Capital city:Iqaluit
Location:Northern part of Canada
- Commissioner:Nellie Taptaqut Kusugak
- Premier:Joe Savikataaq
Official Website
Population, persons:38203 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1 877 787,6 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:0,0 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:48,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:2228,1 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:69 001,5 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:3,8 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:877,4 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:354,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:14490 (2014)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:1 237,7 (2014)
Наборы данных
Innovation, selected service industries, business unit success factors, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, degree of novelty of the most innovative process, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, degree of novelty of the most innovative product, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, development of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, development of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, non-innovative business units, reasons why business units did not develop or introduce any new or significantly improved products or processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, novelty of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, novelty of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, number of new or significantly improved processes, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, number of new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units that provided products to biotechnology or nanotechnology firms or organizations, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units whose new or significantly improved products were sold to the mining industry and/or forestry and/or forest products industries, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of business units whose operations were part of a larger firm, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of full-time employees who were involved in research and development activities, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of full-time employees who were university graduates, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units with obstacles that caused problems when developing products or processes by type of business units, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of innovative business units, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of products protected by patents, trademarks or copyrights (in terms of their contribution to total revenues), Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of revenues generated by new or significantly improved products, Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of revenues that came from the sale of products to clients outside of Canada
Innovation, selected service industries, percentage of total revenues from the sale of products to the mining and/or forestry and/or forest products industries, Canada