- Президент:Zoran Milanovic
- Премьер-министр:Andrej Plenkovic
Языки:Croatian (official) 95.6%, Serbian 1.2%, other 3% (including Hungarian, Czech, Slovak, and Albanian), unspecified 0.2% (2011 est.)
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек:3 889 335 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:55 960
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:21 865 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:84,4 (2023)
Индекс Джини:28,9 (2021)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:51
Наборы данных
Absence from work by main reason, sex and age group - quarterly data (discontinued)
Activity rate - % of total population aged 15-64
Average hours worked and paid per employee, by working time and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - LCS survey 2004
Average number of actual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, age, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Average number of actual weekly hours of work in the second job, by sex, age, professional status, economic activity and full-time/part-time in the first job (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Average number of actual weekly hours of work in the second job, by sex, age, professional status, economic activity and full-time/part-time in the first job (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job, by sex, age, professional status, full-time/part-time and economic activity (1998-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employed persons by job autonomy, educational attainment level and professional status
Employed persons by job autonomy, migration status and citizenship
Employed persons by level of repetitiveness of tasks, migration status and citizenship
Employed persons by level of standardization of tasks, educational attainment level and professional status
Employed persons by level of standardization of tasks, migration status and citizenship
Employed Persons by Occupational Group (Classification of Occupations 2010, Levels 1 to 2), Background Country, Sex and Year, Finland
Employed persons by working time spent on cognitive tasks, professional status and educational attainment level
Employed persons by working time spent on manual tasks, full-time/part-time employment and economic activity
Employed persons by working time spent on social tasks, professional status and educational attainment level
Employed persons by working time spent on tasks involving finger dexterity, migration status and educational attainment level
Employed persons by working time spent on using digital devices and on another specific task (doing relatively complex calculations)
Employed persons by working time spent on using digital devices and on another specific task (interacting with people from outside the enterprise or organisation)
Employed persons by working time spent on using digital devices and on another specific task (reading documents)
Employees by job autonomy, employment contract and full-time/part-time employment
Employees by level of repetitiveness of tasks, employment contract and full-time/part-time employment
Employees by level of standardization of tasks, employment contract and full-time/part-time employment
Employees by working time spent on doing hard physical work, employment contract and full-time/part-time employment
Employees by working time spent on tasks involving finger dexterity, employment contract and full-time/part-time employment
Employment outside the formal sector by sex (thousands)
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and age (thousands)
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and economic activity (thousands)
Employment outside the formal sector by sex and status in employment (thousands)
Participation rate of employees in education and training (last 12 months) by sex, age and employment contract
Participation rate of employees in education and training (last 12 months) by sex, age and occupation
People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 to 64 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 to 64 years)
Persons ouside the labour force by sex, age and place of birth (in thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex and marital status (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, age and marital status (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, education and marital status (thousands)
Population by educational attainment level of the parents, sex, age, country of birth and labour status
Population by sex, age, country of birth and labour status (1 000)
Population, aged 15-74 (EU labour force survey concept) - thousand of persons
Potential labour force by sex, age and marital status (thousands)
Potential labour force by sex, education and marital status (thousands)
Prime-age combined rate of time-related underemployment and unemployment (LU2) by sex, household type and presence of children (%)
Prime-age combined rate of unemployment and potential labour force (LU3) by sex, household type and presence of children (%)
Prime-age combined rate of unemployment and potential labour force (LU3) by sex, household type and rural / urban areas (%)
Prime-age unemployment rate by sex, household type and presence of children (%)