Население, человек:124 071 179 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:364 500
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:33 767 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:4 204,5 (2023)
Индекс Джини:32,9 (2013)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:30
Наборы данных
Balance of international trade in goods (discontinued)
Balance of international trade in services (discontinued)
Balance of payments
Balance of payments by country - monthly data (BPM6)
Balance of payments by country (discontinued)
Balance of Payments by Partner Country, Denmark
Balance of payments of the EU institutions - annual data (BPM6)
Balance of payments of the EU institutions - annual data (discontinued)
Balance of payments of the EU institutions - monthly data (discontinued)
Balance of payments of the EU institutions - quarterly data (discontinued)
Balance of Payments(BOP) and International Investment Position(IIP), World and Regional Aggregates
Balance of payments, capital account, monthly data
Balance of payments, capital account, quarterly data
Balance of payments, current account, monthly data
Balance of payments, current account, quarterly data
Balance of payments, current account, quarterly data - % of GDP
Balance of payments, current and capital account, monthly data
Balance of payments, current and capital account, quarterly data
Balance of payments, financial account, monthly data
Balance of payments, financial account, net, quarterly data
Balance of Payments, June 2012 (discontinued)
Balance of the current account (discontinued)
Balance of trade
Capital account - annual data
Capital account - quarterly data
Current account - monthly data
Current Account and Capital Account by European Region, Quarterly, Finland
Current account balance - 3 year average
Current account balance - annual data
Current account balance - quarterly data
Current Account by Country, Finland
Current account transactions - credits, debits and balance
Current account transactions - goods: credits, debits and balance
Current account transactions - primary income: credits, debits and balance
Current account transactions - secondary income: credits, debits and balance
Current account transactions - services: credits, debits and balance
Current account transactions. Exports, imports and balance by partner. (discontinued)
Current account, main component, credit - annual data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, credit - annual data, million units of national currency
Current account, main components, credit - quarterly data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, credit - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Current account, main components, debit - annual data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, debit - annual data, million units of national currency
Current account, main components, debit - quarterly data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, debit - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Current account, main components, net balance - annual data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, net balance - annual data, million units of national currency
Current account, main components, net balance - quarterly data, % of GDP
Current account, main components, net balance - quarterly data, million units of national currency