- District Secretary:D.A.L. Nimal Abeysiri
Area in Sq.km:3293 (2016)
Population (Persons):431000 (2017)
Population Density :130,883692681446 (2017)
Population 15 years and over , Female:153246 (2012)
Total fertility rate (Births per woman):2,5 (2016)
Employed , Both sexes:47,6 (2012)
Employed , Male(%):99,0 (2015)
Occupied housing units(Number):109834 (2012)
Average size of households (Persons):3,7 (2016)
Completed primary, Female (%):4,9 (2016)
Completed primary, Male (%):6,5 (2016)
Health insurance coverage (Persons):335 (2007)
Woman and Child Health
- Percentage below -3 SD
- Mean Z-score (SD)
- Percentage below -2 SD1 , height
- Percentage below -2 SD1
- Percentage below -3 SD , weight
- Mean Z-score (SD) , height
- Percentage below -3 SD , height
- Percentage above +2 SD , weight
- Percentage above +2 SD
- Mean Z-score (SD) , weight
- Nutritional status of children, Number of children
- Percentage below -2 SD1 , weight
- Percentage who started breastfeeding within 1 hour of birth
- Percentage who started breastfeeding within 1 day of birth
- Number of last-born children ever breastfed
- Percentage ever breastfed
- Any breastfeeding
- Exclusive breastfeeding
- Predominant breastfeeding
- 3+ food groups
- Both 3+ food groups and minimum times or more
- Number of breastfed children 5-23 months
- Milk or milk products
- Number of children born in past five years
- 4+ food groups
- 4 times or more
- With 3 IYCF practices
- Number of non-breastfed children 6-23 months
- Breast milk or milk products
- 3+ or 4+ food groups
- minimum times or more , all
- With all 3 IYCF practices
- Number of all children 6-23 months
- Among all households, the percentage with salt tested
- Number of households
- Number of households , 1
- Number of households , 3 or more
- Percentage who consumed foods rich in vitamin A in past 24 hours
- Percentage who consumed foods rich in iron in past 24 hours
- Number of children
- Percentage given iron supplements in past 7 days
- Percentage given iron dewoming medication in past 6 months
- Number of children , all
- Percentage living in households with adequately iodised salt
- Number of children , iodized
- Number of women, Nutritional status of women
- Mean body mass index(BMI)
- 18.5 - 24.9 (total normal)
- Percentage below 145 cm
- 17.0 - 18.4 (mildly thin)
- <17 (moderately and severly thin)
- =25.0(total overweight or obese)
- 25.0-29.9 (overweight)
- =30.0(obese)
- Number of women , mass
- Percentage consumed vitamin-A rich foods
- Percentage who received vitamin-A dose postpartum
- Reported
- Adjusted
- Percentage consumed iron rich foods
- None
- 90+
- Don't know/missing
- Percentage of women who took deworming medication during pregnancy of last birth
- Number of women , child under three years
- Percentage living in households with adequately iodised salt , women
- Number of women , child born
- Number of women , iodised salt