Население, человек:2 839 822 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:10 830
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:6 840 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:19,4 (2023)
Индекс Джини:40,2 (2021)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:71
Households & Living Conditions
Number of Households
Number of Dwelling Units
Water Closet, type of toilet facilities
No Toilet Facilities
Public Collection, Regular Garbage Disposal
Private Collection, Garbage Disposal
Burn, Method of Garbage Disposal
Sea/River/Pond/Gully, Dumping
Number of Rooms Occupied, 1
Number of Rooms Occupied, 2
Number of Rooms Occupied, 3
Electricity, Source of Lighting
Piped into Dwelling
Piped into Yard
Private Source, Piped into Dwelling
Spring or River
Water/Water Truck
Total Dwellings
Kerosene, Source of Lighting
LPG, Used for Cooking
Electric, Used for Cooking
Wood, Used for Cooking
Charcoal, Used for Cooking
Housing Units
Concrete and Blocks
Stone and Brick
Wood and Brick
Separate House Detached
Attached Unit
Part of Commercial Building