East Darfur
Capital:Ed Daein
Languages:Arabic, English
First Person:Anas Omer Mohamed Fadul
Population, persons:1119451 (2016)
Area (Sq.km):No data
Population Density (persons per sq.km):No data
Literate (%):No data
Child mortality rate (Deaths per 1000 live births):25,5 (2014)
Infant mortality rate (Deaths per 1000 live births):88,5 (2014)
Hospitals per 100000 Populations:0,5 (2016)
Beds per 100000 Populations:22,6 (2016)
Live Birth, Males (number):No data
Live Birth, Females (number):No data
Consumer Price Index (index, 2007=100):No data
Inflation Rate %:No data
Total Fertility (children per woman):6,2 (2014)
Private Households (%):No data
Average Size of Household (persons):No data
Consumption of Petroleum Products (million tonnes):No data
Consumer Price Index
Living Condition
Consumption of Petroleum Products
Security and Justice