Budgetary Position of the Government of India
Estimated Number of Central Government Civilian Regular Employees in India
Expenditure Incurred on Pay and Allowances of Civilian Employees by the Central Ministries/Departments
External Debt of India
India's Economic Survey: Advances to Agriculture and other Priority Sectors by Public Sector Banks
India's Economic Survey: Agriculture Production Index Numbers
India's Economic Survey: Area, Production and Yield of Major Crops
India's Economic Survey: Direction of Trade
India's Economic Survey: Employment in organised sectors and performance of public sector enterprises
India's Economic Survey: Exports, Imports and Trade Balance
India's Economic Survey: External Assistance
India's Economic Survey: External Debt Outstanding
India's Economic Survey: Foreign Exchange Reserves
India's Economic Survey: Growth of Civil Aviation
India's Economic Survey: Human Development Indicator
India's Economic Survey: Index Numbers of Foreign Trade
India's Economic Survey: Minimum Support Price for Major Crops
India's Economic Survey: National Income
India's Economic Survey: Net Availability of Foodgrains, Cereals and Pulses
India's Economic Survey: Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices
India's Economic Survey: Principal Imports and Exports
India's Economic Survey: Production of Major Livestock Products and Fish
India's Economic Survey: Production, Consumption and Imports of Fertilizers
India's Economic Survey: Progress of Electricity Supply (Utilities and Non-utilities)
India's Economic Survey: Railways and Road Transport
India's Economic Survey: Scheduled Commercial Banks Data
India's Economic Survey: Share in World Exports by Commodity Divisions and Groups
India's Economic Survey: State-Wise Public Sector Banks Data
Medium Term Expenditure Framework, India