
  • Президент:Kais Saied
  • Премьер-министр:Kamel Madouri
  • Столица:Tunis
  • Языки:Arabic (official, one of the languages of commerce), French (commerce), Berber (Tamazight) note: despite having no official status, French plays a major role in the country and is spoken by about two-thirds of the population
  • Правительство
  • Статистическое агентство
  • Население, человек:12 512 909 (2024)
  • Площадь, кв км:155 360
  • ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:3 895 (2023)
  • ВВП, млрд. долл. США:48,5 (2023)
  • Индекс Джини:33,7 (2021)
  • Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:78

Все наборы данных: A D E F G M T
  • A
    • Ноябрь 2023
      Источник: Arab Monetary Fund
      Загружен: Jonathan Kilach
      Дата обращения к источнику: 21 ноября, 2023
    • Февраль 2021
      Источник: Arab Monetary Fund
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 06 августа, 2021
      Data cited at: Arab Monetary Fund (AMF) Note: For Growth rate at constant prices 2021 & 2022 are Estimates          For Inflation rate  2021 & 2022 is expected Source: Arab Monetary Fund estimates and expectations based on national, regional and international sources.
  • D
  • E
  • F
    • Август 2024
      Источник: Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 02 сентября, 2024
    • Август 2024
      Источник: National Centre for Statistics and Information, Oman
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 22 августа, 2024
      Data cited at: https://data.gov.om/OMFRTRD2016 this Data set covers the statistical indicators illustrating the development of trade between Oman and other countries, and classification of  merchandise exports, re-exports and merchandise imports by commodity group, nature of materials, their final utilization and port of entry.  It includes also a table on of the balance of payments estimates.   The commodity classification used in the presentation of foreign trade data is the Hormonised System, which has been adopted in Oman since 1987, in addition to the SITC Revision (4) for international comparison.  Commodity values are estimated in Rial Omani on the basis of the (C.I.F.) value for imports (i.e. the cost, insurance and freight of goods to the custom points in Oman) and (F.O.B.) for exports and re-exports.
  • G
    • Сентябрь 2024
      Источник: Climate Watch
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 сентября, 2024
      Data cited at: CAIT, retrieved from Climate Watch Climate Watch Historical Emission data contains sector-level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data for 194 countries and the European Union (EU) for the period 1990-2019, including emissions of the six major GHGs from most major sources and sinks. Non-CO2 emissions are expressed in CO2 equivalents using 100-year global warming potential values from IPCC Fourth Assessment Report.
  • M
  • T
    • Сентябрь 2024
      Источник: National Centre for Statistics and Information, Oman
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 18 сентября, 2024
      The data of the sector includes the number of visitors to by tourist location and category of visitors, and hotel services whose data reflect indicators of the number of guests distributed by hotel, governorate, room type, hotel type, nationality of guests, and hotel revenues by type of service.