Languages:Hebrew; Arabic
Population (thousands):1 931,0 (2012)
Area in sq.km:1294 (2012)
Population Density (persons/sq.km):1 492,3 (2012)
Average persons per household:3,4 (2010)
Total Fertility Rate (children/women):2,8 (2012)
Crude Birth Rate (births per 1000 population):19,1 (2012)
Labour Force Participation (%):70,3 (2012)
Unemployed (%):5,8 (2012)
Number of Households (thousands):557,47 (2012)
Marital Status
Married, Grooms
Thereof: Jews, Married
Thereof: Moslems, Married
Married, Brides
Thereof: Jews, Brides, Married
Thereof: Moslems, Brides, Married
Divorced Husbands
Thereof: Jews, Divorced Husbands
Thereof: Moslems, Divorced Husbands
Divorced Wives
Thereof: Jews, Divorced Wives
Thereof: Moslems, Divorced Wives
Culture & Entertainment
Transport & Communications
Industry and Energy
Revenue, Labour Cost & Wages
Labour Force
Private Construction, at 2010 prices
Private Construction, at Current prices
Public Construction, at Current prices
Public Construction, at 2010 prices
Residential Construction, at Current prices
Residential Construction, at 2010 prices
Under active construction at end of year
Residential Construction begun
Residential Construction completed
Road Construction, Length (KM), Begun
Road Construction, Length (KM), Completed
Installation of Water Pipes, Begun
Installation of Water Pipes, Completed
Installation of Drainage and Canalization Pipes, Begun
Installation of Drainage and Canalization Pipes, Completed
Research & Development