Соломоновы острова
Governor General: David Tiva Kapu
Премьер-министр: Jeremiah Manele
Столица: Honiara
Языки: Melanesian pidgin (in much of the country is lingua franca), English (official but spoken by only 1%-2% of the population), 120 indigenous languages
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 809 539 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 27 990
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 2 042 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 1,6 (2023)
Индекс Джини: 37,1 (2012)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 136
Наборы данных
Employed migrants by country of origin (thousands) (discontinued)
Employees as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (discontinued)
Employees by economic activity and occupation (thousands)
Employees by Sex and Economic Activity
Employees by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)
Employees by sex and institutional sector (thousands)
Employees by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)
Employees by sex and occupation (thousands)
Employees by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)
Employers as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (Discontinued)
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and age (thousands)
Employment by sex and and multiple-job holding (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity - ISIC level 2 (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)
Employment by sex and institutional sector (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and status in employment -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)
Employment by sex and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and economic class -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)
Employment by sex, economic activity and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Employment by sex, education and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Employment by sex, status in employment and economic activity (thousands)
Employment by sex, status in employment and occupation (thousands)
Employment distribution by economic activity (by sex) -- ILO modelled estimates (%) (Discontinued)
Employment distribution by economic activity (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by education (by sex and age) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by hours actually worked (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by occupation (by sex) -- ILO modelled estimates (%) (Discontinued)
Employment distribution by occupation (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by status in employment (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio -- ILO modelled estimates (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates (%)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Employment-to-population ratio, men (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio, women (%) (discontinued)
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Age and sex - as at 30 June 1996 to 2017, Australia
SDG indicator 10.4.1 - Labour income share as a percent of GDP (%)
SDG indicator 8.2.1 - Annual growth rate of output per worker (measured as GDP in constant 2011 international $ in PPP) (%) (discontinued)
SDG indicator 9.2.2 - Manufacturing employment as a proportion of total employment (%)
Services as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (discontinued)
Share of adult population with advanced education (%) (discontinued)
Share of agriculture in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of contributing family workers in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of contributing family workers in total employment, men (%) (discontinued)
Share of contributing family workers in total employment, women (%) (discontinued)
Share of employees working 35-48 hours per week (%) (discontinued)
Share of employees working more than 48 hours per week (%) (discontinued)
Share of employees working more than 48 hours per week, men (%) (discontinued)
Share of employees working more than 48 hours per week, women (%) (discontinued)
Share of employers in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of employers in total employment, men (%) (discontinued)
Share of employers in total employment, women (%) (discontinued)
Share of industry in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of own-account workers in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of own-account workers in total employment, men (%) (discontinued)
Share of own-account workers in total employment, women (%) (discontinued)
Share of services in total employment (%) (discontinued)
Share of unemployed persons with advanced education (%) (discontinued)
Share of unemployed persons with basic education (%) (discontinued)
Share of unemployed persons with intermediate education (%) (discontinued)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits (%)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits by schemes and sex (%)
Share of unemployed receiving regular periodic social security unemployment benefits by sex (%) (discontinued)
Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) (%) (discontinued)
Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) by sex (%)
Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET), men (%) (discontinued)
Share of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET), women (%) (discontinued)
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wage -- Harmonized series
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wage -- Harmonized series (constant 2011 PPP $) (discontinued)
Statutory nominal gross monthly minimum wage (local currency) (discontinued)
Stock of nationals abroad by sex and country of residence (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and economic activity (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and occupation (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and status in employment (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and weekly hours actually worked (thousands)
Youth employment by sex, age and working time arrangement (thousands)
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and education (%)
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Youth employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and school attendance status (%)
Youth inactivity rate by sex, age and education (%)
Youth inactivity rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Youth inactivity rate by sex, age and school attendance status (%)
Youth labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)
Youth labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Youth labour force by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands)
Youth labour force participation rate (%) (discontinued)
Youth labour force participation rate by sex, age and education (%)
Youth labour force participation rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Youth labour force participation rate by sex, age and school attendance status (%)
Youth labour force participation rate, men (%) (discontinued)
Youth labour force participation rate, women (%) (discontinued)
Youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) by sex (thousands)
Youth outside the labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)
Youth outside the labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Youth outside the labour force by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands)
Youth unemployment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Youth unemployment by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands)
Youth unemployment rate by sex, age and education (%)
Youth unemployment rate by sex, age and school attendance status (%)
Youth unemployment-to-population ratio by sex, age and school attendance status (%)
Youth working-age population by sex, age and labour market status (thousands)
Youth working-age population by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Youth working-age population by sex, age and school attendance status (thousands)