Демократическая Республика Конго - Пользователи стационарного широкополосного интернета на 100 человек

0,0 (на 100 человек) в 2018

Total fixed (wired) broadband Internet subscriptions refer to subscriptions to high-speed access to the public Internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s. This can include for example cable modem, DSL, fiber-to-the-home/building, and other fixed (wired) broadband subscriptions. This total is measured irrespective of the method of payment. It excludes subscriptions that have access to data communications (including the Internet) via mobile-cellular networks. If countries use a different definition of broadband, this should be indicated in a note. It should exclude technologies listed under the wireless broadband category.

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