
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg. Its task is to provide the European Union with statistics at European level that enable comparisons between countries and regions and to promote the harmonisation of statistical methods across EU member states and candidates for accession as well as EFTA countries.

Все наборы данных: B C E F G H I M N O S T U
  • B
    • Июнь 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 декабря, 2015
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      The International trade balance indicator is the difference between exports and imports of goods. Exports of goods record flows from an EA/EU Member State to a non-EA/EU country while imports record inwards flows. Exports are expressed in value terms and measured free on board (FOB), while imports are expressed in value terms and measured "cost, insurance, freight" (CIF ). "Goods" means all movable property including electric current. Data are expressed in million euros. Data are presented in the calendar and seasonally adjusted form.
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      The International trade balance indicator is the difference between exports and imports of goods. Exports of goods record flows from an EA/EU Member State to a non-EA/EU country while imports record inwards flows. Exports are expressed in value terms and measured free on board (FOB), while imports are expressed in value terms and measured "cost, insurance, freight" (CIF ). "Goods" means all movable property including electric current. Data are expressed in million euros. Data are presented in the calendar and seasonally adjusted form.
  • C
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cpc_etmain  The focus of this domain is on the following country groups:Acceeding country: Croatia (HR)Candidate countries: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)Potential candidate countries: Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (XK)
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 марта, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cpc_ettot  The focus of this domain is on the following country groups:Acceeding country: Croatia (HR)Candidate countries: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)Potential candidate countries: Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (XK)
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 мая, 2014
      Eurostat Dataset Id:cpc_etsitc  The focus of this domain is on the following country groups:Acceeding country: Croatia (HR)Candidate countries: the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)Potential candidate countries: Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99 (XK)
    • Октябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 октября, 2016
      The focus of this domain is on enlargement countries, in other words the following country groups: candidate countries — Albania (AL), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)potential candidates — Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo (XK) (*) An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
    • Октябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 октября, 2016
      The focus of this domain is on enlargement countries, in other words the following country groups: candidate countries — Albania (AL), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)potential candidates — Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo (XK) (*) An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. It is either expressed as % of GDP or million of national currency. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The MIP scoreboard indicator is the three-year backward moving average of the current account balance expressed in percent of GDP and calculated as: [[(CAt/GDPt)+(CAt-1/GDPt-1)+(CAt-2/GDPt-2)]/3]*100 The indicative thresholds for the indicator are of +6% and -4%. The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the Sixth Edition of the IMF's Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6).
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 августа, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. It is either expressed as % of GDP or million of national currency. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6)
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. It is either expressed as % of GDP or million units of national currency. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a net balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 августа, 2024
      The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world. It is composed of the current account and the capital and financial account. The current account is itself subdivided into goods, services, income and current transfers; it registers the value of exports (credits) and imports (debits). The difference between these two values is the "balance".
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 августа, 2024
      The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world. The balance of payments is composed of two broad sub-balances: the current account and the capital and financial account. The current account is itself subdivided into four basic components: goods, services, income and current transfers. For each of these items, the current account registers the value of exports (credits) and imports (debits). The difference between these two values is the "balance".
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 августа, 2024
      The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world. The balance of payments is composed by two broad sub-balances: the current account and the capital and financial account. The current account is itself subdivided into four basic components: goods, services, income and current transfers. For each of these items, the current account registers the value of exports (credits) and imports (debits). The difference between these two values is the balance.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 августа, 2024
      The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world. It is composed of the current account and the capital and financial account. The current account is itself subdivided into goods, services, income and current transfers; it registers the value of exports (credits) and imports (debits). The difference between these two values is the "balance".
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 августа, 2024
      The balance of payments is a record of a country's international transactions with the rest of the world. It is composed of the current account and the capital and financial account. The current account is itself subdivided into goods, services, income and current transfers; it registers the value of exports (credits) and imports (debits). The difference between these two values is the "balance".
    • Июнь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 13 августа, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a net balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a net balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a net balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed as % of GDP. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 августа, 2024
      The Current account provides information about the transactions of a country with the rest of the world. It covers all transactions (other than those in financial items) in goods, services, primary income, and secondary income which occur between resident and non-resident units. The data are expressed in Million units of national currency. The financial flows are marked as a credit, a debit or a balance. The current account together with the capital and the financial accounts forms the Balance of Payments (BoP). The indicator is based on the BoP data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
  • E
    • Январь 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 января, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:enpr_etmain The domain focuses on the Eastern European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP): Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD) and the Ukraine (UA). Data are provided for 200 to 300 indicators.
    • Январь 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 января, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:enpr_ettot The domain focuses on the Eastern European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP): Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD) and the Ukraine (UA). Data are provided for 200 to 300 indicators.
    • Январь 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 января, 2020
      Eurostat Dataset Id:enpr_etsitc The domain focuses on the Eastern European Neighbourhood Policy countries (ENP): Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD) and the Ukraine (UA). Data are provided for 200 to 300 indicators.
    • Январь 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 января, 2020
      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries in Eastern Europe, namely Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD) and Ukraine (UA). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain.
    • Январь 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 января, 2020
      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries in Eastern Europe, namely Armenia (AM), Azerbaijan (AZ), Belarus (BY), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD) and Ukraine (UA). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain.
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 25 апреля, 2024
      The indicator is defined as the value (at current prices) of EU imports from developing countries. In this context, developing countries are defined as the countries on the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list of official development assistance beneficiaries. The indicator is presented broken down by income groups of partner countries, as distinguished by the DAC list. Please note that these groups are not static over time, as countries can change groups.
    • Март 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 марта, 2018
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Март 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 марта, 2018
      20.1. Source data
    • Март 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 марта, 2018
      20.1. Source data
    • Июнь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Октябрь 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 октября, 2015
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 марта, 2016
       International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, external trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner, - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Февраль 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2020
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Type of users and requirements As international trade forms a major part of the world economy, statistics on trade in goods are an instrument of primary importance for numerous public and private sector decision makers. For example, international trade statistics • enable EU authorities to prepare multilateral and bilateral negotiations under the common commercial policy; • enable EU authorities to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and the integration of EU economies; • enable EU authorities to define and implement anti-dumping policies; • constitute an essential source of information for balance of payments statistics, national accounts and economic studies; and • help EU businesses conduct market research and define their commercial strategy. Statistics satisfy these needs in a variety of ways. Users may need either annual aggregated or detailed monthly data on products or partner countries. They may be interested in trade values in current prices or at constant prices. Alternatively, their interest may be in quantities rather than in values. These examples, which are far from exhaustive, show the diversity of users and their requirements. Eurostat tries to meet these various needs and to adapt to a changing environment, such as changes due to globalisation.   Extrastat and Intrastat: two data collection systems Traditionally ITGS are based on the data collected by customs authorities on trade transactions between countries. Customs declarations are used for statistical purposes as the basic data source which provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods with a geographical breakdown. The first piece of EU legislation on ITGS was adopted in 1975; it provided general guidelines on data collection and obliged Member States to send their data to Eurostat. The advent of the Single Market on 1 January 1993, with its removal of customs formalities between Member States and subsequent loss of trade statistics data sources, required the establishment of a new data collection system: Intrastat.. Since then ITGS are based on two data collection systems: Extrastat and Intrastat. Extrastat data on trade in goods with non-EU countries are collected by customs authorities and are based on the records of trade transactions in customs declarations, whereas Intrastat data are directly collected from intra-EU trade operators once a month. Alternative data sources may be used for some specific goods and movements like for among with ships, aircraft, gas and electricity.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data which refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Data are aggregated by broad product categories, both monthly (short-term indicators) and annually (long-term indicators). Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC); andDetailed data which refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions The frequency at which the data are compiled (data periodicity) and the product nomenclature differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export;product according to the relevant classification; andpartner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
    • Февраль 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2020
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Type of users and requirements As international trade forms a major part of the world economy, statistics on trade in goods are an instrument of primary importance for numerous public and private sector decision makers. For example, international trade statistics • enable EU authorities to prepare multilateral and bilateral negotiations under the common commercial policy; • enable EU authorities to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and the integration of EU economies; • enable EU authorities to define and implement anti-dumping policies; • constitute an essential source of information for balance of payments statistics, national accounts and economic studies; and • help EU businesses conduct market research and define their commercial strategy. Statistics satisfy these needs in a variety of ways. Users may need either annual aggregated or detailed monthly data on products or partner countries. They may be interested in trade values in current prices or at constant prices. Alternatively, their interest may be in quantities rather than in values. These examples, which are far from exhaustive, show the diversity of users and their requirements. Eurostat tries to meet these various needs and to adapt to a changing environment, such as changes due to globalisation.   Extrastat and Intrastat: two data collection systems Traditionally ITGS are based on the data collected by customs authorities on trade transactions between countries. Customs declarations are used for statistical purposes as the basic data source which provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods with a geographical breakdown. The first piece of EU legislation on ITGS was adopted in 1975; it provided general guidelines on data collection and obliged Member States to send their data to Eurostat. The advent of the Single Market on 1 January 1993, with its removal of customs formalities between Member States and subsequent loss of trade statistics data sources, required the establishment of a new data collection system: Intrastat.. Since then ITGS are based on two data collection systems: Extrastat and Intrastat. Extrastat data on trade in goods with non-EU countries are collected by customs authorities and are based on the records of trade transactions in customs declarations, whereas Intrastat data are directly collected from intra-EU trade operators once a month. Alternative data sources may be used for some specific goods and movements like for among with ships, aircraft, gas and electricity.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data which refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Data are aggregated by broad product categories, both monthly (short-term indicators) and annually (long-term indicators). Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC); andDetailed data which refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions The frequency at which the data are compiled (data periodicity) and the product nomenclature differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export;product according to the relevant classification; andpartner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 марта, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 марта, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, external trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner, - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Type of users and requirements As international trade forms a major part of the world economy, statistics on trade in goods are an instrument of primary importance for numerous public and private sector decision makers. For example, international trade statistics • enable EU authorities to prepare multilateral and bilateral negotiations under the common commercial policy; • enable EU authorities to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and the integration of EU economies; • enable EU authorities to define and implement anti-dumping policies; • constitute an essential source of information for balance of payments statistics, national accounts and economic studies; and • help EU businesses conduct market research and define their commercial strategy. Statistics satisfy these needs in a variety of ways. Users may need either annual aggregated or detailed monthly data on products or partner countries. They may be interested in trade values in current prices or at constant prices. Alternatively, their interest may be in quantities rather than in values. These examples, which are far from exhaustive, show the diversity of users and their requirements. Eurostat tries to meet these various needs and to adapt to a changing environment, such as changes due to globalisation.   Extrastat and Intrastat: two data collection systems Traditionally ITGS are based on the data collected by customs authorities on trade transactions between countries. Customs declarations are used for statistical purposes as the basic data source which provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods with a geographical breakdown. The first piece of EU legislation on ITGS was adopted in 1975; it provided general guidelines on data collection and obliged Member States to send their data to Eurostat. The advent of the Single Market on 1 January 1993, with its removal of customs formalities between Member States and subsequent loss of trade statistics data sources, required the establishment of a new data collection system: Intrastat.. Since then ITGS are based on two data collection systems: Extrastat and Intrastat. Extrastat data on trade in goods with non-EU countries are collected by customs authorities and are based on the records of trade transactions in customs declarations, whereas Intrastat data are directly collected from intra-EU trade operators once a month. Alternative data sources may be used for some specific goods and movements like for among with ships, aircraft, gas and electricity.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data which refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Data are aggregated by broad product categories, both monthly (short-term indicators) and annually (long-term indicators). Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC); andDetailed data which refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions The frequency at which the data are compiled (data periodicity) and the product nomenclature differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export;product according to the relevant classification; andpartner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 27 марта, 2016
       International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, external trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner, - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Февраль 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2023
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, external trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner, - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 марта, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term "exports" for all outward flows and "imports" for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat's classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Февраль 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2023
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Type of users and requirements As international trade forms a major part of the world economy, statistics on trade in goods are an instrument of primary importance for numerous public and private sector decision makers. For example, international trade statistics • enable EU authorities to prepare multilateral and bilateral negotiations under the common commercial policy; • enable EU authorities to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and the integration of EU economies; • enable EU authorities to define and implement anti-dumping policies; • constitute an essential source of information for balance of payments statistics, national accounts and economic studies; and • help EU businesses conduct market research and define their commercial strategy. Statistics satisfy these needs in a variety of ways. Users may need either annual aggregated or detailed monthly data on products or partner countries. They may be interested in trade values in current prices or at constant prices. Alternatively, their interest may be in quantities rather than in values. These examples, which are far from exhaustive, show the diversity of users and their requirements. Eurostat tries to meet these various needs and to adapt to a changing environment, such as changes due to globalisation.   Extrastat and Intrastat: two data collection systems Traditionally ITGS are based on the data collected by customs authorities on trade transactions between countries. Customs declarations are used for statistical purposes as the basic data source which provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods with a geographical breakdown. The first piece of EU legislation on ITGS was adopted in 1975; it provided general guidelines on data collection and obliged Member States to send their data to Eurostat. The advent of the Single Market on 1 January 1993, with its removal of customs formalities between Member States and subsequent loss of trade statistics data sources, required the establishment of a new data collection system: Intrastat.. Since then ITGS are based on two data collection systems: Extrastat and Intrastat. Extrastat data on trade in goods with non-EU countries are collected by customs authorities and are based on the records of trade transactions in customs declarations, whereas Intrastat data are directly collected from intra-EU trade operators once a month. Alternative data sources may be used for some specific goods and movements like for among with ships, aircraft, gas and electricity.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data which refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Data are aggregated by broad product categories, both monthly (short-term indicators) and annually (long-term indicators). Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC); andDetailed data which refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions The frequency at which the data are compiled (data periodicity) and the product nomenclature differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export;product according to the relevant classification; andpartner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
    • Февраль 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 февраля, 2023
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Monthly (short-term indicators) and annual (long-term indicators) data are aggregated by broad product categories. Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC).Detailed data refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain product aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions Data periodicity (monthly or yearly) and product nomenclature (CN, SITC, BEC or CPA) differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;partner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area.reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export; andproduct according to the relevant classification. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июля, 2024
      The export market share is calculated by dividing the exports of the country by the total exports of the region/world. The indicator measures the degree of importance of a country within the total exports of the region/world. For the calculation at current prices, the market share refers to the world trade (world export market share). Data on the values of exports of goods and services are compiled as part of the Balance of Payments of each country. To capture the structural losses in competitiveness that can accumulate over longer time periods, the indicator is calculated as 5 years % change - comparing year Y with year Y-5. A country might lose shares of export market not only if exports decline but most importantly if its exports do not grow at the same rate of world exports and its relative position at the global level deteriorates. The MIP scoreboard indicator is the percentage change of export market shares (of goods and services) over five years, with a lower indicative threshold of -6%. The formula is: [[(EXPc,t/EXPworld,t)-(EXPc,t-5/EXPworld,t-5)]/(EXPc,t-5/EXPworld,t-5)]*100 Source of total world data used as denominator: International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    • Июль 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 ноября, 2015
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июля, 2024
      The export market share is calculated by dividing the exports of the country by the total exports of the region/world (expressed as percentage in the database). The indicator measures the degree of importance of a country within the total exports of the region/world. For the calculation at current prices, the market share refers to the world trade (world export market share). Data on the values of exports of goods and services are compiled as part of the Balance of Payments of each country. The indicator is calculated as % of world total. Source of total world data used as denominator: International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июля, 2024
      The export market share is calculated by dividing the exports of the country by the total exports of the region/world (expressed as percentage in the database). The indicator measures the degree of importance of a country within the total exports of the region/world. For the calculation at current prices, the market share refers to the world trade (world export market share). Data on the values of exports of goods and services are compiled as part of the Balance of Payments of each country. The indicator is calculated as 1 years % change. A country might lose shares of export market not only if exports decline but most importantly if its exports do not grow at the same rate of world exports and its relative position at the global level deteriorates. Source of total world data used as denominator: International Monetary Fund (IMF).
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      The indicator is calculated by subtracting the world exports volume growth rate from the country exports volume growth rate. Eurostat's National accounts volumes for exports (as for all transactions concerning goods and services) are estimated in previous year prices to eliminate the influence of inflation. The volume growth rate is always calculated by comparing the year Y volume in previous year prices with the year Y-1 figure in current prices. The MIP indicator is expressed as percentage change comparing year Y with year Y-1. Data sources: Eurostat, online data code: nama_10_gdp (country's exports of goods and services) and IMF, World Economic Outlook (WEO) – world exports of goods and services.
    • Апрель 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 декабря, 2015
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      Data in this domain constitute only a small part of the entire National Accounts data range available from Eurostat. Annual and quarterly national accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 2010 as defined in Annex B of the Council Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013. The previous European System of Accounts, ESA95, was reviewed to bring national accounts in the European Union, in line with new economic environment, advances in methodological research and needs of users and the updated national accounts framework at the international level, the SNA 2008. The revisions are reflected in an updated Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union of 2010 (ESA 2010). The associated transmission programme is also updated and data transmissions in accordance with ESA 2010 are compulsory from September 2014 onwards. Further information on the transition from ESA 95 to ESA 2010 is presented on the Eurostat website. The annual data of this domain consists of the following collections: 1. Main GDP aggregates: main components from the output, expenditure and income side. nama_10_gdp: GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income) The quarterly data of this domain consists of the following collections 1. Main GDP aggregates, main components from the output, expenditure and income side, expenditure breakdowns by industry and assets. namq_10_ma: Main GDP aggregatesnamq_10_gdp: GDP and main components (output, expenditure and income)namq_10_fcs: Final consumption aggregates by durabilitynamq_10_exi: Exports and imports by Member States of the EU/third countries 2. Breakdowns of GDP aggregates and employment data by main industries and asset classes. namq_10_bbr: Basic breakdowns main GDP aggregates and employment (by industry and assets)namq_10_a10: Gross value added and income by A*10 industrynamq_10_an6: Gross fixed capital formation by AN_F6 asset typenamq_10_a10_e: Employment by A*10 industry breakdowns Geographical entities covered are the European Union, the euro area, EU Member States, Candidate Countries, EFTA countries, US, Japan and possibly other countries on an ad-hoc basis. Data sources: National Statistical Institutes.
    • Декабрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 декабря, 2023
      National accounts are a coherent and consistent set of macroeconomic indicators, which provide an overall picture of the economic situation and are widely used for economic analysis and forecasting, policy design and policy making. Eurostat publishes annual and quarterly national accounts, annual and quarterly sector accounts as well as supply, use and input-output tables, which are each presented with associated metadata. Even though consistency checks are a major aspect of data validation, temporary (usually limited) inconsistencies between datasets may occur, mainly due to vintage effects. Annual national accounts are compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 2010 as defined in Annex B of the Council Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013.   The previous European System of Accounts, ESA95, was reviewed to bring national accounts in the European Union, in line with new economic environment, advances in methodological research and needs of users and the updated national accounts framework at the international level, the SNA 2008. The revisions are reflected in an updated Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union of 2010 (ESA 2010). The associated transmission programme is also updated and data transmissions in accordance with ESA 2010 are compulsory from September 2014 onwards. Further information (including actual communications) is presented on the Eurostat website. The domain consists of the following collections:   1. Main GDP aggregates: main components from the output, expenditure and income side, expenditure breakdowns by durability and exports and imports by origin. <
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 октября, 2016
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 октября, 2016
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 октября, 2016
    • Сентябрь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 ноября, 2015
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 октября, 2016
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 октября, 2016
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 07 августа, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 февраля, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 февраля, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 февраля, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the reporting country and the rest of the world. Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The table indicates the seasonally adjusted values of the EU and euro-zone exports. Exports are valuated FOB (Free on Board), i.e. only incidental expenses (freight, insurance) incurred in the part of journey located on the territory of the reporting country are included. The raw values of the Member States are adjusted according to the number of working days on the basis of each national calendar and then seasonally adjusted before being aggregated to provide the EU and euro-zone totals.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      This indicator is the value of exports of goods and services divided by the GDP in current prices.
    • Апрель 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 декабря, 2015
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 февраля, 2024
      The export market shares present the shares of each EU Member State in total world (or region) exports of goods and services. The indicator measures the degree of importance of a country within the total exports of the region/world. For the calculation at current prices, the market share refers to the world trade (world export market share). A country might lose shares of export market not only if exports decline but most importantly if its exports do not grow at the same rate of world exports and its relative position at the global level deteriorates. The MIP scoreboard indicator is Export market shares (goods and services) - 5 years % change. Additional indicators published in the domain are: Export market shares by items - 1 year % change and % of world totalShare of OECD exportsExports of high technology products as a share of total exports, SITC Rev. 4 - %
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 августа, 2024
      The external balance of goods and services (ESA 2010, 8.68) is the difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services. If positive, the economy exports more goods and services than it imports, and vice versa. The ESA 2010 (European System of Accounts) regulation may be referred to for more specific explanations on methodology. Seasonally and calendar adjusted data (SCA).
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Декабрь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 декабря, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 ноября, 2023
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution to the extra-EU28 trade for that product group. Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 10 main partners of the EU28 for that product group (according to the sum imports+exports). Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the 20 main partners of the EU28 (according to the sum imports+exports), expressed in value terms and in % of the total flow.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution (in value and %) to the extra-EU28 trade of the Union.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the share of extra-EU28 trade by product group (SITC1), expressed in value terms and in % of the total flow.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      The table shows the 20 main partners of the Euro area 19 (according to the sum imports+exports), expressed in value terms and in % of the total flow.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      The table shows the breakdown of extra-Euro area 19 trade by product group (SITC1), expressed in value terms and in % of the total flow.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
  • F
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 января, 2024
    • Октябрь 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2019
      Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) measure the commercial presence through affiliates in foreign markets. Inward FATS describe the overall activity of foreign affiliates resident in the compiling economy. Inward FATS deliver information on the following characteristics of foreign affiliates: 11110 Number of enterprises (expressed in units)12110 Turnover (millions of €)12120 Production value (m€)12150 Value added at factor cost (m€)13110 Total purchases of goods and services (m€)13120 Purchases of goods and services purchased for resale in the same condition as received (m€)13310 Personnel costs (m€)15110 Gross investment in tangible goods (m€)16110 Number of persons employed (units)16130 Number of employees on a voluntary basis or if 16110 is not available (units)22110 Total intra-mural R&D expenditure (from 2009 onwards, biennial, m€)22120 Total number of R&D personnel (from 2009 onwards, biennial, units)From reference year 2007 onwards, inward FATS data has been collected according to the Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of the European Parliament and the Council on Community statistics on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates (the FATS Regulation - consolidated version). Data for reference years 1996-2006 were collected on a voluntary basis and thus they were not complete in terms of country coverage and the methodology of data compilation was not harmonised. From 2007, the FATS Recommendations Manual lays down detailed guidelines for the methodology, collection and compilation in the European Union.
  • G
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      Exports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (sales, barter, and gifts) from residents to non-residents. Imports of goods and services consist of transactions in goods and services (purchases, barter, and gifts) from non-residents to residents. Imports and exports of goods occur when economic ownership of goods changes between residents and non-residents. This applies irrespective of corresponding physical movements of goods across frontiers.
  • H
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 февраля, 2024
      The data shows the share of exports of all high technology products in total exports. High technology products are defined according to SITC Rev.4 as the sum of the following products: Aerospace, Computers-office machines, Electronics-telecommunications, Pharmacy, Scientific instruments, Electrical machinery, Chemistry, Non-electrical machinery, Armament. The total exports for the EU do not include the intra-EU trade.
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 февраля, 2024
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE) at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created, named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
    • Январь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 01 февраля, 2024
      'Statistics on high-tech industry and knowledge-intensive services' (sometimes referred to as simply 'high-tech statistics') comprise economic, employment and science, technology and innovation (STI) data describing manufacturing and services industries or products traded broken down by technological intensity. The domain uses various other domains and sources of  Eurostat's official statistics (CIS, COMEXT, HRST, LFS, PATENT, R&D and SBS) and its coverage is therefore dependent on these other primary sources. Two main approaches are used in the domain to identify technology-intensity: the sectoral approach and the product approach. A third approach is used for data on high-tech and biotechnology patents aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC) 8th edition (see summary table in Annex 1 for which approach is used by each type of data). The sectoral approach: The sectoral approach is an aggregation of the manufacturing industries according to technological intensity (R&D expenditure/value added) and based on the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE)  at 2-digit level. The level of R&D intensity served as a criterion of classification of economic sectors into high-technology, medium high-technology, medium low-technology and low-technology industries. Services are mainly aggregated into knowledge-intensive services (KIS) and less knowledge-intensive services (LKIS) based on the share of tertiary educated persons at NACE 2-digit level. The sectoral approach is used for all indicators except data on high-tech trade and patents. Note that due to the revision of the NACE from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the definition of high-technology industries and knowledge-intensive services has changed in 2008. For high-tech statistics it means that two different definitions (one according NACE Rev. 1.1 and one according NACE Rev. 2) are used in parallel and the data according to both NACE versions are presented in separated tables depending on the data availability. For example as the LFS provides the results both by NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2, all the table using this source have been duplicated to present the results by NACE Rev. 2 from 2008. For more details, see both definitions of high-tech sectors in Annex 2 and 3. Within the sectoral approach, a second classification was created , named Knowledge Intensive Activities KIA) and based on the share of tertiary educated people in each sectors of industries and services according to NACE at 2-digit level and for all EU28 Member States. A threshold was applied to judge sectors as knowledge intensive. In contrast to first sectoral approach mixing two methodologies, one for manufacturing industries and one for services, the KIA classification is based on one methodology for all the sectors of industries and services covering even public sector activities. The aggregations in use are Total Knowledge Intensive Activities (KIA) and Knowledge Intensive Activities in Business Industries (KIABI). Both classifications are made according to NACE Rev. 1.1 and NACE Rev. 2 at 2- digit level. Note that due to revision of the NACE Rev.1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 the list of Knowledge Intensive Activities has changed as well, the two definitions are used in parallel and the data are shown in two separate tables. NACE Rev.2 collection includes data starting from 2008 reference year. For more details please see the definitions in Annex 7 and 8. The product approach: The product approach was created to complement the sectoral approach and it is used for data on high-tech trade. The product list is based on the calculations of R&D intensity by groups of products (R&D expenditure/total sales). The groups classified as high-technology products are aggregated on the basis of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC). The initial definition was built based on SITC Rev.3 and served to compile the high-tech product aggregates until 2007. With the implementation in 2007 of the new version of SITC Rev.4, the definition of high-tech groups was revised and adapted according to new classification. Starting from 2007 the Eurostat presents the trade data for high-tech groups aggregated based on the SITC Rev.4. . For more details, see definition of high-tech products in Annex 4 and 5. High-tech patents: High-tech patents are defined according to another approach. The groups classified as high-tech patents are aggregated on the basis of the International Patent Classification (IPC 8th edition). Biotechnology patents are also aggregated on the basis of the IPC 8th edition. For more details, see the aggregation list of high-tech and biotechnology patents in Annex 6. The high-tech domain also comprises the sub-domain Venture Capital Investments: data are provided by INVEST Europe (formerly named the European Private Equity and Venture Capital Association EVCA). More details are available in the Eurostat metadata under Venture capital investments. Please note that for paragraphs where no metadata for regional data has been specified, the regional metadata is identical to the metadata provided for the national data.
  • I
    • Май 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 мая, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Март 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 марта, 2020
      Imports are recorded by country of origin, exports by country of destination; quantities are regarded as imported or exported when they have crossed the political boundaries of the country, whether customs clearance has taken place or not.  The concept of the physical movement of flows applies. The monthly imports and exports data collections cover following energy commodities:solid  fuels (hard coal only)oil and petroleum productsgaselectricity      For solid fuels, crude oil and NGLs, imports and exports are reported by country of ultimate origin, respectively destination, while natural gas, refinery products and feedstocks as well as electricity are reported as coming from the country of last consignment. Quantities of crude oil and petroleum products imported or exported under processing agreements (i.e. refining on account) should be included. However, transit trade, international marine and aviation bunkers are excluded from this data set. Please note that this is different from the definition of natural gas trade in the annual gas questionnaire and from the definition in the previous monthly oil and gas questionnaire (before January 2013). For further information, please consult the Energy Statistics Regulation (Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics) and the reporting instructions. Monthly imports and exports of energy commodities cover the full spectrum of the 28 Member States of the European Union, EFTA States, candidate countries and potential candidates. Â
    • Июнь 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 июня, 2018
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Май 2018
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 июня, 2018
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 апреля, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 07 августа, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). Goods are physical, produced items over which ownership rights can be established and whose economic ownership can be passed from one institutional unit to another by engaging in transactions. The product breakdowns available in Newcronos/Euro-indicators are based on aggregates derived from the Broad Economic Categories (BEC) classification and the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC).
    • Февраль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 февраля, 2024
      International trade statistics cover any movements of goods between the EU Member States and non-member countries (extra-EU trade), and from one Member State to another (intra-EU trade). 'Goods' means all movable property, including electric current.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      This indicator is the value of imports of goods and services divided by the GDP in current prices.
    • Апрель 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 декабря, 2015
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 29 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 июня, 2024
      ANNUAL Annual data on quantities for crude oil, petroleum products, natural gas and manufactures gases, electricity and derived heat, solid fossil fuels, renewables and wastes covering the full spectrum of the energy sector from supply through transformation to final consumption oby sector and fuel type. Also, annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers by country of origin and destination, as well as infrastructure information. Data on annual statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex B of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   MONTHLY The monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Crude oil & Petroleum productsNatural gasSolid fuelsElectricity For each of the above mentioned commodities the inflowing data are delivered by the reporting countries to Eurostat via separate dedicated questionnaires. Data on monthly statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex C of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics   SHORT-TERM MONTHLY Short-term monthly energy data collections cover the most important energy commodities: Oil & petroleum productsNatural gasElectricity Short-term monthly data provides information on main flows (quantities) on the supply side. Data on monthly short term statistics are collected by standard questionnaires according to Annex D of the Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2008 on energy statistics
    • Октябрь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 ноября, 2015
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Май 2020
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 июня, 2020
      The focus of this domain is on the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries on the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean (ENP-South), namely: Algeria (DZ),Egypt (EG),Israel (IL),Jordan (JO),Lebanon (LB),Libya (LY),Morocco (MA),Palestine (PS),Syria (SY) andTunisia (TN). An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. The data and their denomination in no way constitute the expression of an opinion by the European Commission on the legal status of a country or territory or on the delimitation of its borders.
    • Сентябрь 2015
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 16 декабря, 2015
    • Июнь 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 ноября, 2015
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of an  economic area during a given period. BoP provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall under the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment, to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Some indicators of EU market integration are also derived from BoP data. Data are reported in millions of Euro/ECU. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. Guidance for compilers is provided in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in services 2002 (, that has been followed by IMTS 2010 (  ITS data are collected by national enterprise surveys, International Transaction System (ITRS) and administrative records.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 ноября, 2015
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of an  economic area during a given period. BoP provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall under the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment, to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Some indicators of EU market integration are also derived from BoP data. Data are reported in millions of Euro/ECU. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. Guidance for compilers is provided in the Manual on Statistics of International Trade in services 2002 (, that has been followed by IMTS 2010 (  ITS data are collected by national enterprise surveys, International Transaction System (ITRS) and administrative records.
    • Май 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 декабря, 2015
      Eurostat Dataset Id:bop_its_det The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a  economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment, to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      The focus of this domain is on enlargement countries, in other words the following country groups: candidate countries — Albania (AL), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)potential candidates — Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo (XK) (*) An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Июнь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 июня, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 ноября, 2023
      Imports are expressed in value terms and measured cif (cost, insurance, freight). Exports are expressed in value terms and measured fob (free on board). Balance = export - import
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 12 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Июль 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 09 июля, 2016
      The Balance of Payments (BoP) systematically summarizes all economic transactions between the residents and the non-residents of a country or of a economic area during a given period. The Balance of payments provides harmonized information on international transactions which are part of the current account (goods, services, income, current transfers), but also on transactions which fall in the capital and the financial account. BoP is an important macro-economic indicator used to assess the position of an economy (of credit or debit) towards the external world. Data on International Trade in Services (ITS), a component of BoP current account, are used, alongside with data on Foreign Direct Investment (a component of BoP financial account), to monitor the external commercial performance of different economies. Balance of Payments data are used for calculation of indicators needed for monitoring of macroenomic imbalances such as share of main BoP and International Investment Position (IIP) items in GDP and export market shares calculated as the EU Member States' shares in total world exports. Out of BoP data, some indicators of EU market integration are also derived. Data are in millions of Euro/ECU and in millions of national currency. Several statistical adjustments are applied to the original data provided by the Member States. These are described in the International Trade in Services EU 1992-2001 - Compilation guide. The International Monetary Fund Balance of Payments Manual (BPM5) classification is used for the compilation of the BoP. The BoP data are collected through national surveys and administrative sources.
    • Декабрь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 19 декабря, 2024
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 15 ноября, 2023
      The table shows the Member States' contribution (in value and %) to the intra-EU27 (from 2020) trade of the Union.
    • Сентябрь 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 24 сентября, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the Member States' contribution (in value and %) to the intra-EU28 trade of the Union.
  • M
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 26 марта, 2024
      The focus of this domain is on enlargement countries, in other words the following country groups:candidate countries — Albania (AL), the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK), Montenegro (ME), Iceland (IS), Serbia (RS) and Turkey (TR)potential candidates — Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), as well as Kosovo (XK) (*) An extensive range of indicators is presented in this domain, including indicators from almost every theme covered by European statistics. Only annual data are published in this domain. (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.
    • Июнь 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июня, 2024
      Animal production statistics cover three main sub-domains based on three pieces of relevant legislation and related gentlemen’s agreements.Livestock and meat statistics are collected under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008. They cover meat production, as activity of slaughterhouses (monthly) and as other slaughtering (annual), meat production (gross indigenous production) forecast (semi-annual or quarterly), livestock statistics, including regional statistics. A quality report is also collected every third year.Milk and milk product statistics are collected under Decision 97/80/EC implementing Directive 96/16/EC. They cover farm production and utilisation of milk (annual), collection (monthly for cows’ milk) and production activity by dairies (annual) and statistics on the structure of dairies (every third year). An annual methodological report is also collected.Statistics on eggs for hatching and farmyard poultry chicks are collected under Regulation (EC) No 617/2008, implementing Regulation (EC) No 1234/2007 (Single CMO Regulation). They cover statistics on the structure (annual) and the activity (monthly) of hatcheries as well as reports on the external trade of chicks. European Economic Area countries (EEA, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) are requested to provide milk statistics, with the exception of those related to home consumption, as stated in Annex XXI of the EEA Agreement. As Iceland is now a candidate country and Liechtenstein is exempted in the Agreement, only Norway is concerned. The Agreement between the European Community and the Swiss Confederation on cooperation in the field of statistics states that Switzerland must provide Eurostat with national milk statistics. It has been amended in 2013 for covering also some livestock and meat statistics. The same statistics are requested from the candidate countries as acquis communautaire. Further data about the same topics refer to repealed legal acts or agreements. The tables on animal product supply balance sheets (apro_mk_bal, apro_mt_bal and apro_ec_bal), statistics on the structure of rearing (apro_mt_str) and the number of laying hens (apro_ec_lshen) are therefore no longer updated. The same applies to some variables (external trade of animals and meat), periods (surveys in April or August) or items (number of horses) included in other tables. The statistical tables disseminated by Eurostat are organised into three groups of tables on Agricultural products (apro), i.e. Milk and milk products (apro_mk), Livestock and meat (apro_mt) and Poultry farming (apro_ec). This last label covers statistics on hatcheries and on trade in chicks. The regional animal production statistics collected on livestock (agr_r_animal) and on cows’ milk production on farms (agr_r_milk_pr) are disseminated separately. Due to the change in the legal basis or in the methodology, the time series may be broken. This is indicated by a flag in the tables. The detailed content of each table and the reference to its legal definition is provided in the table below. Table 3.1: Data tables disseminated regarding animal production statistics <
    • Март 2016
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 марта, 2016
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      International trade in goods statistics (ITGS) published by Eurostat measure the value and quantity of goods traded between the EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and goods traded by the EU Member States with non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). ‘Goods’ means all movable property including electricity. ‘European’ means that the statistics are compiled on the basis of the concepts and definitions set out in EU legislation. ‘National’ statistics, i.e. statistics published at national level by the Member States, are compiled on the basis of national rules which may differ from EU rules. European ITGS are the official harmonised source of information about exports, imports and the trade balances of the EU, its Member States and the euro area.   Type of users and requirements As international trade forms a major part of the world economy, statistics on trade in goods are an instrument of primary importance for numerous public and private sector decision makers. For example, international trade statistics • enable EU authorities to prepare multilateral and bilateral negotiations under the common commercial policy; • enable EU authorities to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and the integration of EU economies; • enable EU authorities to define and implement anti-dumping policies; • constitute an essential source of information for balance of payments statistics, national accounts and economic studies; and • help EU businesses conduct market research and define their commercial strategy. Statistics satisfy these needs in a variety of ways. Users may need either annual aggregated or detailed monthly data on products or partner countries. They may be interested in trade values in current prices or at constant prices. Alternatively, their interest may be in quantities rather than in values. These examples, which are far from exhaustive, show the diversity of users and their requirements. Eurostat tries to meet these various needs and to adapt to a changing environment, such as changes due to globalisation.   Extrastat and Intrastat: two data collection systems Traditionally ITGS are based on the data collected by customs authorities on trade transactions between countries. Customs declarations are used for statistical purposes as the basic data source which provides detailed information on exports and imports of goods with a geographical breakdown. The first piece of EU legislation on ITGS was adopted in 1975; it provided general guidelines on data collection and obliged Member States to send their data to Eurostat. The advent of the Single Market on 1 January 1993, with its removal of customs formalities between Member States and subsequent loss of trade statistics data sources, required the establishment of a new data collection system: Intrastat.. Since then ITGS are based on two data collection systems: Extrastat and Intrastat. Extrastat data on trade in goods with non-EU countries are collected by customs authorities and are based on the records of trade transactions in customs declarations, whereas Intrastat data are directly collected from intra-EU trade operators once a month. Alternative data sources may be used for some specific goods and movements like for among with ships, aircraft, gas and electricity.   Aggregated versus detailed data International trade in goods statistics are published through different datasets grouped into two categories:Aggregated data which refer to macroeconomic indicators for the EU and euro area. Data are aggregated by broad product categories, both monthly (short-term indicators) and annually (long-term indicators). Broad product categories are defined as one-digit codes of the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) or aggregates of the Broad Economic Categories (BEC); andDetailed data which refer to the most detailed level of the following product nomenclatures: the Combined Nomenclature (CN), the SITC, the BEC, the Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) and the Standard Goods Classification for Transport Statistics/Revised (NSTR). Detailed data also contain aggregations at higher levels.   Statistical dimensions The frequency at which the data are compiled (data periodicity) and the product nomenclature differ depending on the dataset, but the following statistical fields are always available:reporting country: country or geo-economic area such as EU or euro area;reference period: month and/or year;trade flows: import and export;product according to the relevant classification; andpartner country: EU Member State, non-EU country or geo-economic area. Besides the dimensions listed above, specific datasets contain information on the mode of transport (e.g. by sea, by air or by road) or the statistical procedure (normal trade versus trade for processing activities).
  • N
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 июля, 2024
      The external debt (or the foreign debt), at any given time, is the outstanding amount of the actual current (and not contingent) liabilities that require payment(s) of principal and/or interest by the debtor at some point(s) in the future and that are owed to non-residents by residents of an economy. The external debt is the portion of a country's debt that was borrowed from creditors outside the country, including commercial banks, other governments or international financial institutions (such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank). The assets/liabilities include debt securities, such as bonds, notes and money market instruments, as well as loans, deposits, currency, trade credits and advances due to non-residents. The loans must usually be paid in the currency in which they was made. In order to earn the needed currency, the borowing country may sell and export goods to the lender's country. The data are expressed in % of GDP.
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      The external debt (or the foreign debt), at any given time, is the outstanding amount of the actual current (and not contingent) liabilities that require payment(s) of principal and/or interest by the debtor at some point(s) in the future and that are owed to non-residents by residents of an economy. The external debt is the portion of a country's debt that was borrowed from creditors outside the country, including commercial banks, other governments or international financial institutions (such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.). The assets/liabilities include debt securities, such as bonds, notes and money market instruments, as well as loans, deposits, currency, trade credits and advances due to non-residents. The loans must usually be paid in the currency in which they was made. In order to earn the needed currency, the borowing country may sell and export goods to the lender's country. The data are expressed in % of GDP.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 10 августа, 2024
      Net lending/borrowing of a country corresponds to the sum of total current and capital accounts’ balances in balance of payments. It represents the net resources that the total economy makes available to the rest of the world (if it is positive) or receives from the rest of the world (if it is negative). In another words when the variable is positive (meaning that it shows a financing capacity), it should be called net lending (+); when it is negative (meaning that it shows a borrowing need), it should be called net borrowing (–). The net lending (+) or borrowing (–) of the total economy is equal but of opposite sign to the net borrowing (–) or lending (+) of the rest of the world. The MIP scoreboard indicator is expressed in percentage of GDP and in million of national currency, and calculated as: (CAB+CAK)*100/GDP . The indicator is based on the Balance of Payments data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Апрель 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 11 апреля, 2024
      Net lending/borrowing of a country corresponds to the sum of total current and capital accounts’ balances in the Balance of Payments. It represents the net resources that the total economy makes available to the rest of the world (if it is positive) or receives from the rest of the world (if it is negative). In another words when the variable is positive (meaning that it shows a financing capacity), it should be called net lending (+); when it is negative (meaning that it shows a borrowing need), it should be called net borrowing (–). The net lending (+) or borrowing (–) of the total economy is equal but of opposite sign to the net borrowing (–) or lending (+) of the rest of the world. The MIP scoreboard indicator is expressed in percentage of GDP and in million of national currency, and calculated as: (CAB+CAK)%GDP=(CAB+CAK)*100/GDP . The indicator is based on the Balance of Payments data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States. Starting from October 2014 definitions are based on the IMF's Sixth Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      The trade balance of energy products is calculated, for each Member State, as the difference between exports to and imports from the rest of the world (intra-EU and extra-EU trade) of goods included in the SITC section 3 - Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials.The MIP indicator is expressed as percentage of GDP (according to ESA 2010 transmission programme).
  • O
    • Апрель 2011
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 ноября, 2015
      Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) measure the commercial presence, as defined by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), through affiliates in foreign markets. Outward FATS describes the activities of foreign affiliates abroad controlled by residents of the compiling country. Countries use a great variety of sources completing each other in order to compile outward FATS data. Frequently, the basic information originates from the Foreign Direct Investments registers and surveys and it is complemented by information from other data sources such as business registers, annual reports of the companies, private databases, administrative sources, or other surveys (inward FATS, SBS). Outward FATS surveys from the previous reference years are also valuable sources of information . The countries collect and deliver on a mandatory basis the following characteristics: Number of enterprises (ENT)Turnover (TUR)Number of persons employed (EMP) For a few countries, data collected on a voluntary basis are available for some other characteristics: Value added at factor costs (VAC)Gross investments in tangible goods (GIT)Personnel costs (PEC) The outward FATS data are disseminated with annual frequency, with a detail by country of location (partner country) and economic activity of the foreign affiliate. Data are expressed in millions of EUR (Turnover, Value added at factor costs, Gross investments in tangible goods and Personnel costs) or in units (Number of persons employed and Number of enterprises).
    • Март 2014
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 28 ноября, 2015
      Foreign Affiliates Statistics (FATS) measure the commercial presence, as defined by the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), through affiliates in foreign markets. Outward FATS describes the activities of foreign affiliates abroad controlled by residents of the compiling country. Countries use a great variety of sources completing each other in order to compile outward FATS data. Frequently, the basic information originates from the Foreign Direct Investments registers and surveys and it is complemented by information from other data sources such as business registers, annual reports of the companies, private databases, administrative sources, or other surveys (inward FATS, SBS). Outward FATS surveys from the previous reference years are also valuable sources of information . The countries collect and deliver on a mandatory basis the following characteristics: Number of enterprises (ENT)Turnover (TUR)Number of persons employed (EMP) For a few countries, data collected on a voluntary basis are available for some other characteristics: Value added at factor costs (VAC)Gross investments in tangible goods (GIT)Personnel costs (PEC) The outward FATS data are disseminated with annual frequency, with a detail by country of location (partner country) and economic activity of the foreign affiliate. Data are expressed in millions of EUR (Turnover, Value added at factor costs, Gross investments in tangible goods and Personnel costs) or in units (Number of persons employed and Number of enterprises).
  • S
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      International trade in goods statistics are an important data source for many public and private sector decision-makers at international, European Union and national level. For example, at the European Union level, international trade data are extensively used for multilateral and bilateral negotiations within the framework of the common commercial policy, to define and implement anti-dumping policy, to evaluate the progress of the Single Market and many other policies. Moreover, they constitute an essential source for the compilation of balance of payments statistics and national accounts. International trade in goods statistics cover both extra- and intra-EU trade: Extra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States and a non-member countries. Intra-EU trade statistics cover the trading of goods between Member States. "Goods" means all movable property including electricity. Detailed and aggregated data are published for the Euro area, the European Union and for each Member State separately. Main components: Data record the monthly trade between Member States in terms of arrivals and dispatches of goods as well as the monthly trade in terms of imports and exports between Member States and non-member countries. However, in publications only the term “exports” for all outward flows and “imports” for all inward flows are applied for both intra-EU trade and extra-EU trade. Extra-EU trade imports and exports are recorded in the Member State where the goods are placed under the customs procedures. Extra-EU trade statistics do not record goods in transit, goods placed into customs warehouses or goods for temporary admission. Data sources: The statistical information is mainly provided by the traders on the basis of Customs (extra-EU) and Intrastat (intra-EU) declarations. Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States and compiled according to a harmonised methodology established by EU regulations before transmission to Eurostat. Classification systems: - Product classification: For detailed data, products are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (CN8), which first six digit codes coincide with the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS), products are disseminated as well according to the Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) and the Broad Economic Categories (BEC). - Country classification: The Geonomenclature is used for classifying reporting countries and trading partners. Nomenclatures and correspondence tables are available at the Eurostat’s classification server RAMON. The following basic information is provided by Eurostat: - reporting country, - reference period, - trade flow, - product, - trading partner - mode of transport. Detailed data are disseminated according to the Combined Nomenclature (HS2, HS4, HS6 and CN8 levels) for the following indicators: - trade value (in Euro), - trade quantity in 100 kg, - trade quantity in supplementary units (published for some goods according to the Combined Nomenclature). Aggregated data cover both short and long term indicators. Short term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC and BEC groups for the following indicators: - gross and seasonally adjusted trade value (in million Euro), - unit-value indices, - gross and seasonally adjusted volume indices, - growth rates of trade values and indices. Long term indicators are disseminated according to major SITC groups for the following indicators: - trade value (in billion Euro), - shares of Member States in EU and world trade, - shares of main trading partners in EU trade, - volume indices. Adjustments are applied by the Member States to compensate the impact of exemption thresholds, which release the information providers from statistical formalities, as well as, to take into account the late or not response of the providers. In addition, Eurostat applies seasonal adjustments to aggregated time series.
    • Июль 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 июля, 2024
      The indicator shows developments in shares of exports of goods and services of EU Member States in relation to total exports of goods and services of OECD countries. To capture the structural losses in competitiveness that can accumulate over longer time periods is calculated the 5 year % change (comparing year Y with year Y-5). The data are presented as 5 year % change and as share of total exports of OECD countries. The indicator is based on the Balance of Payments data reported to Eurostat by the EU Member States, UK, Iceland, Norway and Turkey. Source of data for other non-EU countries is OECD.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      The table shows the share of trade exchanges with the EU27 (from 2020) (% of imports from the EU27 (from 2020) in the total imports and % of the exports to the EU27 (from 2020) in the total exports) of the Member States and of the main players in the world market.
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the share of trade exchanges with the EU28 (% of imports from the EU28 in the total imports and % of the exports to the EU28 in the total exports) of the Member States and of the main players in the world market.
  • T
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 23 августа, 2024
      A country’s terms of trade measures a country's export prices in relation to its import prices. The terms of trade are a measure of a country's trade competitiveness since they indicate how much imports an economy can get for a unit of export goods. They are calculated as the ratio of the price index for exports of goods and services to the price index for imports of goods and services. These are obtained by dividing current prices by chain-linked volumes using the standard reference year 2010. The indicator refers to the percentage change over 5 years, i.e. data are expressed as percentage change comparing year Y with the year Y–5
    • Январь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 января, 2022
      The table shows the trade exchanges with the rest of the world of the main players in the world market. Imports are mesured cif (cost, insurance, freight) and expressed in value and %. Exports are measured fob (free on board) and expressed in value and %. The calculation of shares is based on a world trade excluding the intra-EU trade.
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      Monthly raw data are processed at the most detailed level in order to calculate elementary unit-values defined by trade value/quantity. These unit-values are divided by the average unit-value of the previous year to obtain elementary unit-value indices, from which outliers are detected and removed. Elementary unit-value indices are then aggregated over countries and commodities, by using the Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher formulae. Finally, the Fisher unit-value indices are chained back to the reference year (2015 = 100) and are used to approximate the import and export price movements.
    • Март 2023
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 14 марта, 2023
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 20 августа, 2024
      Volume index = value index / unit-value index Value index: The value index is calculated as the percentage change between the trade value of the current month and the average monthly trade value of the previous year. Unit-value index: Monthly raw data are processed at the most detailed level in order to calculate elementary unit-values defined by trade value/quantity. These unit-values are divided by the average unit-value of the previous year to obtain elementary unit-value indices, from which outliers are detected and removed. Elementary unit-value indices are then aggregated over countries and commodities, by using the Laspeyres, Paasche and Fisher formulae. Finally, the Fisher unit-value indices are chained back to the reference year (2015 = 100).
    • Декабрь 2022
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 17 декабря, 2022
      Eurostat's database covers 1) Production and trade in roundwood and wood products, including primary and secondary products 2) Economic data on forestry and logging, including employment data 3) Sustainable forest management, comprising forest resources (assets) and environmental data. The main types of primary forest products included in (1) are: roundwood, sawnwood, wood-based panels, pulp, and paper and paperboard. Secondary products include further processed wood and paper products. These products are presented in greater detail; definitions are available. All of the data are compiled from the Joint Forest Sector Questionnaire (JFSQ), except for table (e), which is directly extracted from Eurostat's international trade database COMEXT (HS/CN Chapter 44). The tables in (1) cover details of the following topics: - Roundwood removals and production by type of wood and assortment (a) - Roundwood production by type of ownership (b) - Production and trade in roundwood, fuelwood and other basic products (c) - Trade in industrial roundwood by assortment and species (d) - Tropical wood imports to the EU from Chapter 44 of the Harmonised System (e) - Production and trade in sawnwood, panels and other primary products (f) - Sawnwood trade by species (g) - Production and trade in pulp and paper & paperboard (h) - Trade in secondary wood and paper products (i) Data in (2) include the output, intermediate consumption, gross value added, fixed capital consumption, gross fixed capital formation and different measures of income of forestry and logging.  The data are in current basic prices and are compatible with National Accounts. They are collected as part of Intergrated environmental and economic accounting for forests (IEEAF), which also covers labour input in annual work units (AWU).  Under (2), two separate tables cover the number of employees of forestry and logging, the manufacture of wood and products of wood and cork, and the manufacture of paper and paper products, as estimated from the Labour Force Survey results. There are two separate tables because of the change in the EU's classification of economic activities from NACE Rev. 1.1 to NACE Rev. 2 in 2008. More detailed information on wood products and accounting, including definitions and questionnaires, can be found on our open-access communication platform under the interest group 'Forestry statistics and accounts'.  Data in (3) are not collected by Eurostat, but by the FAO, UNECE, Forest Euope, the European Commission's departments for Environment and the Joint Research Centre. They include forest area, wood volume, defoliation on sample plots, fires and areas with protective functions.
  • U
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      Unit-values are defined by: trade value / quantity. These unit-values are divided by the average unit-value of the previous year to obtain elementary unit-value indices, from which outliers are detected and removed. Elementary unit-value indices are then aggregated over countries and commodities, by using formulae. Finally, the unit-value indices are chained back to the reference year (2015 = 100) and used to approximate the import and export price movements.
    • Март 2024
      Источник: Eurostat
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 марта, 2024
      Unit-values are defined by: trade value / quantity. These unit-values are divided by the average unit-value of the previous year to obtain elementary unit-value indices, from which outliers are detected and removed. Elementary unit-value indices are then aggregated over countries and commodities, by using formulae. Finally, the unit-value indices are chained back to the reference year (2015 = 100) and used to approximate the import and export price movements.