Наборы данных
Africa Development Indicators, Monthly Update
Agricultural Areas, Year, Mongolia
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area > = 50 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural holdings with agricultural area 20-<50 ha (discontinued)
Agricultural Statistics of Australia
Agriculture Statistics of Bhutan
Agriculture Statistics of Abu Dhabi
Agriculture Statistics of Dubai
Agriculture Statistics of Pakistan
Agriculture Statistics of Rwanda
Agriculture; crops, livestock and land use by general farm type, region, Netherlands
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Land
Area by NUTS 3 region
Area by NUTS 3 region
Area of Holding/Farm Parcels Planted/Harvested with Palay and Corn by Region: Philippines, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991 and 2002
Area of the regions (discontinued)
Area of the regions by metropolitan regions
Area of the regions by other typologies
Area of used arable land and gardens, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Area of wooded land (source: EFA questionnaire)
Area of wooded land (source: FAO - FE)
Area treated with fertilisers and pesticides, by region, Republic of North Macedonia
Area under crop, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Area under Irrigation by Sources in India
Area under organic farming
Area under organic farming (discontinued)
Artificial land cover (discontinued)
Artificial land cover per capita by type (discontinued)
Available area of the holdings, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Land area treated by manure by Regions and Year by Type, Regions and Year, Georgia (discontinued)
Land area treated by manure by Type, Regions and Year, Georgia
Land Area, Administrative Divisions and Climate of Srilanka
Land by land cover, region, unit and time, Denmark (discontinued)
Land Cover and Land Cover Change
Land Cover in Functional Urban Areas (archived)
Land cover net change matrix 2005-06 to 2010-11 (Hectares), Australia
Land cover overview
Land covered by artificial surfaces - index
Land covered by artificial surfaces by NUTS 2 regions
Land Degradation, by Main Types, by National, by Year, Mongolia
Land Management Practices Survey, 2013-14, Australia
Land use
Land use - 1 000 ha - annual data (discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Appeal Processing by Municipalities and County Governors, by Processing Body and Result of Appeal and Type of Appeal (M) , Norway (Discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Appeals to Area Planning, by Reason for Appeal and Appealing Authority, by Appealing Authority and Reason for Appeal (M), Norway (Discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Key Figures for Scope and Resource Use (M), Norway (Discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Private Detailed Zoning Plans: Fee, Scope and Processing (M) , Norway (Discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Scope of Zoning Plans (M), Norway (Discontinued)
Land Use and Regional Planning - Scope of Zoning Plans Demanding Special Considerations, by Zoning Plan Status and Consideration (M) , Norway (Discontinued)
Land use by industry (19a2-grouping), region, unit and time, Denmark
Land use by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Land use footprints
Land use net change matrix 2006 to 2011, Australia
Land use overview
Land Use Statistics of Australia
Land Use Statistics of Vietnam
Land use, France
Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and LFA status
Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and objective zone 1999
Land use: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA) and objective zone 2000
Land use: number of farms and areas by type of farming (2-digit) and economic size of farm (ESU)
Land use: number of farms and areas of different crops by type of farming (2-digit)
Land use; all categories, municipalities, Netherlands
Land use; main categories; regional, 1900 onwards, Netherlands
Land Utilization in Thailand
Landfill rate of waste excluding major mineral wastes
Natural Resources Statistics of Burkina Faso
Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices by Land Use and Type for Agricultural Areas in Canada
Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Land Use and Region: Philippines
Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Region: Philippines, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012
Number and Area of Holding/Farm Parcels by Tenure Status : Philippines
Number and Area of Holdings/Farms by Size of Parcel and Region: Philippines
Number and Physical Area of Holdings/Farms Irrigated by Region: Philippines, 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012
Number of agricultural holdings by area of arable land and gardens, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Number of agricultural holdings by category of utilised agricultural area and region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Number of agricultural holdings by size classes of utilised agricultural land, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Number of fruit trees and area under fruits, by region, Republic of North Macedonia (discontinued)
Number, Area and Average Area of Holdings/Farms by Region: Philippines 1960, 1971, 1980, 1991, 2002 and 2012