Президент: Asif Ali Zardari
Премьер-министр: Shehbaz Sharif
Столица: Islamabad
Языки: Punjabi 48%, Sindhi 12%, Saraiki (a Punjabi variant) 10%, Pashto (alternate name, Pashtu) 8%, Urdu (official) 8%, Balochi 3%, Hindko 2%, Brahui 1%, English (official; lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries), Burushaski, and other 8%
Статистическое агентство: No data
Население, человек: 249 335 590 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 770 880
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 1 365 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 337,9 (2023)
Индекс Джини: 29,6 (2018)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 108
Наборы данных
IMF Export Diversification and Quality Databases
Import prices - total industry
Import prices in industry - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Import prices in industry - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Import prices in industry - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Industrial roundwood by assortment
Industrial roundwood by species
Industry - index (2015 = 100), quarterly data (NACE Rev. 2)
Industry - monthly data
Industry - monthly data (discontinued)
Industry - monthly data (NACE Rev. 2)
Industry as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (discontinued)
Industry Statistics of Pakistan
Input coefficients for domestic production (discontinued)
Input-output table (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table (industry*industry) - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table at current prices, 10 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table at current prices, 6 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for domestic output - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for domestic output (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for domestic output (industry*industry) - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for domestic output at current prices, 6 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table for domestic output at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports (industry*industry) - constant prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports (industry*industry) - current prices (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports at current prices, 10 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports at current prices, 6 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (discontinued)
Input-output table for imports at current prices, 60 branches - EU aggregates (NACE Rev. 2) (discontinued)
Inter-enterprise relation types by enterprise activity (discontinued)
Inward activity of multinationals by investing country - ISIC Rev 4
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - annual data
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - quarterly data
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - annual data
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - quarterly data
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, total - annual data
Producer prices in industry, total - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, total - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, total - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production and consumption of chemicals by hazard class
Production in industry - annual data
Production in industry - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in industry - capital goods
Production in industry - consumer durables
Production in industry - consumer non-durables
Production in industry - energy
Production in industry - intermediate goods
Production in industry - manufacturing
Production in industry - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in industry - quarterly data
Production in industry - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in industry - total (excluding construction)
Pulp, paper and paperboard
Purchases of services by product and activity (NACE sections/analytical groupings of activities) (discontinued)
Purchases of services by product sectors and size classes (discontinued)
Total sawnwood production
Turnover by client specialisation and NACE Rev.1 at 3-digit level
Turnover by nationality of client and NACE Rev.1 at 3-digit level
Turnover by product in motor trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G50, 5-yearly statistics, from 2000 onwards)
Turnover by product in wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G51, 1998)
Turnover by product in wholesale trade (NACE Rev. 1.1, G51, 5-yearly statistics, from 2003 onwards)
Turnover by residence of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74
Turnover by residence of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74
Turnover by residence of client and economic activity (2005)
Turnover by type of client and by employment size class for div 72 and 74
Turnover by type of client and NACE Rev.1 at 3-digit level
Turnover in industry - capital goods
Turnover in industry - consumer durables
Turnover in industry - consumer non-durables
Turnover in industry - intermediate goods
Turnover in industry - manufacturing
Turnover in industry, domestic market - annual data
Turnover in industry, domestic market - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, domestic market - monthly data
Turnover in industry, domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, domestic market - quarterly data
Turnover in industry, domestic market - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, non domestic market - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, non domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, total - annual data
Turnover in industry, total - annual data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, total - monthly data
Turnover in industry, total - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, total - quarterly data
Turnover in industry, total - quarterly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in services - annual data
Turnover statistics for industry (NACE Rev. 2, B-E)
Types of purchase made from external service providers by sector and size class (discontinued)