They are and transmitted to Eurostat on a monthly and annual basis (depending on the dataset and airport category). The air transport data are collected at airport level. As from 2003 reference year the data are provided according to the legal act (some countries were given derogation until 2005). Until 2002 partial information (passenger transport only) are available for some countries and airports. Airports handling less than 15 000 passenger units annually are excluded from the scope of the Regulation. Datasets A1 and B1 are provided on monthly basis, while dataset C1 can be provided either on monthly or annual basis. For some countries optional variable - total number of transfer passengers - is provided as well. The data are disseminated by Eurostat in on-line database in four sub-domains: Air Transport measurement - PassengersAir Transport measurement - Freight and mailAir Transport measurement - Traffic data by airports, aircraft and airlinesAir Transport measurement - Data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS). The two first domains contain several data collections: Overview of the air transport by country and airport,National air transport by country and airport,International intra-EU air transport by country and airport,International extra-EU air transport by country and airport,Detailed air transport by reporting country and routes. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Passengers", data are broken down by passengers on board (arrivals, departures and total), passengers carried (arrivals, departures and total) and passenger commercial air flights (arrival, departures and total). Additionally, the tables of collection "Detailed air transport by reporting country and routes" provide data on seats available (arrival, departures and total). The data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Freight and mail", data are broken down by freight and mail on board (arrival, departures and total), freight and mail loaded/unloaded (loaded, unloaded and total) and all-freight and mail commercial air flights (arrival, departures and total). The data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Traffic by airports, aircraft and airlines": - Data by type of aircraft are broken down by total passengers on board, total freight and mail on board in tonnes, total passengers seats available, total commercial air flights (passengers + all-freight and mail), passenger commercial air flights, all-freight and mail commercial air flights. The data is presented at annual level since 2003. - Data by type of airline are broken down by total passengers on board, total passengers carried, total freight and mail on board, total freight and mail loaded/unloaded, total passengers seats available, total commercial air flights (passengers + all-freight and mail), passenger commercial air flights, all-freight and mail commercial air flights. The data is presented at annual level since 2003. - Data by airport are  broken down by total passengers carried, total transit passengers, total transfer passengers, total freight and mail loaded/unloaded, total commercial aircraft movements, total aircrafts movements. the data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. The sub-domain "Transport measurement - Data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS)", contains two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. More information can be found in Regional transport statistics metadata file. For more details on datasets, data validation and issemination refer also to  Reference Manual on Air Transport Statistics available in the Annex part of the metadata.
  • E
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2018
      The labour market policy (LMP) database was developed and maintained by Eurostat till 2013. From 2014, the LMP database is developed and maintained by European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and LMP data are disseminated by Eurostat. European Commission's LMP database provides information on labour market interventions, which are government actions to help and support the unemployed and other disadvantaged groups in the transition from unemployment or inactivity to work. The scope of the LMP database is limited to interventions that are explicitly targeted at groups of persons with difficulties in the labour market: the unemployed, persons employed but at risk of involuntary job loss and persons currently considered as inactive persons but who would like to enter the labour market. LMP statistics are one of the data sources for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (part II of the Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines) through the Europe 2020 Joint Assessment Framework (JAF). The guidelines specifically refer to the provision of active labour market policies, which cover LMP measures and LMP services, and adequate social security systems, which include LMP supports. The unit of observation in the LMP database is the labour market intervention and data on the expenditure and participants for each intervention are collected annually from administrative sources in each country. The database also collects extensive qualitative information that describes each intervention, how it works, the main target groups, etc. LMP interventions are classified by type of action into three broad types – services, measures and supports – and into 9 detailed categories (see 3.2 Classification system). The LMP database covers all EU Member States and Norway. Data for the EU-15 countries and Norway are available from 1998 whilst the more recently acceded EU countries started providing data at different times from 2003 onwards. The following data and metadata are available: Summary tables of expenditure and participants by type of action For each country: detailed tables of expenditure and participants by intervention LMP based indicators for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (for definitions see annexes below) Reference data on persons registered with Public Employment Services (PES) Qualitative reports describing the interventions in each country
  • F
    • Март 2009
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 ноября, 2015
      Structural business statistics (SBS) describes the structure, conduct and performance of economic activities, down to the most detailed activity level (several hundred economic sectors). SBS are transmitted annually by the EU Member States on the basis of a legal obligation from 1995 onwards.   SBS covers all activities of the business economy with the exception of agricultural activities and personal services and the data are provided by all EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland, some candidate and potential candidate countries. The data are collected by domain of activity (annex) : Annex I - Services, Annex II - Industry, Annex III - Trade and Annex IV- Constructions and by datasets. Each annex contains several datasets as indicated in the SBS Regulation. The majority of the data is collected by National Statistical Institutes (NSIs) by means of statistical surveys, business registers or from various administrative sources. Regulatory or controlling national offices for financial institutions or central banks often provide the information required for the financial sector (NACE Rev 2 Section K / NACE Rev 1.1 Section J). Member States apply various statistical methods, according to the data source, such as grossing up, model based estimation or different forms of imputation, to ensure the quality of SBSs produced. Main characteristics (variables) of the SBS data category: Business Demographic variables (e.g. Number of enterprises)"Output related" variables (e.g. Turnover, Value added)"Input related" variables: labour input (e.g. Employment, Hours worked); goods and services input (e.g. Total of purchases); capital input (e.g. Material investments) All SBS characteristics are published on Eurostat’s website by tables and an example of the existent tables is presented below: Annual enterprise statistics: Characteristics collected are published by country and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 class level (4-digits). Some classes or groups in 'services' section have been aggregated.Annual enterprise statistics broken down by size classes: Characteristics are published by country and detailed down to NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 group level (3-digits) and employment size class. For trade (NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 Section G) a supplementary breakdown by turnover size class is available.Annual regional statistics: Four characteristics are published by NUTS-2 country region and detailed on NACE Rev 2 and NACE Rev 1.1 division level (2-digits) (but to group level (3-digits) for the trade section). More information on the contents of different tables: the detail level and breakdowns required starting with the reference year 2008 is defined in Commission Regulation N° 251/2009. For previous reference years it is included in Commission Regulations (EC) N° 2701/98 and amended by Commission Regulation N°1614/2002 and Commission Regulation N°1669/2003. Several important derived indicators are generated in the form of ratios of certain monetary characteristics or per head values. A list with the available derived indicators is available below in the Annex.
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 марта, 2024
      The Air transport domain contains national and international intra and extra-EU data. This provides air transport data for passengers (in number of passengers) and for freight and mail (in 1 000 tonnes) as well as air traffic data by airports, airlines and aircraft. Data are transmitted to Eurostat by the Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland as well as by Candidate and Potential Candidate Countries (on voluntary basis). The statistics are compiled followinng the provisions of the Regulation (EC) N°1358/2003, implementing Regulation N°437/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of passengers, freight and mail by air. They are and transmitted to Eurostat on a monthly and annual basis (depending on the dataset and airport category). The air transport data are collected at airport level. As from 2003 reference year the data are provided according to the legal act (some countries were given derogation until 2005). Until 2002 partial information (passenger transport only) are available for some countries and airports. Airports handling less than 15 000 passenger units annually are excluded from the scope of the Regulation. Datasets A1 and B1 are provided on monthly basis, while dataset C1 can be provided either on monthly or annual basis. For some countries optional variable - total number of transfer passengers - is provided as well. The data are disseminated by Eurostat in on-line database in four sub-domains: Air Transport measurement - PassengersAir Transport measurement - Freight and mailAir Transport measurement - Traffic data by airports, aircraft and airlinesAir Transport measurement - Data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS). The two first domains contain several data collections: Overview of the air transport by country and airport,National air transport by country and airport,International intra-EU air transport by country and airport,International extra-EU air transport by country and airport,Detailed air transport by reporting country and routes. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Passengers", data are broken down by passengers on board (arrivals, departures and total), passengers carried (arrivals, departures and total) and passenger commercial air flights (arrival, departures and total). Additionally, the tables of collection "Detailed air transport by reporting country and routes" provide data on seats available (arrival, departures and total). The data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Freight and mail", data are broken down by freight and mail on board (arrival, departures and total), freight and mail loaded/unloaded (loaded, unloaded and total) and all-freight and mail commercial air flights (arrival, departures and total). The data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. In the tables of the sub-domain "Transport measurement - Traffic by airports, aircraft and airlines": - Data by type of aircraft are broken down by total passengers on board, total freight and mail on board in tonnes, total passengers seats available, total commercial air flights (passengers + all-freight and mail), passenger commercial air flights, all-freight and mail commercial air flights. The data is presented at annual level since 2003. - Data by type of airline are broken down by total passengers on board, total passengers carried, total freight and mail on board, total freight and mail loaded/unloaded, total passengers seats available, total commercial air flights (passengers + all-freight and mail), passenger commercial air flights, all-freight and mail commercial air flights. The data is presented at annual level since 2003. - Data by airport are  broken down by total passengers carried, total transit passengers, total transfer passengers, total freight and mail loaded/unloaded, total commercial aircraft movements, total aircrafts movements. the data is presented at monthly, quarterly and annual level. The sub-domain "Transport measurement - Data aggregated at standard regional levels (NUTS)", contains two tables: Air transport of passengers at regional levelAir transport of freight at regional level The tables present the evolution of the number of passengers carried (if not available passengers on board) and the volume of freight and mail loaded or unloaded (if not available freight and mail on board) to/from the NUTS regions (level 2, 1 and 0) since 1999. The data is presented at annual level. The air transport regional data have been calculated using data collected at the airport level in the frame of the regulatory data collection on air transport. More information can be found in Regional transport statistics metadata file. For more details on datasets, data validation and issemination refer also to  Reference Manual on Air Transport Statistics available in the Annex part of the metadata.
  • G
    • Июль 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 июля, 2023
      The maritime transport domain contains quarterly and annual data. Maritime transport data refer to gross weight of goods (in tonnes), passenger movements (in number of passengers) as well as for vessel traffic (in number of vessels and in gross tonnage of vessels). Data for transport of goods transported on Ro-Ro units or in containers are also expressed in number of units or number of TEUs (20 foot equivalent units). Data at regional level (NUTS 2, 1 and 0) are also available. The statistics on maritime transport are collected within Directive 2009/42/EC and Commission Decision 2008/861/EC, as amended by Commission Decision 2010/216/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 April 2010, by Regulation 1090/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 and by Commission Delegated Decision 2012/186/EU of 3 February 2012. Data are collected by the national competent authorities in the reporting countries using a variety of data sources, such as port administration systems, national maritime databases, customs databases or questionnaires to ports or shipping agents (see section 18.1). The maritime transport data have been calculated using data collected at port level. The data are displayed at port level, regional level, Maritime Coastal Area (MCA) level and country level. The data are presented in six collections, displaying main annual results, short sea shipping, passengers, goods vessel traffic and regional statistics.
  • P
    • Август 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 августа, 2018
      The labour market policy (LMP) database was developed and maintained by Eurostat till 2013. From 2014, the LMP database is developed and maintained by European Commission's Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and LMP data are disseminated by Eurostat. European Commission's LMP database provides information on labour market interventions, which are government actions to help and support the unemployed and other disadvantaged groups in the transition from unemployment or inactivity to work. The scope of the LMP database is limited to interventions that are explicitly targeted at groups of persons with difficulties in the labour market: the unemployed, persons employed but at risk of involuntary job loss and persons currently considered as inactive persons but who would like to enter the labour market. LMP statistics are one of the data sources for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (part II of the Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines) through the Europe 2020 Joint Assessment Framework (JAF). The guidelines specifically refer to the provision of active labour market policies, which cover LMP measures and LMP services, and adequate social security systems, which include LMP supports. The unit of observation in the LMP database is the labour market intervention and data on the expenditure and participants for each intervention are collected annually from administrative sources in each country. The database also collects extensive qualitative information that describes each intervention, how it works, the main target groups, etc. LMP interventions are classified by type of action into three broad types – services, measures and supports – and into 9 detailed categories (see 3.2 Classification system). The LMP database covers all EU Member States and Norway. Data for the EU-15 countries and Norway are available from 1998 whilst the more recently acceded EU countries started providing data at different times from 2003 onwards. The following data and metadata are available: Summary tables of expenditure and participants by type of action For each country: detailed tables of expenditure and participants by intervention LMP based indicators for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (for definitions see annexes below) Reference data on persons registered with Public Employment Services (PES) Qualitative reports describing the interventions in each country
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 13 января, 2024
      The maritime transport domain contains quarterly and annual data. Maritime transport data refer to gross weight of goods (in tonnes), passenger movements (in number of passengers) as well as for vessel traffic (in number of vessels and in gross tonnage of vessels). Data for transport of goods transported on Ro-Ro units or in containers are also expressed in number of units or number of TEUs (20 foot equivalent units). Data at regional level (NUTS 2, 1 and 0) are also available. The statistics on maritime transport are collected within Directive 2009/42/EC and Commission Decision 2008/861/EC, as amended by Commission Decision 2010/216/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 April 2010, by Regulation 1090/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 and by Commission Delegated Decision 2012/186/EU of 3 February 2012. Data are collected by the national competent authorities in the reporting countries using a variety of data sources, such as port administration systems, national maritime databases, customs databases or questionnaires to ports or shipping agents (see section 18.1). The maritime transport data have been calculated using data collected at port level. The data are displayed at port level, regional level, Maritime Coastal Area (MCA) level and country level. The data are presented in six collections, displaying main annual results, short sea shipping, passengers, goods vessel traffic and regional statistics.
  • T
    • Март 2017
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 июня, 2019
        The tables comprise data as part of  mandatory data collection based on the legal act. Data collection on goods and passenger transport is based on Regulation EC 2018/643 which is recast of regulation 2016/2032 amending the regulation 91/2003. from the beginning of 2003. The freight data from 1982 until 2002 are based on Directive 80/1177/EEC. Compared to the Directive, Regulation 91/2003 covers the transport of passengers and statistics on accidents in addition to the transport of goods. A detailed description of the source of each dissemination table can be found in the section 21.3Annex (Legal acts and corresponding dissemination tables) at the bottom of this page.  
    • Май 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 мая, 2023