- Chancellor:Christoph Auer
Canton website
Main Language in %:German-84, French-7.6, Italian-2, Romansh-0.1
Religious affiliation in %:Protestants-67.1, Roman Catholics-16, No Religious-7.7
GDP, millions of current CHF:77 932 (2015)
GDP per capita, in CHF:76 897 (2015)
Employed, persons:628 477 (2015)
Unemployment rate in % (annual average):2,6 (2017)
Debt of the Cantons in Francs per Inhabitant:5 740 (2009)
Area in km²:5 841 (2014)
Population, persons:1 026 513 (2016)
Population Density per km2:176 (2016)
Passenger Cars per 1000 Inhabitants:518,3 (2016)
Residents per Room:0,58 (2000)
New Housing units per 1000 Residents:4,7 (2015)
Rate of Vacant Housing units:1,38 (2014)
Without Post-mandatory Education, %:18,2 (2016)
Upper secondary schools, %:51,2 (2016)
Higher Education, %:24,0 (2016)
Physicians in private practice per 100 000 people:220 (2017)
Hospital beds per 1000 people:4,8 (2016)
Hospitalisation rate per 1000 people:159,4 (2016)
Housing Stock and Empty Dwellings
GDP, current prices
GDP per capita, current prices
Gross value added (GVA)
GVA-Agriculture, forestry and fishing
GVA-Mining , manufacturing, construction
GVA-Trade, transport, accomodation, information, telecommunications
GVA-Financial services, insurance
GVA-Real estate and other servises
GVA- Public administration
GVA-Electricity, gas, steam, air-conditioning supply, ect.
GVA-Households as producers
Construction Expenditure