In today's Viz of the Day we present a unique interactive visualization designed on the basis of Akamai Q2 2015 State of the Internet Report, which shows the main trends in the average and peak internet connection speeds across various countries during the 5-year period from Q1 2010 to Q2 2015. 

The dashboard clearly shows that the average connection speed has increased significantly during the previous five years in all countries, reaching a world average of 5.1 megabits per second (Mbps) in Q2 2015. South Korea leads the ranking with average connection speed of 23.1 Mbps. That is almost 36 percent higher than in Hong Kong, which is ranked second, and more than twice as high as the United States. Peak connection speed around the world also demonstrated considerable growth. Singapore is ranked first by Peak Connection Speed at 108.3 Mbps, which is 17.3 percent higher than in the previous quarter and almost 88 percent higher compared to Q1 2014 data. 


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