Capital city:Iqaluit
Location:Northern part of Canada
- Commissioner:Nellie Taptaqut Kusugak
- Premier:Joe Savikataaq
Official Website
Population, persons:38203 (2018)
Land area, square km.:1 877 787,6 (2011)
Population density, persons per square km.:0,0 (2018)
Urban population, % of population:48,0 (2011)
GDP, millions of dollars at current prices:2228,1 (2017)
GDP per capita, dollars at current prices:69 001,5 (2013)
Manufacturing sales, $ millions:3,8 (2014)
Private and public capital expenditures, $ millions:877,4 (2014)
Retail trade, $ millions:354,1 (2014)
Employed labour force, persons:14490 (2014)
Earnings, average weekly, current dollars:1 237,7 (2014)
Наборы данных
Canada: Births by census division and sex for the period from July 1 to June 30, based on the Standard Geographical Classification (SGC) 2006 (discontinued)
Canada: Births, by economic regions and sex, 2001 Census boundaries (discontinued)
Canada: Building permits, residential values and number of units by type of dwelling for census metropolitan areas (discontinued)
Canada: Census families by family type and family composition including before and after-tax median income of the family
Canada: Census families by total income, family type and number of children
Canada: Distribution of total income by census family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Canada: Economic dependency profile of census families by family type and source of income
Canada: Investment in non-residential building construction, by type of building, province and census metropolitan area (discontinued)
Canada: Labour income profile of census families by family type
Canada: Selected income characteristics of census families by family type
Canada: Single-earner and dual-earner census families by number of children
Canada: Sources of income by census family type
Canada: Sources of income of senior census families by family type and age of older partner, parent or individual
Canadian health characteristics, two-year period estimates, census metropolitan areas and population centres
Census families by age of older partner or parent and number of children, Canada