
  • Capital:Kebili
  • Ibrahim El-Breeki:Governor
  • Governorate website
  • Land area, sq. km:22 454 (2017)
  • Population, persons:164 500 (2017)
  • Population density, people per sq. km:7 (2017)
  • Household average size, persons:5,39 (2004)
  • Households owning a car, %:15,8 (2004)
  • Households owning fixed-line telephone, %:42,1 (2004)
  • Households owning one mobile phone at least, %:50,7 (2004)
  • Households owning computer, %:3,4 (2004)
  • Literacy rate of the population aged 10 to 29:20,8 (2004)
  • Unemployment rate, population aged 15 and over, %:21,0 (2014)
