- District Secretary:D.A.L. Nimal Abeysiri
Area in Sq.km:3293 (2016)
Population (Persons):431000 (2017)
Population Density :130,883692681446 (2017)
Population 15 years and over , Female:153246 (2012)
Total fertility rate (Births per woman):2,5 (2016)
Employed , Both sexes:47,6 (2012)
Employed , Male(%):99,0 (2015)
Occupied housing units(Number):109834 (2012)
Average size of households (Persons):3,7 (2016)
Completed primary, Female (%):4,9 (2016)
Completed primary, Male (%):6,5 (2016)
Health insurance coverage (Persons):335 (2007)
Student , Both sexes
Student , Male
Student , Female
Child not attending school, Both sexes
Child not attending school , Female
Child not attending school , Male
Some secondary
Some secondary , Female
Some secondary , Male
Completed secondary
Completed secondary , Female
Completed secondary , Male
More than secondary
More than secondary , Female
More than secondary , Male
Some primary
Some primary , Female
Some primary , Male
Completed primary
Completed primary , Female
Completed primary , Male
Median years completed , Female
Median years completed , Male
Median years completed
No Education
No Education , Female
Educational attainment, Total
Educational attainment, Number of women
Total number of building units
Total Percentage
Total Percentage , occupied housing units
Occupied units
Vacant units
Non-housing units
Collective living quarters
Average size of households
Total occupants in occupied units
Total Percentage , occupants
Total Percentage , households
Total occupied housing units
Total households in occupied housing units
Total occupied housing units , type
Total Percentage , type of structure
Occupants in occupied units , 1
Occupants in occupied units , 2
Occupants in occupied units , 4
Occupants in occupied units , 5
Occupants in occupied units , 6
Occupants in occupied units , 7
Occupants in occupied units , 3
Occupants in occupied units , 8
Occupants in occupied units , 9
Occupants in occupied units , 10 & over
Household , 15 - 24
Household , 25 - 44
Household , 45 - 64
Household , 65 & over
Total Percentage , type
Semi Permenent
Single House - single storied
Single House - two storied
Total Occupied housing units , type of structure
Condominium/Luxary apartment
Row house/Line room
Twin house
Attached house/Annex
Residential Only
Residential & Commercial
Total Occupied housing units , usage
Total Percentage , usage
Single House - more than two storied
Total , Economically Active , Both sexes
Employed , Female
Income recipient/Pensioner , Female
Unable/ Too old to work , Female
Unpaid social work , Female
Unpaid social work , Both sexes
Unpaid family worker , Both sexes
Unpaid family worker , Female
Unpaid family worker , Male
Government employee , Both sexes
Government employee , Male
Government employee , Female
Private sector employee , Both sexes
Employer , Both sexes
Own account worker , Both sexes
Own account worker , Male
Own account worker , Female
Semi Government employee , Both sexes
Semi Government employee , Male
Private sector employee , Male
Total , Economically Inactive , Both sexes
Employer , Male
Percentage , Female
Private sector employee , Female
Employer , Female
Household work , Female
Currently employed
Not currently employed
Not employed in the past 12 months
Total , status
Number of women , status
Semi Government employee , Female
Sales and services
Skilled manual
Unskilled manual
Market-oriented farmers and fishery workers
Occupation: Women, Missing
Number of women , occupation
Total , occupation
Unemployed , Female
Health insurance coverage, None
Distance to health facility
Atleast one problem accessing health care
Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider , fever
Number of women , Problems in accessing health care
Health insurance coverage, Number
Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider
Percentage delivered in a health facility
Public sector
Private sector
Place of delivery, Number of births
Place of delivery, Missing
Place of delivery, Total
Traditional birth attendant
Place of delivery, Other
Person providing assistance during delivery, Don't know/missing
Percentage delivered by a skilled provider
Percentage delivered by C-section
Assistance during delivery, Number of births
Getting permission to go for treatment
Getting money for treatment
Having to take transport
Not wanting to go alone
Concern no female provider available
Concern no provider available
Concern no drugs available
Atleast one problem accessing health care
Number of women , Problems in accessing health care
Less than 2.5 kg
2.5 kg or more
Total , child's weight
Child's weight, Number of children
Percentage of children with reported birth weight
Number of children , Child's weight
Percentage with symptoms of ARI
Number of children , under five
Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider
Number of children , symptoms of ARI
Percentage with fever
Number of children , under age five
Percentage for whom advice or treatement was saught in health facility or provider , fever
Percentage who took antimalarial drugs
Percentage who took antibiotic drugs
Number of children , under age five with fever
All diarrhoea
Diarrhoea with blood
Number of children , diarrhoea