Koprivnicko-krizevacka zupanija
- Župan:Darko Koren
Population, persons:111 782 (2016)
Land area, sq.km:1 748,0 (2015)
Population density, persons/sq. km:64,3 (2015)
Net migration rate, %:-5,5 (2015)
Rate of natural population change, %:-5,5 (2015)
Official web-site of the region
GDP, million euros:972,00 (2014)
GDP per capita, euro:8600 (2014)
GDP per Capita, % of EU Average:31,00 (2014)
Crude Birth Rate, per 1'000 Inhabitants:9,00 (2015)
Crude Death Rate, per 1'000 Inhabitants:14,50 (2015)
Rate of Total Population Change, per 1'000 Inhabitants:-11,00 (2015)
Total population
Total, Males
Total, Females
Less than 15 years, Total
Less than 15 years, Males
Less than 15 years, Females
From 15 to 64 years, Total
From 15 to 64 years, Males
From 15 to 64 years, Females
65 years or over, Total
65 years or over, Males
65 years or over, Females
Unknown, Total
Unknown, Males
Unknown, Females
Land Area
Population density
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Crude rate of natural change of population
Crude rate of net migration
Crude rate of total population change