Milk, eggs, honey and beeswax are included as products of live animals. Fibres of animal origin (mainly wool and silk) are included with fibres of vegetal and animal origin. Milk and dairy products. Estimates of milk production as reported by countries refer to one or more of the following three concepts. Gross production is milk production plus milk sucked by young animals. Production available for consumption is net production less milk fed to animals, milk retained by farmers for food and feed, direct sales to consumers and farm waste. The FAO concept relates to net milk production. Data should be reported by kind of milking animal (cow, sheep, goat, etc.) in terms of whole milk and by weight. In most developed countries only 5-10 percent of whole milk is used directly for human consumption. The bulk of milk production is processed before being marketed as liquid milk (e. G. standardized, pasteurized, skimmed, etc.) or is manufactured in to products such as cream, butter, cheese, evaporated and condensed milk, milk powder, casein, yogurt, ice cream, etc. About 70 percent of whole milk is processed into dairy products; the by-products of these processes (e. G. skim milk, buttermilk and whey) are used either for feed or are manufactured into other dairy products, e. G. dry skim milk and low-fat cheese. Processed milk and dairy products are often supplemented with vitamins, mineral and various additives. FAO list 50 milk and dairy product items in the list that follows, of which five are primary products. Some food products containing milk are not listed separately by FAO, e. G. eggnog, sherbet, malted milk, chocolate milk drink and mellorine.

Молоко (100 грамм на животное)

Бенин7077651 7321 7301 7201 7141 7081 7121 7221 7221 7231 7241 7111 7121 5371 5041 521
Буркина Фасо1 162750741774769768766768966921876876824883804858869
Кабо Верде1 3251 1521 6171 6131 2181 3571 3491 3411 0771 0741 099822815825905918933
Кот Д'Ивуар1 1181 4921 3791 4011 4051 0911 0911 0911 1501 0821 0641 0821 0911 0911 0911 1421 009
Гамбия1 7501 75013 83613 85313 86513 87013 87213 87413 87813 88113 88013 87812 94112 95612 96912 97212 976
Гана1 3001 3001 4151 4001 4091 3821 3701 3701 3821 3731 3641 3541 3431 3411 3251 3191 313
Гвинея-Биссау8888601 3301 3281 2561 2551 2531 2301 2161 2111 2361 2321 1941 1821 1801 1791 178
Либерия1 3001 30013 78213 79213 80813 81213 81413 81613 81913 82213 82213 82212 70212 69712 69712 70312 703
Нигер6068719069511 0871 0421 0489559531 0981 1041 1111 1181 1251 1321 073963
Нигерия2 3972 3982 4502 4022 4192 4482 4092 4102 4582 3752 3792 3762 3742 3722 3702 3682 367
Сенегал1 4338207017378408319619671 0241 0541 0711 0991 1031 0801 0661 0711 099
Сьерра Леоне2 5002 50013 80213 82813 87913 88713 89013 89113 89413 89213 89013 87513 00413 00212 99812 98112 998
Того2 2502 2502 1822 1821 5801 5611 5431 4651 8471 7171 7371 7801 7791 7851 4301 7391 742