
  • Capital city:Edmonton
  • Location:South-western part of Canada
  • Lieutenant Governor:Lois Mitchell
  • Premier:Rachel Notley
  • Official Website
  • Population, persons:4318772 (2018)
  • Land area, square km.:640 081,9 (2011)
  • Population density, persons per square km.:6,7 (2018)
  • Urban population, % of population:83,0 (2011)
  • GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:304708,6 (2017)
  • GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:84 389,6 (2013)
  • Manufacturing sales, $ millions:79 293,8 (2014)
  • Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:113 822,4 (2014)
  • Retail trade, $ millions:78 711,0 (2014)
  • Employed labour force, persons:2286900 (2017)
  • Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:1 149,4 (2014)


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