The United States ranks last among countries compared in vacation days per year and are 2nd in hours worked per year, while the French are clearly the best rested.

Связанные Insights от Knoema

Gender Equality

This page surveys gender equality by country and focuses on each country’s promotion of not only women’s rights, but women in positions of power.

Social Justice

OECD's Social Justice Index is based on the following measures: poverty prevention, access to education, labor market inclusion, social cohesion and non-discrimination, health, and intergererational justice.

Rule of Law 2

The Rule The World Justice Project has recently released its first annual report, which it claims is the most comprehensive perspectives concerning Rule of Law, and clearly indicates that the United States is far behind other modern nations like Sweden and the Netherlands in maintaining a relevant and applicable rule of law among its government, the public, and other nongovernmental influences. The Freedom of the Press Index has also been added in which Sweden and Netherlands also lead.of Law Index is based on three factors, described below, and five other factors described on Rule...

Income Distribution

The United States rank last in child income poverty, has the largest difference in P90/P10, and has the highest percentage of people living below 50% median income.