- District Administrator:Aurora Ximenes
Population (persons):71927 (2015)
Area in,95 (2010)
Population Density (persons/,55 (2015)
Total Fertility Rate (Children/woman):5,9 (2010)
Average Household size (persons):6,10 (2015)
Child Mortality Rate (Deaths/1000 live births):18,0 (2009)
Infant Mortality Rate (Deaths/1000 live births):70,0 (2009)
Adult Literacy Rate (%):50,75 (2010)
Net Attendance Ratio, Primary Education (%):66,3 (2010)
Gross Attendance Ratio, Primary Education (%):90,6 (2010)
Employed Population (number):3466 (2010)
Unemployed Population (number):832 (2010)
Marital Status
Child Mortality Rate
Child Mortality Rate, Male
Child Mortality Rate, Female
Infant Mortality Rate
Infant Mortality Rate, Male
Infant Mortality Rate, Female
Under five Mortality Rate
Under five Mortality Rate, Male
Under five Mortality Rate, Female
Children ever born alive for women aged 15+
Children ever born for women aged 15+
Women aged 15-19 years who have had a live birth
Births delivered by a skilled attendant
Births delivered in a health facility
Hospital, place of delivery
Government health post, place of delivery
Private health post, place of delivery
Own/Family house, place of delivery
Other facilities for delivery
Birth Registered by civil registration office
Birth Registered in hospital
Birth Registered in other places
Birth Registered in church
Population with any difficulty
Population with any difficulty, Male
Population with any difficulty, Female
Population with disability, Walking
Population with disability, Hearing
Population with disability, Seeing
Population with disability, Intellectural/mental condition
Population with any disabilities
Adult Literacy Rate
Adult Literacy Rate, Male
Adult Literacy Rate, Female
Literacy Rate, 15-24 years old
Literacy Rate, 15-24 years old, Male
Literacy Rate, 15-24 years old, Female
Adult literacy rate in Bahasa Indonesia
Adult literacy rate in Tetun
Adult literacy rate in Portugues
Adult literacy rate in English
Gross Attendance Ratio, Primary Education
Gross Attendance Ratio, Presecondary Education
Gross Attendance Ratio, Secondary Education
Gross attendance ratio in university
Net Attendance Ratio, Primary Education
Net Attendance Ratio, Presecondary Education
Net Attendance Ratio, Secondary Education
Net attendance ratio in university
Illiterate population aged 15-24 years old
Literacy population aged 15 years old and above
Gender parity index for primary School attendance
Gender parity index for secondary School attendance
Gender parity index for polytechnic/diploma attendance
Gender parity index for university attendance
Gender parity index for pre-primary school attendance
Gender parity index for pre-secondary school attendance
Population aged 25 years old and over who are never attended school
Population aged 12-14 years old who are left school
Population aged 12-14 years old who are never attended school
Population aged 18-24 years old who are at school
Population aged 15-17 years old who are never attended school
Agriculture & Livestock
Private household produced, Rice
Private household produced, Vegetables
Private household produced, Cassava
Private household produced, Fruit (permanent)
Private household produced, Maize
Private household produced, Coffee
Private household produced, Coconut
Private household produced, Other permanent crops
Private household livestock reared, Chickens
Private household livestock reared, Pigs
Private household livestock reared, Sheeps
Private household livestock reared, Horses
Private household livestock reared, Cattle/Cow
Private household livestock reared, Buffalo
Private household livestock reared, Goats