Президент: Tharman Shanmugaratnam
Премьер-министр: Lawrence Wong
Столица: Singapore
Языки: Mandarin (official) 36.3%, English (official) 29.8%, Malay (official) 11.9%, Hokkien 8.1%, Cantonese 4.1%, Tamil (official) 3.2%, Teochew 3.2%, other Indian languages 1.2%, other Chinese dialects 1.1%, other 1.1% (2010 est.)
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 5 812 461 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 718
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 84 734 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 501,4 (2023)
Индекс Джини: No data
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 2
Наборы данных
People at risk of income poverty after social transfers
People at risk of poverty after social transfer
People at risk of poverty after social transfers
People at risk of poverty before social transfers (pensions included in social transfers) by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People at risk of poverty by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion (discontinued)
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by age and sex
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by degree of urbanisation
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS 2 regions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS regions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by sex
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by tenure status
People living in households with very low work intensity by degree of urbanisation (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS 2 regions (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS regions (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by sex
People not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household by level of activity limitation, sex and age
People with no bath or shower in their dwelling by level of activity limitation, sex and age
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by educational attainment level
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by household type
Persistent-at-risk-of-poverty rate (discontinued)
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and citizenship of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and country of birth of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and educational attainment level of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons aged 18 and over by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and most frequent activity status of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and household composition - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and income quantile - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household and tenure status - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons by risk of poverty, material deprivation, work intensity of the household, age and sex of the person - intersections of Europe 2020 poverty target indicators
Persons in the at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age - EU-SILC survey
Persons who have someone to ask for help by sex, age and educational attainment level
Persons with low level of expenditure by risk of poverty, material deprivation and work intensity - experimental statistics
Population by tenure status, level of activity limitation and poverty status
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household by poverty status
Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor by poverty status
Population living in households considering that they suffer from noise, by poverty status
Population reporting occurrence of crime, violence or vandalism in their area by poverty status
Population unable to keep home adequately warm by poverty status
Poverty lines
Poverty ratio
Severe housing deprivation rate by age, sex and poverty status (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by degree of urbanisation (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by household type (source: SILC)
Severe housing deprivation rate by income quintile - EU-SILC survey
Severe housing deprivation rate by tenure status
Severe housing deprivation rate by tenure status - EU-SILC survey
Severe housing deprivation rate for young people by age, sex and poverty status (discontinued)
Severe material deprivation of young people by sex and age (discontinued)
Severe material deprivation rate
Severe material deprivation rate by age and sex
Severe material deprivation rate by degree of urbanisation
Severe material deprivation rate by income quintile and household type
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS 2 regions
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS regions
Severe material deprivation rate by tenure status
Severe material deprivation rate for children by educational attainment level of their parents (population aged 0 to 17 years)
Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex and country of birth (discontinued)
Severe material deprivation rate of young people by sex, age and living/not living with parents
Severely materially deprived people
Severely materially deprived people
Severely materially deprived people
Severely materially deprived people (discontinued)
Share of children (aged 0 to 17) having neither a bath, nor a shower in their dwelling (source: SILC)
Share of children (aged 0 to 17) living in households considering their dwelling as too dark (source: SILC)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by age, sex and poverty status - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by degree of urbanisation - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by household type and income quintile - total population - EU-SILC survey
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - Total population (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a colour TV (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a computer (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a personal car (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a telephone (source: SILC)
Share of persons who cannot afford a washing machine (source: SILC)
Share of total population considering their dwelling as too dark - EU-SILC survey
Share of total population having neither a bath, nor a shower in their dwelling - EU-SILC survey
Share of total population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household (source: SILC)
Share of total population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in window frames of floor (source: SILC)
Share of total population not having indoor flushing toilet for the sole use of their household (source: SILC)
Sustainable Development Goal Index
Sustainable Development Goals, 2024