Trang Province
- Governor:Siriphat Phatthakun
Population, Persons:631 920 (2012)
Area, Sq. Km:4 917,5 (2012)
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:128,50 (2012)
Sex Ratio, Males per 100 Females:96,13 (2012)
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1,000 Population:14,37 (2012)
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 1,000 Population:5,62 (2012)
Official Web-Site of the Region
GDP at Current Prices, Million Baht:60 857,6 (2009)
GDP at Current Prices per Capita, Baht:98 367,64 (2009)
Average Monthly Income per Household, Baht:36 245,2 (2011)
Average Monthly Expenditure per Household, Baht:19 618 (2012)
Income per Capita, Baht:127 296,0 (2011)
Poverty Line, Baht/Person/Month:2 479 (2011)
Poverty Ratio, % of Population below Poverty Line:8,33 (2011)