Capital:Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to
- Governor:Naoki Inose
Total Population (Thousand Persons):13300 (2013)
Total Land Area (,67 (2013)
Population Density (Population per 503,4 (2012)
Gross Prefectural Product (Million Yen):92387777 (2011)
Annual Increase Rate of Gross Prefectural Product (%):1,0 (2011)
Prefectural Income per Person (Thousand Yen):4373 (2011)
Annual Increase Rate of CPI (%):-0,5
Official Web-Site of the Region
Unemployment Rate (%):5,9 (2010)
Wages, Male (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):438,9 (2011)
Wages, Female (Monthly Average, Thousand Yen):317,9 (2011)
Monthly Living Expenditure per Household (Thousand Yen):313,7 (2011)
Passenger Cars for Private Use per 1,000 Persons (Number):232,2 (2013)
Total Fertility Rate (Children per Woman):1,13 (2013)
Crude Death Rate (Per 1,000 Persons):8,31 (2013)
Rate of Natural Increase of Population (%):0,03 (2010)
Elementary School Pupils per Teacher (Persons):18,58 (2011)
Total Real Length of Major Roads (Km per 1,00 (2012)
Crime Rate (per 100,000 Persons):114,7 (2010)
National Accounts
Gross Value Added
- GVA in information and communication
- GVA in distributive trade, repairs, transport, accommodation, food services
- GVA in public administration, compulsory, education, human health
- GVA in real estate activities
- GVA in financial and insurance activities
- GVA in other services
- GVA in professional, scientific, technical activities, administrative, support service activities
- GVA in construction
- GVA in agriculture, forestry and fishing
- GVA in manufacturing
- GVA in industry, including energy