Наборы данных
Ability to make ends meet by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Fertility by Age and State in Australia
Abridged life tables, Georgia
Accidents at work by sex and age, excluding road traffic accidents and accidents on board of any mean of transport in the course of work (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N excluding H)
Accidents at work by size of enterprise (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N)
Accidents at work by type of injury and severity (NACE Rev. 2 activity A, C-N)
Acknowledgment of Paternity by Canton, Sex and Age Class of Child, Nationality of Parents: Switzerland
ACS Employment and School Enrollment Status of People aged 16 to 24
Active population by citizenship and age group
Active population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Active population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Activity rate by age
Activity rate by sex
Activity rates by sex, age and citizenship (%)
Activity rates by sex, age and country of birth (%)
Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders by type of decision and citizenship
Adolescent fertility rate, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Adoption by Soum, Mongolia
Adoption, Per 1000 Population, By Aimag And The Capital
AFDB Socio Economic Database 2024
Africapolis (archived)
Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Age by Sex, Australia
Age dependency ratios
Age specific death rate (Mx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Age specific fertility rates, Georgia
Ageing factor of population, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Ageing factor of population, in territorial aspect, as of January 1, 2007-2018, Republic of Moldova
Aggregate propensity to consume by age of the reference person - experimental statistics
Aggregate propensity to consume by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics
Aggregate propensity to consume by household type - experimental statistics
Agricultural statistics of Peru
All causes of death by NUTS 2 regions
All valid permits by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
Ancestry by Birthplace of Parents (SA1 SA), Australia
Ancestry by Birthplace of Parents (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Ancestry by Birthplace of Parents, Australia
Annual average population (1 000) by sex - NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Annual Estimates of the Resident Population of U.S.
Annual expenditure on educational institutions per pupil/student based on FTE, by education level and programme orientation
Arrears (mortgage or rent, utility bills or hire purchase) by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Arrears on non-housing bills by income quintile
Arrears on non-housing bills by risk of poverty threshold
Assumptions for fertility rates by age and type of projection
Assumptions for net migration by age, sex and type of projection
At-risk-of poverty rate for children (aged less than 18) by sex
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005) by age and sex - EU-SILC survey
At-risk-of-poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005) by age group - EU-SILC survey
At-risk-of-poverty-rate, by highest level of education attained (discontinued)
Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey 2017 - Participation
Authorized emigrants by destination country, sex and age group, 2001-2022
Average Age of Population by Municipality in Cabo Verde
Average age of the population at the beginning of the year, by sex and area, 1992-2018, Republic of Moldova
Average age of the population, in territorial aspect, as of January 1, 2007-2018, Republic of Moldova
Average Annual Current Income of Household by Source & Sex of Household Head (2008-2010-2013), Jordan
Average Annual Household Expenditures on Groups of Commodities and Services, Jordan
Average Annual Intercensal Growth Rate of Gabon
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons), by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Average duration of life by ages, urban/rural areas and sex, 1958-2021
Average household size (source: SILC)
Average number of children per household by working status within households and household composition
Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and age of youngest child
Average number of persons per household by household composition, number of children and working status within households
Average number of population by ages, areas and sex, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Average number of resident population by age group, area and sex, 2000-2017, Republic of Moldova
Average number of resident population by age, area, sex and districts, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Average salary and salary dispersion by sector, occupation (SSYK) and sex. Year 2005 - 2013
Bahamas: Population Projections, 2010 - 2040
Barro and Lee Long-term Educational Attainment by Country (1870-2040)
Barro and Lee Long-term Enrollment Ratios by Country (1820-2010) (One Time Publication)
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System ACE Data for U.S.
Birth Rates by Age of Mother for U.S.
Birth Rates, Mongolia
Birth, Death and Marriage Statistics of Algeria
Birth, Death and Natural Increase, per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Births And Deaths of Kuwait
Births, by Mother's Age Group by Soum, Mongolia
Births, by Sex, by Soum, Mongolia
Births, Deaths and Natural Increase per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Quarter, Mongolia
Business demography and high growth enterprise by NACE Rev. 2 activity and metropolitan regions
Business demography by legal form (from 2004 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Business demography by size class and metropolitan regions
Business Environment and Labour related Statistics (Discontinued)
Candidate countries and potential candidates: population - demography
Causes of death – death by country of residence and occurrence, monthly data
Causes of death, by sex
Census 2016, Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Core Activity Need For Assistance by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Core Activity Need For Assistance by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Country of Birth of Person by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Structure by Dwelling Type (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Structure by Dwelling Type (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Structure By Number Of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Dwelling Structure By Number Of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Family Blending by Family records (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Family Blending by Family records (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Highest Year of School Completed by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Household Composition By Number Of Persons Usually Resident (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Household Composition By Number Of Persons Usually Resident (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Indigenous Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Industry of employment by age by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Industry of employment by hours worked by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Industry of employment by occupation (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Industry of employment by occupation (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Labour force status by age by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Labour force status by sex of parent by age of dependent children for one parent families (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Labour force status by sex of parent by age of dependent children for one parent families (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Labour force status by sex of parents by age of dependent children for Couple families (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Language spoken at home by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Method of travel to work by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Method of travel to work by sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Mortgage Repayments (monthly) by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Non-school qualification: Level of Education by age by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Non-school Qualification: Level of Education by Industry of employment by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Non-school Qualification: Level of Education by occupation by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwelling Records (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Occupation by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Occupation by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Occupation by Hours worked by sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Occupation by Hours worked by sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Religious Affiliation by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Rent (weekly) by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Rent (weekly) by Dwelling Structure (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Social Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Social Marital Status by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Total Family Income (weekly) by Family Composition (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Total family income (weekly) by labour force status of parents/partners in families (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Total Household Income (Weekly) by Household Composition (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Total Personal Income (weekly) by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census 2016, Unpaid Child Care by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census 2016, Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Data for Africa
Census Data for Madagascar
Census Population and Households in UAE
Census Population, Botswana
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Dwelling Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Dwelling Structure by Dwelling Type (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Family Blending by Family records (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Industry of employment by sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwelling records (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: Occupation by sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T02 Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex(SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T03 Social Marital Status Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T12 Highest Year of School Completed by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T14 Core Activity Need For Assistance by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T15 Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T15 Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T16 Unpaid Domestic Work: Number of Hours by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T17 Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T17 Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T18 Unpaid Child Care by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T22 Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwelling records (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T23 Household Composition By Number Of Persons Usually Resident (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T23 Household Composition By Number Of Persons Usually Resident (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T24 Dwelling Structure by Dwelling Type (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T25 Mortgage Repayments (monthly) by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T25 Mortgage Repayments (monthly) by Dwelling Structure (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T26 Rent (weekly) by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T26 Rent (weekly) by Dwelling Structure (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T27 Dwelling Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T28 Dwelling Structure By Number Of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T28 Dwelling Structure By Number Of Bedrooms in Private Dwelling (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T32 Non-school Qualification: Field of Study by age by sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T33 Labour force status by age by sex (LGA), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T34 Industry of employment by sex (SA2+), Australia
Census Time Series 2016, 2011, 2006: T35 Occupation by sex (SA2+), Australia
Census: U.S. Regional Hispanic or Latino Population
Characteristics of the Population of Cameroon
Child Adoptions, by Age Group, Mongolia
Child and youth population on 1 January by sex and age
Child Dependency Ratio by Region and Year, Philippines
Child sex ratio and foeticide by states of India
Children (aged less than 18) living in households with very low work intensity by sex
Children and grown ups living at home by adults in the family 1994-2019, Greenland
Children at risk of poverty or social exclusion by educational attainment level of their parents (population aged 0 to 17 years) - new definition
Children in formal childcare or education by age group, duration and income quintile - EU-SILC survey
Citizenship According to Sex by Municipality, Finland
City and Town Population Totals: 2010-2023, U.S.
Combined Statistical Area Population Estimates, U.S.
Common Demographics Indicators from various Population Census Survey for Botswana
Completion, graduation and transition rate, by sex, 2008/09-2017/18, Republic of Moldova
Confinements by Plurality Statistics of Australia
Cont-1. Children Not in School (Percentage), Mongolia
Core Activity Need for Assistance by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Core Activity Need for Assistance by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Core Activity Need for Assistance by Age by Sex, Australia
Correlation between women and men,1980-2018, Republic of Moldova
Country of Birth of Person by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Country of Birth of Person by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Country of Birth of Person by Sex, Australia
Country of Birth of Person by Year of Arrival in Australia (LGA)
Country Statistical Profiles (archived)
County Population Totals: 2020-2021, United States
Crude birth rate (discontinued)
Crude birth rate (Live births per 1 000 population)
Crude Birth Rate, By Soum And District
Crude divorce rate (discontinued)
Crude marriage rate (discontinued)
Crude rate of birth, of dead and of population change
Crude rate of natural change (discontinued)
Crude rate of net migration plus adjustment (discontinued)
Crude rate of population change (discontinued)
Death Per 1000, By Sex, Soum And District, Mongolia
Death rates by main causes of death and age group, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Death rates by main causes of death, in territorial aspect, 2006-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths (total) by month
Deaths (total) by NUTS 3 region
Deaths by age and sex
Deaths by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region
Deaths by age groups, sex, in territorial aspect, 2005-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by Age, Georgia (discontinued)
Deaths by age, sex and citizenship
Deaths by age, sex and country of birth
Deaths by age, sex and educational attainment level
Deaths by age, sex and legal marital status
Deaths by age, sex and NUTS 2 region
Deaths by causes of death, areas, sex, years and age groups, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by cities, 1989-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by districts and areas, 1989-2022
Deaths by districts, 1989-1998, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by main causes of death, area and sex, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by marital status, sex, area and age group of spouses, 2007-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by NUTS 2 region (discontinued)
Deaths by Region and Age (During the year), Sweden
Deaths by Region and Age (The year of Birth), Sweden
Deaths by Regions, Georgia (discontinued)
Deaths by sex, age and area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by sex, age groups and area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Deaths by week and NUTS 3 region
Deaths by week and sex
Deaths by week, sex and 10-year age group
Deaths by week, sex and 20-year age group
Deaths by week, sex and 5-year age group
Deaths by week, sex and NUTS 2 region
Deaths by week, sex and NUTS 3 region
Deaths by week, sex, 20-year age group and NUTS 2 region
Deaths by year of birth (age reached) and sex
Deaths Statistics since 1803 in Switzerland
Deaths, by Sex and Age Group, Mongolia
Deaths, Migration and Marriages, Seychelles
Deaths, Year of occurrence, Age at death, Age-specific death rates, Sex, States, Territories and Australia
Deaths, Year of registration, Age at death, Age-specific death rates, Sex, States, Territories and Australia
Decisions granting temporary protection by citizenship, age and sex - annual data
Decisions granting temporary protection to unaccompanied minors by citizenship, age and sex annual data
Decisions on asylum applications by citizenship till 2007 Annual data (rounded)
Decisions withdrawing status granted as final decision in appeal or review by type of status withdrawn - annual data (rounded)
Degree mobile graduates from abroad by education level, sex and country of origin
Demographic and Socio-Economic Indicators from TransMonEE Database
Demographic and Household Statistics of Morocco
Demographic and Human Development Indicators
Demographic and Marital Status Statistics of Guyana
Demographic and Social Statistics of Bahrain
Demographic and Social Statistics of Solomon Islands
Demographic balance and crude rates (discontinued)
Demographic balance and crude rates by metropolitan regions
Demographic balance and crude rates by other typologies
Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection
Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection
Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection and metropolitan regions
Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection and NUTS 3 region
Demographic balances and indicators by type of projection and other typologies
Demographic Characteristics of Madagascar
Demographic indicators
Demographic Projections - Years 2017-2065, Italy
Demographic Statistics of Abu Dhabi
Demographic Statistics of Afghanistan
Demographic Statistics of African countries
Demographic Statistics of Albania
Demographic Statistics of Algeria
Demographic Statistics of Australia
Demographic Statistics of Belize
Demographic Statistics of Bhutan
Demographic Statistics of Bolivia
Demographic Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Demographic Statistics of Brazil
Demographic Statistics of Burkina Faso
Demographic Statistics of Cameroon
Demographic Statistics of Chad
Demographic Statistics of Chile
Demographic Statistics of Comoros, Discontinued
Demographic Statistics of Gambia
Demographic Statistics of Georgia
Demographic Statistics of Iceland
Demographic Statistics of Indonesia
Demographic Statistics of Israel
Demographic Statistics of Jamaica
Demographic Statistics of Lao PDR
Demographic Statistics of Macedonia
Demographic Statistics of Malawi
Demographic Statistics of Malaysia
Demographic Statistics of Mali
Demographic Statistics of Mauritania
Demographic Statistics of Mauritius
Demographic Statistics of Mexico
Demographic Statistics of Montenegro
Demographic Statistics of Nicaragua
Demographic Statistics of Niger
Demographic Statistics of Nigeria
Demographic Statistics of Peru
Demographic Statistics of Saudi Arabia
Demographic Statistics of Serbia
Demographic Statistics of South Korea
Demographic Statistics of Tanzania
Demographic Statistics of Thailand
Demographic Statistics of Trinidad & Tobago
Demographic Statistics of Tunisia
Demographic Statistics of UAE
Demographic Statistics of Uruguay
Demographic Statistics of Uzbekistan
Demographic Statistics of Vietnam
Demographic Statistics of Yemen, 1994-2025 (discontinued)
Demographic Statistics of Zimbabwe
Demographic Statistics_TL3 (discontinued)
Demographics and Migration Statistics of Morocco
Demographics of Sao Tome & Principe, 1970 - 2035
Demographics Statistics of Bangladesh
Demographics Statistics of Cambodia
Demographics Statistics of New Zealand
Demographics Statistics of Pakistan
Demography and Vital Statistics of Ukraine, 2002 - 2013
Demography Statistics of Fiji
Demography Statistics of Korea
Demography Statistics of Rwanda
Demography Statistics of Venezuela
Density by regions (number of population per 1 sq.km)
Dependency Rates - Regions
Dependency Ratio, by Soum and District, Mongolia
Development Indicators of Brunei
Development Indicators of India, 1901-2026 (discontinued)
Development Statistics of Timor-Leste
Disability Persons, by Sex, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Dispersion of regional GDP by NUTS 3 regions (%) (discontinued)
Disposable Income of the Households in the Italian Regions, Italy
Disposable Monetary Income by Age of Person and Sex, Finland
Dissolved Partnerships by Canton, Partnership Duration and Partners' Nationality & Age Class in Switzerland
Distribution of Average Monthly Incomes by Target, Source, Year and Area, Georgia
Distribution of Average Monthly Incomes by Target, Source, Year and Gender, Georgia
Distribution of Labour Force by Age, Nationality and Sex, Saudi Arabia
Distribution of population aged 18 and over by occupation, income group and sex - EU-SILC survey
Distribution of population by work intensity of the household (population aged 0 to 59 years) - EU-SILC survey
Divorce indicators
Divorces - Demographic Characteristics, Italy
Divorces and Divortiality since 1876 in Switzerland
Divorces by area, years, status and age groups of spouses, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Divorces by Canton, Marriage Duration and Age class of both of the Divorcing Partners in Switzerland
Divorces by citizenship of wife (CITIZEN) and husband (PARTNER)
Divorces by country of birth of wife (C_BIRTH) and husband (PARTNER)
Divorces by duration of marriage (reached during the year)
Divorces by duration of marriage, age groups of spouse and by areas, 1980-2022
Divorces by duration of marriage, years and areas, 1985-2022, Republic of Moldova
Divorces by Order and Duration of Marriage, Georgia
Divorces by the number of common children,1998-2014, Republic of Moldova
Divorces, by Duration of Marriage, Mongolia
Djibouti Census Data
Dwelling Population Dependent on Basic Social Security and their Income Level by Age, Sex and Household-Dwelling Unit's Main Income Source, Finland
Dwelling stock end-year, in territorial aspect, Republic of Moldova
Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Dwelling Structure (SA1 SA), Australia
Dwelling Structure and Number of Bedrooms by Number of Persons Usually Resident for Family Households (LGA), Australia
Dwelling Structure and Number of Bedrooms by Number of Persons Usually Resident for Family Households, Australia
Dwelling Structure and Number of Bedrooms by Number of Persons Usually Resident for Group Households (LGA), Australia
Dwelling Structure and Number of Bedrooms by Number of Persons Usually Resident for Group Households, Australia
Dwelling Structure by Household Composition and Family Composition (LGA), Australia
Dwelling Structure by Household Composition and Family Composition, Australia
Dwelling Structure by Number of Bedrooms, Australia
Dwelling Structure by Number of Persons Usually Resident (LGA), Australia
Dwelling Structure by Number of Persons Usually Resident, Australia
Dwelling Structure, Australia
Dwellings by type of housing, building and NUTS 3 regions
Dwellings by type of ownership, type of building and occupancy status
Early school-leavers rate for youth aged 18-24 years, by sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Economic and Employment Statistics of Egypt (Discontinued)
Economic Characteristics of the Population by Districts in Tunisia (2014 Census)
Economic Statistics of Rwanda
Economy, Demography, Labour and Environment Statistics for Metropolitan Areas of OECD Countries (Archived)
Ecuador: Birth and Death Statistics
Education Statistics of Qatar
Educational Statistics of Egypt
Emigrants and Immigrants by Citizenship and Age, Georgia (discontinued)
Emigration by age group, sex and country of birth
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, age group and occupation
Employed persons aged 15 years and over, by age, economic sectors and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Employed persons being able to choose their methods of work or to influence their pace of work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons being able to influence decisions that affect their work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons discriminated at work during the last 12 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons expecting a possible loss of their job in the next 6 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons having a good relationship with their colleagues by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons having the opportunity to use their knowledge and skills in their current job by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons having to work at very high speed or to tight deadlines by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons participating in job-related non-formal education and training in the past 12 months by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons perceiving that their job-related non-formal education and training helped to improve the way they work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons thinking that they do useful work by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons whose job involves improving their skills by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed persons whose work experience and job skills would be helpful to find another job by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employed population by sex and occupation
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 2012), industry SNI2007 (aggr. level), age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 2012), level of education SUN 2000, age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 2012, sector, age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 96), level of education SUN 2000, age and sex. Year 2001 - 2013
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 96), orientation of education (SUN 2000), age and sex. Year 2001 - 2013
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (3-digit SSYK 96), sector, age and sex. Year 2001 - 2013
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (4-digit SSYK 2012), level of education SUN 2000, age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (4-digit SSYK 2012), orientation of education (SUN 2000), age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (4-digit SSYK 2012), region of birth and sex, Sweden
Employees 16-64 years at national level by occupation (4-digit SSYK 96), orientation of education (SUN 2000), age and sex. Year 2005 - 2013
Employees 16-64 years by region of work, occupation (3-digit SSYK 2012), age and sex. Year 2014 - 2018
Employees having a good relationship with their supervisor by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employees receiving regular feedback from their supervisor by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Employment by Gender and Age of the Population
Employment in sport by age
Employment in sport by sex
Employment rate by age
Employment rate by sex, age groups, educational attainment level and household composition (%)
Employment rate of adults by sex, age groups, educational attainment level, number of children and age of youngest child (%)
Employment rate of persons aged 25-49 years, by area, number of children aged 0-6 years and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
ENP countries: population - demography
Enterprises birth - Method 2022
Enterprises:- Financial - Investment Dutch Economy, Netherlands (discontinued)
Equipment of dwelling stock, in territorial aspect, 2010-2017, Republic of Moldova
ERP by SA2 and above (ASGS 2016), 2001 onwards, Australia
Estimated Population, Area (Km2) and Population Density by Governorate in Jordan
Estimated average age of young people leaving the parental household by sex
Estimated Population by Sex, Age Group and Sex Ratio, Jordan
Estimated Population of Jordan by Governorate and Sex
Estimated Population of the Kingdom by Governorate Urban/ Rural 2004-2020, Jordan
Estimated Resident Population and components by LGA (ASGS 2017), 2017, Australia
Estimated Resident Population and components by SA2 and above (ASGS 2016), 2017, Australia
Estimated Resident Population by LGA (ASGS 2017), Age and Sex, 2001 to 2017, Australia
Estimated Resident Population by SA2 (ASGS 2016), Age and Sex, 2001 Onwards, Australia
Estimated Resident Population by SA2 and above (ASGS 2011), 1991 to 2016, Australia
Estimates and projections of population aged 0 to 29 with Aboriginal identity, and proportion of persons with Aboriginal identity among the Canadian population, by age group, Canada
Estimates of births, by sex, annual, Canada
EU Blue Cards by type of decision, occupation and citizenship
Excess mortality - monthly data
Expatriates Population in Oman
Expenditure by purpose, duration, destination and age group (1996-2011)
Expenditure of providers of health care by financing agents in health care - % (discontinued)
Expenditure of providers of health care by financing agents in health care - EUR, national currency and PPS (discontinued)
Expenditure of providers of health care by financing agents in health care - per inhabitant (discontinued)
Expenditure of selected health care functions by financing agents in health care - % (discontinued)
Expenditure of selected health care functions by providers of health care - % (discontinued)
Expenditure of selected health care functions by providers of health care - EUR, national currency and PPS (discontinued)
Expenditure of selected health care functions by providers of health care - per inhabitant (discontinued)
Families in districts 1994-2019, Greenland
Families with children by oldest child or grown up living at home 1994-2019, Greenland
Families with children by youngest child or grown up living at home 1994-2019, Greenland
Family Blending (LGA), Australia
Family Blending (SA1 SA), Australia
Family Blending, Australia
Family Composition (LGA), Australia
Family Composition (SA1 SA), Australia
Family Composition and Labour Force Status of Parent(s)/Partners by Total Family Income (weekly) (LGA), Australia
Family Composition and Social Marital Status by Number of Dependent Children (LGA), Australia
Family Composition and Social Marital Status by Number of Dependent Children, Australia
Family Composition by Income Comparison for Parents/Partners (LGA), Australia
Family Composition by Income Comparison for Parents/Partners, Australia
Family Composition by Mortgage Repayment (LGA), Australia
Family Composition by Mortgage Repayment, Australia
Family Composition, Australia
Family Database (archived)
Family nuclei by number of children
Family Tribunal, Seychelles
Farm indicators by age and sex of the manager, economic size of the farm, utilised agricultural area and NUTS2 region
Female population aged 15 and over by household composition, age group, age of the youngest child and current activity status
Fertility and mortality - cities and greater cities
Fertility and mortality - functional urban areas
Fertility and reproduction rate by area, 1978-2017, Republic of Moldova
Fertility indicators
Fertility Rate by Age in Australia
Fertility rates by age
Fertility rates by age and NUTS 2 region
Finland Population projection 2018: Vital statistics by sex , Whole country (discontinued)
Finland: Population by area, main type of activity, level of education, sex, age and year (discontinued)
First marriage rates by age and sex
First permits issued for education reasons by reason, length of validity and citizenship
First time asylum applicants by citizenship till December 2007 Monthly data (rounded)
First-time marrying persons by age and sex
Foreign-born population
Full-Time Students of General Educational Schools, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
GCC Countries: Marriage and Divorce
GDL Area Database Version 4.4.1
Gender differences in the at-risk-of-poverty rate by age - EU-SILC survey
Gender differences in the relative income of older people - EU-SILC survey
Gender differences in the relative median income ratio (65+) (source: SILC)
Gender employment gap
Gender parity index, by educational levels, 2008/09-2017/18, Republic of Moldova
Gender pay gap by economic activities, 2013-2017, Republic of Moldova
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form
Gender pay gap in unadjusted form (discontinued)
Gender Statistics
Gender statistics indicators in the Republic of Macedonia
General Census 2013 : Births and Fertility of Mauritania
General Census 2013 : Mortality of Mauritania
General Census 2013 : Spatial Distribution of the Population of Mauritania
General Census 2017 : Socio-Economic Characteristics of the Population of Mauritania
Germany: Household Projections 2040
Ghana: Health Sector Facts and Figures
Gini coefficient on household population - experimental statistics
Global Muslim Population and Projections
Global Retirement Index
Graduates from basic and secondary schools by Institution, Years and Gender, Georgia
Graduates in tertiary education by education level – women per 100 men
GREG (Geo-referencing of Ethnic Groups)
Gross and Net reproduction rates
Gross Enrollment Ratio (Ger), By Region, Aimag And The Capital
Gross enrolment ratio by sex and level of education, 2008/09-2017/18, Republic of Moldova
Guinea-Bissau Demographic Projections
Half Orphan Children, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices of Republic of Congo
Head of Household Person, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Health Data - Demographic References (archived)
Health Facts Profiles for Texas
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics
Health Statistics of Azerbaijan
Health Statistics of Bahamas
Health Statistics of Paraguay
Health Status
Healthy Life Expectancy at Birth and Age Sixty
Healthy life years at birth by sex
Healthy life years by sex (from 2004 onwards)
High School Graduates - Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Curriculum, Italy
Higher life expectancy variant - Age specific mortality rates by sex (discontinued)
Higher life expectancy variant - Life expectancy by age and sex (discontinued)
Higher life expectancy variant - Population on 1st January by age and sex (discontinued)
Higher life expectancy variant - Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Highest Year of School Completed by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Highest Year of School Completed by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Highest Year of School Completed by Age by Sex, Australia
Historical population data and projections 2050 (archived)
Historical population data, 1950 - 2022
Historical Statistics of the World Economy: 0001 - 2030 AD
HIV/AIDS incidence by age groups, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
HIV/AIDS incidence per 100 000 inhabitants by age groups, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Household Composition by Number of Persons Usually Resident (LGA), Australia
Household Composition by Number of Persons Usually Resident (SA1 SA), Australia
Household Composition by Number of Persons Usually Resident, Australia
Household composition by size
Household Statistics of Lebanon
Household-Dwelling Units and Housing Population by Housing Density by Area, Finland
Household-Dwelling Units by Tenure Status, Type of Building, Number of Persons, Finland
Households at risk of asset-based vulnerability - experimental statistics
Households by number of persons and their status of economic activity
Households in localities January 1994-2019, Greenland
Households in municipalities and districts (Type of Household) 1994-2022
Households in municipalities and districts 1994-2022, Greenland
Households in Nuuk 1994-2019, Greenland
Households Statistics of Brazil
Housing units by type of building
Human Development Report, 2023-24 Statistical Update
IADB Statistics
IHME Adult Mortality Estimates between 1970 and 2010
IHME Infant and Child Mortality Estimates, February 2011
Immigrants by country of destination and purpose of arrival, 2011-2017, Republic of Moldova
Immigrants by nationality, 1993-2022
Immigration by age group, sex and country of birth
Immigration by age group, sex and level of human development of the country of birth
Immigration by age, sex and broad group of country of birth
Immigration by sex, citizenship and broad group of country of birth
Immigration by sex, country of birth and broad group of citizenship
Impact of COVID-19 on Youth Disconnection in U.S.
Inability to afford a meal with meat, chicken, fish (or vegetarian equivalent) every second day by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Inability to afford paying for one week annual holiday away from home by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Inactive population as a percentage of the total population, by sex and age (%)
Inactive population by level of disability (activity limitation) and educational attainment level - % of total population
Inactive population by sex, age and citizenship (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and country of birth (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and willingness to work (1 000)
Inactive population by sex, age and willingness to work (1 000)
Inactivity rate of persons aged 15 years and over, main reason for not working, by age group and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Incidence and prevalence of violence against women, 2010, Republic of Moldova
India Census Data by District Wise, 2011
India Census Data by State wise, 1901-2011
India Census Data, 2011 Census Primary Abstract
India Census Data, Demographic & Amenities Tables, Statewise Statistics, 2011
India State wise statistics at a glance, 2013 (Source Discontinued)
India: Population by single year age
India's Economic Survey: Human Development Indicator
Indices of demographic dependence, 2000-2017, Republic of Moldova
Indices of demographic dependence, in territorial aspect, as of January 1, 2007-2018, Republic of Moldova
Indigenous Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Indigenous Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2011
Indigenous Status by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Indigenous Status by Age by Sex, Australia, 2001-2011
Indigenous Status by Age by Sex, Australia, 2011
Individuals' level of digital skills by sex and age
Industry of Employment by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Industry of Employment by Occupation (LGA), Australia
Industry of Employment by Occupation (SA1 SA), Australia
Industry of Employment by Occupation, Australia
Industry of Employment by Sex (LGA), Australia
Industry of Employment by Sex, Australia
Infant Deaths and Infant Mortality Rates in Australia
Infant deaths by Age at death and Sex in Australia
Infant deceased by sex and area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Infant mortality
Infant Mortality by Cause in U.S. by State
Infant Mortality by Governorates in Egypt
Infant mortality by mother's educational attainment (ISCED11f) and father's educational attainment (ISCED11)
Infant mortality by sex and area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Infant Mortality by Sex, Sweden
Infant mortality rate by sex (infant deaths per 1,000 live births)
Infant Mortality Rate, by Region, Aimag and the Capital (Live Births per 1000), Mongolia
Infant mortality rate, by sex and area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Infant mortality rates
Infant mortality rates by NUTS 2 region
Infant Mortality, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Infant Mortality, By Region, Aimag And The Capital, And Soum
Infant Mortality, Georgia (discontinued)
International Migrant Stock at Mid-year by Sex and by Major Area, Region, Country
Japan: Population by Age (5-Year Group ), 2010
Jobless households - children
Job-to-job mobility of HRST by sex
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Activity Status, Sex & Marital Status (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Activity Status, Sex and Broad Age Groups (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Activity Status, Sex and Educational Level (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Activity Status, Urban-Rural, Governorate & Sex (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Educational Level, Sex and Broad Age Groups (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Marital Status, Sex & Broad Age Groups (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years With Intermediate Diploma and Above by Educational Level, Sex and Educational Specialization (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population by Governorate, Sex and Age Group (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Jordanian Population by Urban-Rural, Sex and Age Group (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Labour force Statistics of Syrian Arab Republic
Labour Force Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Labour Force Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2011
Labour market slack by sex and age (1992-2020) - annual data
Language According to Age and Sex by Region, Finland
Language According to Sex by Municipality, Finland
Language Spoken at Home by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Language Spoken at Home by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2011
Language Spoken at Home by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Language Spoken at Home by Sex, Australia, 2001-2011
Language Spoken at Home by Sex, Australia, 2011
Late foetal deaths by mother's age
Leading Causes of Death in U.S.
Legally induced abortions by mother's age
Legally induced abortions by mother's age and number of previous live births
Life expectancy at age 65, by sex (discontinued)
Life expectancy at birth by sex and NUTS 2 region
Life expectancy at birth by years, sex and areas, 1958-2017, Republic of Moldova
Life Expectancy At Birth, by Sex, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Life Expectancy at Birth, Georgia (discontinued)
Life expectancy at births by sex (years), Georgia, (Discontinued )
Life expectancy by age and sex
Life expectancy by age, sex and educational attainment level
Life expectancy by age, sex and NUTS 2 region
Life Expectancy by Race in U.S.
Life Expectancy, by Sex And, Mongolia
Life table
Life table - NUTS level 2 regions, June 2013 (discontinued)
Life table by sex and age. Year 1960 - 2022
Life tables by level of education, region of birth, sex and age. Year 2012 - 2019
Life tables by level of education, type of household, sex and age. Year 2012 - 2019
Listed Shares and Mutual Funds of Persons by Age of Person and Sex, Finland
Literacy rate of population aged 15-24 years, by sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live Birth, by Monthly, Mongolia
Live births (total) by metropolitan regions
Live births (total) by month
Live births (total) by NUTS 3 region
Live births (total) by other typologies
Live births by age group of the mothers and NUTS 3 region
Live Births by Age of Mother, Georgia (discontinued)
Live Births by Legitimacy Status, Georgia (discontinued)
Live births by mother's age and activity status
Live births by mother's age and birth order
Live births by mother's age and citizenship
Live births by mother's age and country of birth
Live births by mother's age and educational attainment level
Live births by mother's age and legal marital status
Live births by mother's age and newborn's sex
Live births by mother's age and NUTS 2 region
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and birth order
Live births by mother's year of birth (age reached) and legal marital status
Live births by NUTS 2 region (discontinued)
Live Births by Order of Birth, Georgia (discontinued)
Live Births by Regions, Georgia (discontinued)
Live Births per 1000 Women of Relevant Age, Georgia (discontinued)
Live births per month and Fertility since 1803 in Switzerland
Live births since 1803 in Switzerland
Live Births, Stillbirths and Infant Mortality Rates by Sex, Sweden
Live-births born outside marriage by areas, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births born to mothers married for the first time, by duration of marriage, in territorial aspect, 2003-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by age group of the mother and areas, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by age groups of parents and areas, 1998-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by age groups of parents and areas,1980-1989 (born within marriage), Republic of Moldova
Live-births by area and sex, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by cities, 1989-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by districts and cities, 2004-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by duration of marriage, by areas(mothers, married for the first time), 1998-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by legal status, age of mother and area, 1980-1997, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by legal status, sex and age of mother, 2000-2017, Republic of Moldova
Live-births by legal status, sex, area and age of mother, 1998-1999, Republic of Moldova
Live-births outside marriage by age group of mother and areas, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Livelihood Zones
Living quarters by type of housing
Loans (excluding mortgages on purchase of main residence) by risk of poverty threshold
Local Population by age group of Tunisia
Long-term residents by age, sex and citizenship on 31 December of each year
Loss of citizenship by sex and new citizenship
Lower fertility variant - Age specific fertility rates (discontinued)
Lower fertility variant - Population on 1st January by age and sex (discontinued)
Lower fertility variant - Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Main scenario - Age specific fertility rates (discontinued)
Main scenario - Age specific fertility rates by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Age specific mortality rates by sex (discontinued)
Main scenario - Age specific mortality rates by sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Life expectancy by age and sex (discontinued)
Main scenario - Life expectancy by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Net migration by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Population on 1st January by age and sex (discontinued)
Main scenario - Population on 1st January by age, sex and metropolitan regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Main scenario - Projected demographic balances and indicators by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Projected demographic balances and indicators by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI database)
Malaysia: Abridged Life Tables
Malaysia's Population Pyramid 2010- 2040 (One Time Publication)
Marital Status by Age (1-year) and Sex, Finland
Marital status of the population 15 years and over (2008-2018), Jordan
Marital Status Statistics of Guinea Bissau (Discontinued)
Marriage & Divorce statistics
Marriage and divorce rate by years, indicators and area, 1940-2017, Republic of Moldova
Marriage indicators
Marriages and divorces by years, indicators and area, 1940-2017, Republic of Moldova
Marriages and divorces, in territorial aspect, 2003-2017, Republic of Moldova
Marriages and Divorces, per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Marriages and Divorces, per 1000 Population, by Soum and District, Mongolia
Marriages and Nuptiality Statistics since 1801 in Switzerland
Marriages by area and age groups, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Marriages by citizenship of bride (CITIZEN) and groom (PARTNER)
Marriages by country of birth of bride (C_BIRTH) and groom (PARTNER)
Marriages by marital status of spouses before marriage and the age group of spouses, by area, 1998-2017, Republic of Moldova
Marriages by marriage number, age groups and areas, 1998-2022
Marriages by sex and previous marital status
Maternal Mortality Estimates by Country
Maternal mortality rate, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Maternal Mortality, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, and Soum, Mongolia
Mean age of childbearing, total and first
Mean age of divorced people by order of marriages and sex
Mean Age of Divorced People, Georgia (discontinued)
Mean Age of Married People by Order of Marriage, Georgia (discontinued)
Mean Age of Population, Georgia
Mean age of spouses (years) by order of marriages and sex, Georgia
Mean annual holidays by economic activity, sex, age
Mean duration of commuting time one-way between work and home by sex and age (source: Eurofound)
Median age (discontinued)
Median age (years) by sex, Georgia
Median age by sex
Median age of residents by sex and country of birth
Median saving rate by age of the reference person - experimental statistics
Median saving rate by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics
Median saving rate by household type - experimental statistics
Median saving rate by the self-declared level of difficulty to make ends meet - experimental statistics
Method of Travel to Work by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Method of Travel to Work by Sex (LGA), Australia
Method of Travel to Work by Sex, Australia
Mid-year population by age and sex, thousands, Georgia
Mid-year population by regions and self-governed units
Midyear population for selected Countries
Migration Statistics of COMESA Region
Mortality and Birth Rates in India
Mortality rate by age group, sex, area, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Mortality Rate of the Mean Population-Per 1,000, Sweden
Mortgage Repayment (monthly) by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Mortgage Repayment (monthly) by Dwelling Structure (SA1 SA), Australia
Mortgage Repayment (monthly) by Dwelling Structure, Australia
Mothers Who Head Household With Children Aged Below 18 Years Old, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Namibia Statistics at a Glance
National Accounts of Guinea
National Accounts of Guinea-Bissau
National Accounts of Sudan
National Population Estimates for U.S.
National Youth Baseline Survey, Nigeria
Natural increase by regions and self-governed units
NCHS - Births, Birth Rates, and Fertility Rates, by Race and Hispanic Origin of Mother, U.S
NCHS - Nonmarital Birth Rates, by Age Group for All Women Age 15-44: United States, 1980-2013
NCHS - Nonmarital Birth Rates, by Race and Hispanic Origin for Women Aged 15-44: United States
NCHS - Percent Distribution of Births, by Maternal Age: United States, 1933-2018
New Cases of Disabilities by Urban/rural, Age, Year and Gender, Georgia
No migration variant - Population on 1st January by age and sex (discontinued)
No migration variant - Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Non-School Qualification: Field of Study by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Non-School Qualification: Level of Education by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Non-School Qualification: Level of Education by Age by Sex, Australia
Not Economically Active Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years Available for Work & Not Seeking Work by Broad Age Groups, Sex & main Reason for Not Seeking Work (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Not Economically Active Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years Available for Work & Not Seeking Work by Sex & Reason for Not Seeking Work (Percentage Distribution) , Jordan
Not Economically Active Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Category, Sex & Educational Level (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Not Economically Active Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Category, Sex & Governorate (Percentage Distribution) , Jordan
Not Economically Active Jordanian Population Age 15+ Years by Category, Sex and Broad Age Groups (Percentage Distribution) 2010 - 2016
Number dying between exact ages (dx) by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Number left alive at given exact age (lx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and educational attainment level (1 000)
Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and household composition (1 000)
Number of adults by sex, age groups, number of children, age of youngest child and working status (1 000)
Number of adults by working status within households, number of children and age of youngest child (1 000)
Number of births per woman during lifetime by area, 2000-2014, Republic of Moldova
Number of Births, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Mother's Age Group, Aimag and Capital, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Mother's Age Group, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Sex, by Aimag, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Sex, Mongolia
Number of Children Ever Born by Age of Parent (LGA), Australia, 2011
Number of Children Ever Born by Age of Parent, Australia, 2011
Number of Children Ever Born Night by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Number of children in early education institutions, by age groups and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Number of deaths by age and sex
Number of deaths by regions and self-governed units
Number of Deaths, by Age Group, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Age Group, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Educational Level, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Sex, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Sex, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Sex, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of divorced people by age and sex
Number of elderly people in nursing homes by Year and Gender, Georgia
Number of households by degree of urbanisation and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Number of households by household composition, number of children and age of youngest child (1 000)
Number of households by household composition, number of children and working status within households (1 000)
Number of Households, by Bag/Khoroo, Urban and Rural, Mongolia
Number of immigrants and emigrants by sex and citizenship, Georgia, 2012 - 2018
Number of infant deaths by age and sex
Number of live births by age of mother
Number of live births by birth order, Georgia
Number of live births by legitimacy status
Number of live births by live birth number and age of mother, Greenland
Number of live births by regions and self-governed units
Number of live births by regions, birth order and sex, Georgia
Number of local units, persons employed and wages and salaries by NUTS 2 regions
Number Of Marriages And Divorces, By Aimag And The Capital
Number of Marriages and Divorces, by Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Married and Divorced People by Age, Georgia (discontinued)
Number of married people by age and sex
Number of married people by age of spouses
Number of married people by previous marital status and sex
Number of Married People by Previous Marital Status, Georgia (discontinued)
Number of Maternal Deaths, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Mothers Headed Household, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Number of Household Members, Mongolia
Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwellings (LGA), Australia
Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwellings (SA1 SA), Australia
Number of Motor Vehicles by Dwellings, Australia
Number of Old Aged Living Single Headed Households, by Sex, Mongolia
Number of Orphan Children, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of persons by sex, age groups, household composition and educational attainment level (1 000)
Number of persons by sex, age groups, household composition and working status (1 000)
Number of persons by working status within households and household composition (1 000)
Number of persons in households (discontinued)
Number of Persons Using State Health insurance by Region, Year and Gender, Georgia
Number of population by age of group at census of years, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, 2004, 2014, Republic of Moldova
Number of registered divorces by duration of marriage
Number of registered divorces by order of marriages and sex
Number of registered divorces by regions and self-governed units
Number of registered marriages by regions and self-governed units
Nuptiality and Fertility in Sierra Leone
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by sex, age and NACE Rev. 1.1 activity
Paternity by Canton, Sex and Age Class of the Child in Switzerland
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by broad group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over) - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by broad group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over) - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by educational attainment level (population aged 18 and over) - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by income quintile and household type - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by most frequent activity status (population aged 18 and over) - new definition
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by tenure status - new definition
People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and educational attainment level
People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and income quintile
People having a long-standing illness or health problem, by sex, age and labour status
People living in households with very low work intensity by most frequent activity status (population aged 18 to 64 years)
Percentage of employed adults having a second job by sex, age groups, number of children and age of the youngest child
Percentage of employed adults working at home by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
Percentage of employed people having a second job by sex, age groups and household composition
Percentage of employed people working at home by sex, age groups and household composition
Percentage of part-time employment by sex, age groups and household composition
Percentage of part-time employment of adults by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
Percentage of population aged 65 and over by sex
Percentage of self-employed adults by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
Percentage of self-employed by sex, age groups and household composition
Percentage of temporary contracts by sex, age groups and household composition
Percentage of temporary contracts for adults by sex, age groups, number of children and age of youngest child
Performing (non-work-related) physical activities by sex, age and income quintile
Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by age group - EU-SILC survey
Persistent at-risk-of poverty rate by sex - EU-SILC survey
Persistent-at-risk-of-poverty rate
Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by group of citizenship (population aged 18 and over) - EU 2020 strategy
Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by group of country of birth (population aged 18 and over) - EU 2020 strategy
Persons at risk of poverty or social exclusion by income quantile and household composition - EU 2020 strategy
Persons born in Greenland living in Denmark by gender and age (2007-2020)
Persons Born in Greenland living in Denmark by Region
Persons Convicted by Final Judgement - Demographic Characteristics, Italy
Persons in the at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age - EU-SILC survey
Persons not participating in tourism by reason and age group
Persons ouside the labour force by sex, age and place of birth (in thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex and marital status (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, age and marital status (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, education and marital status (thousands)
Persons owning real estate other than main residence by income quantile
Persons owning real estate other than main residence by risk of poverty threshold
Persons providing informal care or assistance at least once a week by sex, age and degree of urbanisation
Persons reporting basic activity difficulty by sex, age, level of difficulty and degree of urbanization
Persons reporting basic activity difficulty by sex, age, level of difficulty and educational attainment level
Persons reporting basic activity difficulty by sex, age, level of difficulty and income quintile
Persons reporting basic activity difficulty by sex, age, level of difficulty, type of basic action and risk of poverty threshold
Persons with financial burden of health care by level of difficulty, type of health care, degree of urbanization and income quantile
Persons with loans for transport purposes by risk of poverty threshold
Persons with loans to cover daily living expenses by risk of poverty threshold
Persons with low level of expenditure by risk of poverty, material deprivation and work intensity - experimental statistics
Person-years lived between exact ages (Lx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
PhD Graduates - Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Curriculum, Italy
Physical and sensory functional limitations by sex, age and educational attainment level
Place of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago by Sex (LGA), Australia
Place of Usual Residence 1 Year Ago by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Place of Usual Residence 5 Years Ago by Sex (LGA), Australia
Place of Usual Residence 5 Years Ago by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Place of Usual Residence 5 Years Ago by Sex, Australia
Place of Usual Residence on Census Night by Age (LGA), Australia
Place of Usual Residence on Census Night by Age (SA2+), Australia
Place of Usual Residence on Census Night by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Political participation of women, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Pollution Index by Country
Population Statistics of Myanmar
Population & Housing Census of Botswana
Population aged 15 and over, living in private households, by sex, age group, family status and current activity status
Population aged 15-34 by educational attainment level, sex, age and programme orientation (%)
Population aged 15-34 by sex and age (1 000)
Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, current activity status and educational attainment level
Population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, educational attainment level and occupation (ISCO 1988)
Population aged 25-64 years, by age groups, level of education and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Population and Demographic Projections, 2011-2035
Population and Demography of Zambia, 1969 - 2035
Population and Demography Quotient of child mortality by selected socioeconomic characteristics in Benin
Population and Education Statistics of Algeria
Population and employment
Population and Growth Rate Estimation, Jordan
Population and Health Statistics of Burundi
Population and Household Characteristics of Kenya
Population and Household Statistics of DR Congo
Population and Household Statistics of India
Population and Household Statistics of UAE
Population and Households of Kuwait
Population and Housing Census Data of Zambia
Population and Housing Census of Egypt
Population and Housing Census of Gambia, by LGA/District
Population and Labor Force Statistics of Malaysia
Population and Vital Statistics of Mauritius
Population and Vital Statistics, 2015 (discontinued)
Population as of 1 January by age and sex (single years of age)
Population as of 1 January by regions and self-governed units
Population by Age and Sex in Taiwan
Population by Age in Single Years and Five-Year Age Groups of Tanzania, 2012
Population by broad age group
Population by broad age group and NUTS 3 regions
Population by citizenship and country of birth - cities and greater cities
Population by citizenship and country of birth - functional urban areas
Population by country of birth, country of birth of mother and father, sex and age (1 000)
Population by country of birth, country of birth of parents, sex, age and labour status (1 000)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and citizenship (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and country of birth (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age and labour status (%)
Population by Ethnic and Religious of Nigeria
Population by familytype 1994-2019, Greenland
Population by Food Security Profile of Djibouti
Population by Gender and Citizenship in Germany
Population by Gender in Jordan
Population by Nationality, Bahrain
Population by sex and age
Population by sex and age (all age bands)
Population by sex and age (discontinued)
Population by Sex and Age Group of Countries
Population by sex and age groups on 1 January (discontinued)
Population by Sex and District in Botswana
Population by sex and year of birth
Population by sex, age and citizenship
Population by sex, age and current activity status
Population by sex, age and current activity status
Population by sex, age and educational attainment level
Population by sex, age and educational attainment level (1 000)
Population by sex, age and household status
Population by sex, age and marital status
Population by sex, age and metropolitan regions
Population by sex, age and other typologies
Population by sex, age and participation in education and training (last 4 weeks) (1 000)
Population by sex, age group and citizenship
Population by sex, age group and country of birth
Population by sex, age group and family situation (household status)
Population by sex, age group, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, size of household and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)
Population by sex, age, citizenship and labour status (1 000)
Population by sex, citizenship and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, citizenship, family status and type of housing
Population by tenure status, level of activity limitation and poverty status
Population by type of family with children 1994-2019, Greenland
Population Census of Comoros
Population change - crude rates of total change and natural change
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at national level
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3)
Population Change (demo_r_pch)(Births, Deaths and Infant Mortality), February 2013 (discontinued)
Population change by NUTS 2 region - Crude rates of total change, natural change and net migration plus adjustment
Population Data
Population density
Population density (discontinued)
Population Density by Governorate, Kuwait
Population density by metropolitan regions
Population density by NUTS 2 region
Population density by NUTS 3 region
Population density by other typologies
Population distribution by province of the DRC, Discontinued
Population Estimates and Projections
Population Estimates by Region, Sex and Nationality for Saudi Arabia
Population Estimates for Kuwait
Population Estimates for Republic of Guinea
Population in jobless households
Population in municipalities and districts by householdtype 1994-2022
Population in private households by sex, age group, citizenship and size of household
Population July 1st 2011-2021
Population of All Cities in Sudan
Population of Georgia
Population of Tanzania, 1967 - 2025 (Source Discontinued)
Population on 1 January
Population on 1 January by age and sex
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and country of birth
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and level of human development of the country of birth
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and level of human development of the country of citizenship
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region
Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - cities and greater cities
Population on 1 January by age groups and sex - functional urban areas
Population on 1 January by age, sex and broad group of citizenship
Population on 1 January by age, sex and broad group of country of birth
Population on 1 January by age, sex and educational attainment level
Population on 1 January by age, sex and legal marital status
Population on 1 January by age, sex and NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by broad age group and sex
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and metropolitan regions
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and NUTS 3 region
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and other typologies
Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and citizenship
Population on 1 January by five year age group, sex and other typologies
Population on 1 January by five years age group and sex
Population on 1 January by NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by sex, citizenship and broad group of country of birth
Population on 1 January by sex, country of birth and broad group of citizenship
Population on 1st January by age, sex and type of projection
Population on 1st January by age, sex and type of projection (discontinued)
Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions
Population on 1st January by age, sex, type of projection and other typologies
Population Projection 2021: Demographic Dependency Ratio by Area, Finland
Population Projection 2021: Population According to Age and Sex by Area, Finland
Population Projection by Age in Single Year, by Age Groups and Sex: 2013 - 2035, Tanzania:
Population Projection for Germany
Population projections
Population Projections of Palestine
Population Projections, Botswana
Population Statistics of Cuba
Population Statistics of Eritrea
Population Statistics of Gabon
Population Statistics of Guatemala
Population Statistics of Guinea-Bissau
Population Statistics of Madagascar
Population Statistics of Malaysia
Population Statistics of Maldives
Population Statistics of Paraguay
Population Statistics of Qatar
Population Statistics of Sao Tome & Principe
Population Statistics of Saudi Arabia
Population statistics of Seychelles
Population Statistics of South Africa
Population Statistics of Sri Lanka
Population Statistics of Swaziland
Population structure - cities and greater cities
Population structure - functional urban areas
Population structure by detailed age group
Population, 1990-2010, Cape Verde
Population, Health and Society, with Projection till 2100 (discontinued)
Population: Structure indicators
Preliminary results on employer enterprise deaths presented by legal form (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Preliminary results on employer enterprise deaths presented by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Preliminary results on enterprise deaths presented by legal form (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Preliminary results on enterprise deaths presented by size class (until 2007, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Present population by districts and cities, as of January 1, 2004-2018, Republic of Moldova
Present population by sex and areas, as of January 1, 1940-2018, Republic of Moldova
Prisoners by citizenship
Private households by composition, age group of children and NUTS 3 regions
Private households by composition, size and NUTS 3 regions
Private households by type of housing
Private househoulds by size, composition and presence of elderly members
Private housholds by composition and type of housing
Probability of dying between exact ages (qx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Probability of surviving between exact ages (px) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language by Age (LGA), Australia
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language by Age, Australia
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language by Year of Arrival in Australia by Sex
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language by Year of Arrival in Australia by Sex (LGA)
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language by Year of Arrival in Australia by Sex (SA1 SA)
Proficiency in Spoken English/Language of Parents by Age of Dependent Children (LGA), Australia
Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and metropolitan regions
Projected deaths by age, sex, type of projection and other typologies
Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Projected old-age dependency ratio (discontinued)
Proportion of dissaving households - experimental statistics
Proportion of dissaving households by level of expenditure and age of the reference person - experimental statistics
Proportion of dissaving households by level of expenditure and educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics
Proportion of dissaving households by level of expenditure and household type - experimental statistics
Proportion of population by age group, sex and citizenship
Proportion of population by age group, sex and country of birth
Proportion of population living in households considering that they suffer from noise (discontinued)
Prosperity Now Economic Data
Provincial projection by sex and age, South Africa
Public Administration Statistics of Mali
Pupils aged 3 years old, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils aged 4 years old, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils aged between 4 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by NUTS2 regions - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils aged between 5 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils and students enrolled by education level and programme orientation with coverage adjusted to statistics on educational finance and aligned to financial year
Pupils and students enrolled by sex, age and NUTS2 regions
Rates of TBI-related Emergency Department Visits, Hospitalizations, and Deaths United States, 2001 2010
Ratio of young people in the total population on 1 January by sex and age
Rectors of universities, by sex, 2008/09-2017/18, Republic of Moldova
Reduced migration variant - Projected demographic balances and indicators (discontinued)
Refugee and Special Immigrant Visa Arrivals in U.S.
Regional Demographic Statistics of Ukraine
Regional Statistics of Côte d'Ivoire
Regional Statistics, LGA 2017, 2011-2017, Australia
Registered Divorces by Governorate and Selected Characteristics of Bride, Jordan (2016-2017)
Registered Divorces by Governorate And Selected Characteristics of Groom (2016-2017), Jordan
Registered Divorces by Time and Governorate, Jordan
Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2011
Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Registered Marital Status by Age by Sex, Australia, 2011
Registered Marriages by Age, Time and Previous Marital Status of Bride (2000-2017), Jordan
Registered Marriages by Age, Time and Previous Marital Status of Groom (2000-2017), Jordan
Registered Marriages by Governorate and Selected Characteristics of Bride, Jordan
Registered Marriages by Governorate and Time 2000-2017, Jordan
Registered Marriages, by Sex and Age Group, Mongolia
Registered Marriages, by Sex and Age Group, Soum and District, Mongolia
Relationship in Household by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Relationship in Household by Age by Sex, Australia
Religions Across The World
Religious Affiliation by Age (LGA), Australia
Religious Affiliation by Age, Australia
Religious Affiliation by Sex (LGA), Australia
Religious Affiliation by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Religious Affiliation by Sex, Australia
Renewed 2015-2045 Population Projection At Regional and Sub-Regional Level Based On Resident Population of Mongolia, Sex and Age Groups, Medium Scenario
Rent (weekly) by Family Composition for Couple Families (LGA), Australia
Rent (weekly) by Family Composition for Couple Families, Australia
Rent (weekly) by Family Composition for One Parent Families (LGA), Australia
Rent (weekly) by Family Composition for One Parent Families, Australia
Rent (weekly) by Landlord Type (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Rent (weekly) by Landlord Type (LGA), Australia, 2011
Rent (weekly) by Landlord Type (SA1 SA), Australia
Rent (weekly) by Landlord Type, Australia, 2001-2011
Repatriated by nationality, 1994-2022
Repatriates by category and sex, 1994-2022
Repatriates by country of destination,1994-2017, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by age and sex at the censuses of 1970, 1979, 1989, 2004, 2014, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by age group, years, area and sex as of January 1, 2000-2018, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by ages, areas and sex, as of January 1, 1980-2018, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by cities and districts, as of January 1, 2005-2018, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by cities, as of January 1, 1980-2018, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by districts, areas, and sex, as of January 1, 2007-2018, Republic of Moldova
Resident population by sex and areas, as of January 1, 1970-2018, Republic of Moldova
Residents who acquired citizenship as a share of resident non-citizens by former citizenship and sex (%)
S80/S20 income quintile share ratio by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey
Saudi Arabia Crude Birth, Mortality & Fertility Indicators by Sex and Nationality, 2004-2014
Selected Demographic Indicators of Italy
Selected Labour Force, Education and Migration Characteristics (LGA), Australia
Selected Labour Force, Education and Migration Characteristics, Australia
Selected Medians and Averages (LGA), Australia
Selected Medians and Averages (SA1 SA), Australia
Selected Medians and Averages, Australia
Selected Person Characteristics (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Selected Person Characteristics (LGA), Australia, 2011
Selected Person Characteristics (SA1 SA), Australia
Selected Person Characteristics, Australia, 2001-2011
Selected population characteristics, Canada, provinces and territories
Self-perceived health by sex, age and educational attainment level
Self-perceived health by sex, age and income quintile
Self-perceived health by sex, age and labour status
Self-perceived long-standing limitations in usual activities due to health problem by sex, age and labour status
Self-reported consultations of a medical professional by sex, age and educational attainment level
Self-reported hospital in-patient and day-patient admissions by sex, age and degree of urbanisation
Self-reported hospital in-patient and day-patient admissions by sex, age and educational attainment level
Self-reported last colonoscopy by sex, age and degree of urbanisation
Self-reported time elapsed since last visit to a medical professional by sex, age and degree of urbanisation
Self-reported time elapsed since last visit to a medical professional by sex, age and educational attainment level
Senegal: Demography and Projection
Separations - Demographic Characteristics, Italy
Severe material and social deprivation by income quantile and household composition
Severe material and social deprivation rate by age and sex
Severe material and social deprivation rate for children (aged less than 18) by sex
Severe material deprivation rate by educational attainment level (population aged 18 and over)
Severe material deprivation rate by sex
Severity of current depressive symptoms by sex, age and educational attainment level
Sex ratio (men per 100 women) by age group,1990-2017, Republic of Moldova
Sex ratio at birth
Sex Ratio At Birth, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Sex Ratio At Birth, by Soum, Mongolia
Sex Ratio in India
Share of informally employed persons in the non-agricultural sector by age group and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Share of part-time workers by sex, age and marital status, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Share of women in total number of pedagogical staff, by educational levels, 2008/09-2017/18, Republic of Moldova
Share of young people living with their parents by sex and age (discontinued)
Singulate Mean Age at First Marriage (years) (2008-2017), Jordan
Social and Productive Infrastructures for OBOR countries
Social Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Social Marital Status by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia, 2011
Social Marital Status by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Social Marital Status by Age by Sex, Australia, 2001-2011
Social Marital Status by Age by Sex, Australia, 2011
Social statistics, annual - cities and greater cities (discontinued)
Social statistics, annual - larger urban zone (discontinued)
Social statistics, multiannual - larger urban zone (discontinued)
Socio Economic Data Of Botswana
Socio Economic data of Kenya, 1962 - 2011
Socio economic Statistics of Algeria
Socio Economic Statistics of India
Socio Economic Statistics of Sao Tome and Principe
Socio Economic Statistics of Seychelles
Socio Economic Statistics of Tanzania
Socio Economics Database of Swaziland, 1911 - 2020
Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) 1950-2021
Socio-Demographic Statistics of Djibouti
Socio-Economic Data, Zimbabwe
Somerset County Population by Municipality
South Africa Population Projection by ethnic group, sex and age (2002 to 2018)
Spouses Demographic Characteristics, Italy
Standardised death rate due to tuberculosis, HIV and hepatitis by type of disease
State Level Statistics for Understanding Child Welfare in the U.S.
Statewise Census Data in India, 1901-2011
State-Wise Percentage of Muslim Population and Enrolment at Primary Level - DISE 2012-13: Flash Statistics, India
Stillbirths by Age of Mother, Georgia (discontinued)
Stillbirths by Regions, Georgia (discontinued)
Stillbirths since 1803 in Switzerland
Structure of employed population by economic sectors, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Structure of employed population by status in employment and by sex, 2000-2017, Republic of Moldova
Structure of household population by age of the reference person - experimental statistics
Structure of household population by educational attainment level of the reference person - experimental statistics
Students and Independent Schools by Education Level in Qatar
Students in post-compulsory education - as % of the total population of post-compulsory school age
Students In Vocational And Technical Education Institutions, By Region, Aimag And The Capital
Supply of dwellings to population, in territorial aspect,-Republic of Moldova
Suriname: Demographic statistics
Switzerland: Deaths Per Month and Mortality since 1803
Switzerland: Regional Portraits - Key Data
Switzerland: Registered Partnerships by Canton, Marital Status (before the partnership), Nationality (category) and Age Class of both of the Partners
System of Social and Demographic Statistics: Population and Households
System of Social and Demographic Statistics: Population and Households, Japan
Table 1:Life Life Expectancy at Birth, by Governorate and sex 2008-2020
Taiwan: Population Projections (1960-2070)
Tamil Nadu Census Data, 1901-2011
Tanzania: Summary of Selected Demographic Indicators, 2013–2035
Tenure Type and Landlord Type by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia, 2001-2011
Tenure Type and Landlord Type by Dwelling Structure (SA1 SA), Australia
Tenure Type and Landlord Type by Dwelling Structure, Australia, 2001-2011
The Complete Mothers' Index, 2015 (Discontinued)
The Economist's Tracker for Covid-19 Excess Deaths
The number of Registered internally displaced persons (IDPs) by Region, Year, Age and Gender, Georgia
The population 16+ years by region, employment status, age and sex. Year 2001 - 2018
The share of births attended by skilled health personnel, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
The structure of population of 25-64 years old by level of education, age groups and sex, 2008-2017, Republic of Moldova
Time use indicators for population aged 15 years and over, by sex and age group, 2012, Republic of Moldova
Total by live-birth order, age of mother and areas, 2000-2017, Republic of Moldova
Total by live-births order and areas, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Total by live-births order, age of mother and areas, 1980-1997, Republic of Moldova
Total Family Income (weekly) by Family Composition (LGA), Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Family Composition (SA1 SA), Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Family Composition, Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Number of Children for Couple Families (LGA), Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Number of Children for Couple Families, Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Number of Children for One Parent Families (LGA), Australia
Total Family Income (weekly) by Number of Children for One Parent Families, Australia
Total fertility rate (discontinued)
Total fertility rate by NUTS 3 region (discontinued)
Total fertility rate, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017, Republic of Moldova
Total Household Income (weekly) by Household Composition (LGA), Australia
Total Household Income (weekly) by Household Composition (SA1 SA), Australia
Total Household Income (weekly) by Household Composition, Australia
Total Household Income (weekly) by Rent (weekly) (LGA), Australia
Total Household Income (weekly) by Rent (weekly), Australia
Total Personal Income (weekly) by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Total person-years lived above given exact age (Tx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Tunisia Census Data by Area, Sex, Age Group
Type of Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (LGA), Australia
Type of Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure (SA1 SA), Australia
Type of Internet Connection by Dwelling Structure, Australia
U.S. 50-State Scorecard
U.S. Demographic Characteristics Estimates
U.S. Regional Population, Census Data
UAE: Health Vital Statistics
Unaccompanied minor asylum applicants having had their applications processed under the accelerated procedure, by age, sex and citizenship - monthly data (rounded)
Unaccompanied minors subject of asylum applications pending at the end of the month by citizenship, age and sex - monthly data (rounded)
Under 5 Mortality Rate by Governorates in Egypt
Under-5 mortality rate by sex (under-5 deaths per 1 000 live births)
Under-Five Mortality Rate per 1000 Live Births, Mongolia
Under-Five Mortality, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
UNECE Millennium Development Goals, 1963 - 2014 (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex, age and educational attainment - annual averages
UNESCO: Demographic and Socio-Economic Data
UNHCR Population Statistics Database: Demographics
United States: Adult Life Expectancy by State and County, 2018
University Graduates - Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Curriculum, Italy
Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Unpaid Assistance to a Person with a Disability by Age by Sex, Australia
Unpaid Child Care by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Unpaid Child Care by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Unpaid Child Care by Age by Sex, Australia
US City Data (Discontinued)
US Regional Race Data
Usually resident population on 1 January
Vital Statistics of Myanmar
Vital Details Statistics, Bahrain
Vital statistics by years, indicators and area, 1940-2017, Republic of Moldova
Vital Statistics of U.K.
Vital statistics rate by years, indicators and areas,1940-2017, Republic of Moldova
Vital statistics rates, in territorial aspect, 2003-2017, Republic of Moldova
Vital, Health and Nutrition Statistics of Philippines
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (LGA), Australia
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex (SA1 SA), Australia
Voluntary Work for an Organisation or Group by Age by Sex, Australia
West Sumatra - Population & Area by Regency
Woman fertility by age group of mother, in territorial aspect, 2007-2017, Republic of Moldova
Woman fertility by area and age group of mother, 1980-2017, Republic of Moldova
Women per 100 men (discontinued)
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Soums and Districts, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Mother's Educational Level, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Mother's Educational Level, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Mother's Educational Level, Soum and District, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Births, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
World Development Indicators (WDI)
World Population-Total and Urban Population, Annual, 1950-2050
World Urbanization Prospects : The 2018 Revision - Urban Agglomerations
World Urbanization Prospects: The 2018 Revision - Population
World's Women 2020: Population and Families