FAO defines meat as the flesh of animals used for food. In production data, meat is normally reported inclusive of bone and exclusive of meat that is unfit for human consumption. As reported by individual countries, meat production data may refer either to commercial production (meat entering marketing channels), inspected production (from animals slaughtered under sanitary inspection), or total production (the total of the above- mentioned categories plus slaughter for personal consumption). All FAO annual production data refer to total production.Country statistics on meat production adhere to one or more of the following concepts: 1. Live weight: the weight of the animal immediately before slaughter. 2. Killed weight: the live weight less the uncollected blood lost during slaughter. 3. Dressed carcass weight: weight minus all parts - edible and inedible - that are removed in dressing the carcass. The concept varies widely from country to country and according to the various species of livestock. Edible parts generally include edible offals (head or head meat, tongue, brains, heart, liver, spleen, stomach or tripes and, in a few countries, other parts such as feet, throat and lungs. Slaughter fats (the unrendered fats that fall in the course of dressing the carcasses) are recorded as either edible or inedible according to country practice. Inedible parts generally include hides and skins (except in the case of pigs), as well as hoofs and stomach contents.Meat production data for minor animals (poultry, rabbits, etc.) are reported in one of the following three ways: ready-to-cook weight (giblets are sometimes included and sometimes excluded); eviscerated weight (including the feet and head); or dressed weight, i.e. the live weight less the blood, feathers and skin.FAO data relate to dressed carcass weight for livestock and, wherever possible, ready-to- cook weight for poultry.Among individual countries, one of the following three concepts issued to measure production:A. Production from all animals, of both indigenous and foreign origin, that are slaughtered within national boundaries. B. Production from the slaughter of indigenous animals plus exports of live indigenous animals during the reference period. Derived from meat production as follows: production from slaughtered animals plus the meat equivalent of all animals exported alive, minus the meat equivalent of all animals imported alive. As imports/exports of live animals are recorded by FAO in numbers, not weight, animal type and size are of significance. C. The biological production concept covers indigenous animals that are either slaughtered or exported live, plus net additions to the stock during the reference period. Derived from indigenous productions follows: indigenous production plus (or minus) the meat equivalent of the change in the stock numbers during the reference period. Production is expressed in terms of live weight. Changes in the total live weight of all animals are not taken into account.FAO uses the first concept of meat production in the construction of its food balance sheets and for related indicators. The second concept, indigenous meat production, in measuring the output of the national livestock sector, is useful mainly in the construction of index numbers of agricultural production. The third concept, biological production, would be the most complete as it also reflects changes in the livestock herd, but it is not used because of difficulties in obtaining information from national reporting offices. The prices applied to indigenous meat production are derived from prices of live animals. This covers not only the value of meat, but also the value of offals, fats, hides and skins.

Мясо (тонн)

Антигуа и Барбуда3978511 0551 216408367315298257273264264170150157148212104
Аргентина3 335 5693 661 4854 101 2934 562 9234 721 9224 781 2995 017 7265 344 2535 237 4825 485 1805 396 1725 696 9405 931 3246 148 7186 217 3296 141 9446 357 6856 499 503
Багамы4 4796 0837 0846 8997 1476 9987 0567 1826 8787 0167 2427 0557 0016 9646 8216 6056 5286 451
Барбадос4 62014 99513 53917 99017 40917 59817 20416 47117 56119 47518 13818 73919 73019 55415 28616 37118 62018 050
Белиз2 1518 27210 73116 69816 60016 83717 48319 49720 68821 85422 31123 28523 88524 50222 19423 35625 06026 612
Боливия123 381264 844384 972492 775702 567721 010765 046795 622805 809837 297861 098919 243917 863928 659936 328966 0511 019 6451 067 497
Бразилия3 095 6407 709 08815 424 85019 668 81523 482 10124 128 40824 580 83625 268 19825 894 67226 484 59726 749 88527 526 51927 701 32828 177 43028 572 00729 302 47730 396 74131 602 398
Канада2 071 8782 795 8734 000 3244 593 7904 440 6304 353 6124 310 8544 309 0314 350 3124 441 2274 605 7334 789 2374 909 5555 061 9645 143 7545 204 3485 241 5475 261 660
Чили310 196519 960945 5211 193 2621 326 7081 395 0391 474 7591 454 0511 431 2601 482 5481 498 6231 418 2171 504 8891 534 7921 588 7681 575 7011 559 8681 551 813
Колумбия546 6551 197 9971 376 6151 698 8172 038 5612 122 1142 306 9022 384 5302 469 4032 595 0502 638 0612 691 1512 799 5762 900 8832 820 5382 931 7723 064 8073 095 938
Коста-Рика54 884144 773186 481211 024259 971258 346255 111258 868267 223264 382261 904272 094280 344298 919295 131307 800310 486303 072
Куба277 930336 540236 199196 824282 290292 554283 258306 624315 130325 753350 911360 826364 608349 006240 354257 217315 535335 475
Доминика6141 1421 3641 3641 3651 3841 4221 4151 4061 4001 3981 4001 4001 4021 4111 4121 4141 417
Доминиканская Республика71 038214 574342 202495 682460 685493 127438 962465 878460 781487 655495 842475 756490 290500 757441 199512 430525 359541 719
Эквадор112 298253 267497 283541 393791 803809 298793 454830 773893 173894 927921 697836 890839 725906 136845 812872 795956 1851 006 522
Сальвадор34 41770 853121 660136 557145 945140 453145 180140 368145 010153 084162 481161 610170 132173 713157 266182 672185 987187 105
Гренада8028481 0151 0391 5231 5161 5401 6271 6521 7921 8161 7942 0122 0721 8121 8402 2142 013
Гватемала81 218159 980228 435252 272328 312348 939366 511378 494510 998520 232531 702540 109571 729593 995683 839623 379697 495729 244
Гайана11 7715 96514 83025 92728 28528 75233 08332 95032 33534 06735 27633 94345 44743 33847 29953 16560 75566 311
Гаити55 58757 02192 835101 839103 839104 516105 036105 036104 999105 493106 870106 625105 585107 032107 768107 628108 508109 109
Гондурас45 65887 784140 972216 262205 653224 008231 076227 893232 885251 688263 703269 534283 038282 826265 577307 035313 010316 390
Ямайка33 05674 86498 509122 171114 867114 480115 891117 768123 110126 398141 576142 160146 020147 878136 800139 462154 067155 279
Мексика1 291 7462 800 8394 444 0535 301 8885 807 6725 980 1446 058 3456 101 2346 200 0016 330 9046 531 3436 777 5677 018 0027 301 7697 511 0897 692 9947 889 4538 075 298
Никарагуа81 42877 073107 635155 353233 543239 039214 050255 951262 111256 903264 795304 793291 263303 298308 656326 870323 070332 218
Панама45 908101 093172 474175 401234 683254 372270 771275 310286 620296 739302 119308 643323 734309 589281 289304 960333 675343 932
Парагвай185 697335 624312 066333 066418 066425 186381 303465 680563 521548 458584 053651 868625 367620 563660 541671 415666 465612 961
Перу263 580500 169801 277982 4071 386 1111 485 4741 602 4201 657 2221 731 0141 748 6631 828 7501 891 8462 014 3022 209 4782 156 1112 197 8212 256 5492 261 334
Сент-Китс и Невис468503504497400397252195203215204144146112105124157178
Сент-Люсия1 2871 8982 1482 9132 8452 8202 7732 5032 5832 6812 6692 6142 5862 7532 8992 8963 0722 902
Сент-Винсент и Гренадины6051 2871 2921 0751 3021 1771 0861 1401 1721 1951 2041 1491 1211 0821 100788924868
Суринам5 97715 8347 41011 28215 81014 65115 10312 04312 82413 19912 36113 99614 63616 09515 60017 09816 83713 878
Тринидад и Тобаго19 80728 45441 69661 70870 11668 86570 52970 52870 70251 65063 71867 14268 48054 61250 26153 13454 21053 265
Соединенные Штаты Америки21 330 29628 634 66237 565 21139 744 00041 924 25242 422 19342 602 21642 736 17142 804 02943 292 06744 648 24045 805 65046 839 62248 170 42147 045 68847 442 10247 753 74647 461 240
Уругвай502 092451 805591 811703 386641 178621 341640 302625 399652 418660 266686 040706 682700 880689 972623 906703 665745 029714 527
Венесуэла346 848755 5251 257 1711 298 9601 761 0881 884 9971 775 6271 708 3801 620 9821 446 1201 197 4101 039 970982 193968 172956 927980 844955 397972 219