- Governor:Hong Jun-pyo
Total Population, Persons:3 273 079 (2014)
Area, Sq. Km:10 533,85 (2010)
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:300,0 (2010)
Official Web-Site of the Region
Total Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:1,37 (2013)
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1,000 Population:8,9 (2013)
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 100,000 Persons:6,1 (2013)
GDP, current prices, million won:101 015 865 (2013)
Gross disposable income, billion won:86 886 (2013)
GDP per capita, current prices, thousand won:23 116 (2013)
Gross disposable income per capita, thousand Won:25 044 (2013)
Marital Status
Mean Age at First Marriage
Mean Age at Divorce