Capital city:Iqaluit
Location:Northern part of Canada
- Commissioner:Nellie Taptaqut Kusugak
- Premier:Joe Savikataaq
Official Website
Population, persons:38203 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1 877 787,6 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:0,0 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:48,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:2228,1 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:69 001,5 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:3,8 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:877,4 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:354,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:14490 (2014)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:1 237,7 (2014)
Наборы данных
Barriers in the workplace for adults with disabilities, Canada
Birth-related indicators (low and high birth weight, small and large for gestational age, pre-term births), by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and metropolitan influence zones
Body mass index (BMI), Canada
Health indicator profile, by Aboriginal identity and sex, age-standardized rate, four year estimates, Canada
Health indicator, age-standardazed rate, annual estimates, Canada
Health indicators, by Aboriginal identity, four-year period estimates, Canada
Health-adjusted life expectancy at birth, by province and territory and sex, Canada
Hours worked per week for adults with disabilities by age group, Canada
Household food insecurity, by living arrangement and food insecurity status, Canada
Household food insecurity, by presence of children in the household and food insecurity status, Canada
Infant and perinatal mortality, by sex, three-year average, Canada, provinces, territories, census metropolitan areas and metropolitan influence zones
Infant mortality, by birth weight, Canada
Influenza immunization, Canada
Investment income of adults with and without disabilities, Canada
Pap smear, Canada
Patient satisfaction with any health care services received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with any health care services received in the past 12 months, by age group and sex, household population aged 15 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1), Canada, provinces and territories
Patient satisfaction with most recent family doctor or other physician care received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent family doctor or other physician care received in the past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent hospital care received in past 12 months, Canada
Patient satisfaction with most recent hospital care received in the past 12 months, by age group and sex, household population aged 15 and over, Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1), Canada, provinces and territories
Perceived general health by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Perceived general health, Inuit population, by Inuit region of residence, Canada
Perceived health, Canada
Perceived mental health and suicidal thoughts by Aboriginal identity, Canada
Prevalence of disability for adults, Canada