Language:French,German dialects,Portuguese
- Президент:Jean-Guy Talamoni, Gilles Simeoni
Gov website
GDP, in billion euros:9 (2015)
GDP per capita, in euros:26 954 (2015)
Annual wage income, euros:17 642 (2009)
Unemployment rate(%):10,9 (2015)
Area in km²:8 680 (2015)
Population, persons:334 283 (2017)
Population Density per km²:39 (2017)
Share in the total population (The 65 or more):20 (2009)
Share of Foreigners in the population:8,3 (2009)
Life expectancy (years) at birth, Men:79,9 (2014)
Life expectancy (years) at birth, Women:85,4 (2014)
% of households with at least one car:84,1 (2009)
Doctors, specialists per 100 000 inhabitants:148 (2010)
Students in Business Schools (%):1,7 (2011)