
  • Capital:Puebla
  • Governor:Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas
  • Area in sq.km:34 290 (2015)
  • Population, persons:6 168 883 (2015)
  • Population Density, persons per sq.km:179,91 (2015)
  • Life expectancy at birth:74,5 (2013)
  • Total fertility rate:2,40 (2013)
  • Number of Births:147 296 (2012)
  • Number of Deaths:31 244 (2012)
  • Official Web Site of the Region
  • Medical Staff, persons:8 857 (2011)
  • Population with primary education, 5 years and older :2 135 667 (2010)
  • Economically active population:2 552 203 (2013)
  • GDP at constant price 2008 (mln. US$):424 804 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Primary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):17 350 (2012)
  • GDP at constant prices Secondary Sector 2008 (mln. US$):149 730 (2012)
  • Sales value of electricity (thousands of dollars):10 446 380 (2011)
  • Total harvested area (hectares):829 994 (2011)
  • Total sown area (hectares):1 011 921 (2011)


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    • Октябрь 2020
      Источник: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
      Загружен: Knoema
      Дата обращения к источнику: 05 января, 2021
      World's Women 2020: Trends and Statistics. Themes: Power and decision making: Power in the private sector