Население, человек:23 264 288 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:36 197
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:8 850 (2021)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:0,0 (2021)
Индекс Джини:No data
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:No data
Наборы данных
Direct investment - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Direct Investment (DI) by Country and industry, U.S., (Multinational Enterprises)
Direct investment abroad - quarterly data, % of GDP
Direct investment abroad, main components - annual data, million units of national currency
Direct investment abroad, main components - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Direct Investment Abroad: Income Without Current-Cost Adjustment, U.S.
Direct investment assets, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
Direct investment flows as % of GDP (discontinued)
Direct investment in the reporting economy - quarterly data, % of GDP
Direct investment in the reporting economy (flows) - annual data, % of GDP
Direct investment in the reporting economy (stocks) - annual data, % of GDP
Direct investment in the reporting economy, main components - annual data, million units of national currency
Direct investment in the reporting economy, main components - quarterly data, million units of national currency
Direct investment inward flows by main investing country (discontinued)
Direct investment inward stocks by main origin of investment (discontinued)
Direct investment liabilities, by instruments - annual data, million units of national currency
Direct investment outward flows by main country of destination (discontinued)
Direct investment outward stocks by main destination (discontinued)
Direct Investment Position Abroad on a Historical-Cost Basis: Country Detail by Industry, U.S.
Direct investment stocks as % of GDP (discontinued)
FDI flows intensity, market integration
FDI flows intensity, market integration by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and partner (discontinued)
Foreign Direct Equity Investment in Singapore by Country/Region (Stock as at Year-End), Annual
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Egypt by Country
Foreign Direct Investment by Immediate Target and Investor Country, Finland
Foreign Direct Investment by Ultimate Investor Country, Finland
Foreign direct investment in developing countries, by income group (discontinued)
Foreign Direct Investment in Equity by Sector in India
Foreign Direct Investment in Malaysia
Foreign Direct Investment in Mexico
Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Country and Major Industry
Foreign Direct Investment in Singapore by Country/Region (Stock as at Year-End), Annual
Foreign Direct Investment in the U.S.
Foreign Direct Investment Inflows, by Country, Mongolia (discontinued)
Foreign Direct Investment, by Country, Mongolia (discontinued)
Foreign Direct Investment: Inward and Outward Flows and Stock, Annual
Foreign Investment Statistics of Myanmar