- Mayor:Yoon Jang-hyun
Total Population, Persons:1 515 992 (2014)
Area, Sq. Km:501,00 (2010)
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:2 945,6 (2010)
Official Web-Site of the Region
Total Fertility Rate, Children per Woman:1,17 (2013)
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1,000 Population:8,7 (2013)
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 100,000 Persons:4,7 (2013)
GDP, current prices, million won:29 646 229 (2013)
Gross disposable income, billion won:35 615 (2013)
GDP per capita, current prices, thousand won:20 844 (2013)
Gross disposable income per capita, thousand Won:24 534 (2013)
Population Characteristics
Key Indicators
Native and Foreign Population
Projected Population by Broad Age Groups
Projected Population by Sex
Projected Population in Working Ages
Projected Population in Old Ages
Projected Population in School Ages