Gov Website
First Person:Imran Ismail (Governor)
Second Person:Syed Murad Ali Shah (Chief Minister)
Population (persons):47886051 (2017)
Area in (1998)
Population Density (persons/,82 (2017)
Live Births (number):827129 (2007)
Total Deaths (number):202524 (2007)
Number of Hospitals:403 (2012)
Maternity & Child Welfare Centres:164 (2012)
Literacy Rates (10 Years & Older):63,00 (2014)
Gross Enrollment Rate, Primary:79 (2014)
Net Enrollment Rate, Primary:61 (2014)
Labour Force Participation Rates:45,80 (2009)
Employed (million):12,72 (2009)
Average Household Size:6,55 (2012)
Total Food Crops Production (tonnes):6 160,8 (2009)
Electricity Generation (million Kwh):27213 (2006)
Traffic Accidents
Literacy Rates (10 Years & Older)
Literacy Rates (10 Years & Older), Male
Literacy Rates (10 Years & Older), Female
Primary, Gross Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5-9)
Primary, Gross Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5-9), Male
Primary, Gross Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5-9), Female
Primary, Net Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5 -9)
Primary, Net Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5 -9), Male
Primary, Net Enrollment Rate (Class 1-5 & Age 5 -9), Female
Government Enrollment Primary
Government Enrollment Primary, Male
Government Enrollment Primary, Female
Population that has ever Attended School 10 Years & Older
Population that has ever Attended School 10 Years & Older, Male
Population that has ever Attended School 10 Years & Older, Female
Labour Force
Total Food Crops (Area in "000" Hectares)
Total Food Crops (Production in "000" Tonnes)
Bajra, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Bajra, (Production In "000" Tonnes)
Barley, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Barley, (Production in "000" Tonnes)
Jowar, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Jowar, (Production in "000" Tonnes)
Maize, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Maize, (Production in "000" Tonnes)
Rice, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Rice, (Production in "000" Tonnes)
Wheat, (Area in "000" Hectares)
Wheat, (Production in "000" Tonnes)