Объединенные Арабские Эмираты
- Президент:Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
- Премьер-министр:Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Столица:Abu Dhabi
Языки:Arabic (official), Persian, English, Hindi, Urdu
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек:9 516 871 000 (2023)
Площадь, кв км:71 020
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:49 041 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:514,1 (2023)
Индекс Джини:26,0 (2018)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:16
Наборы данных
Economic Complexity and Outlook Index
Economic Complexity Index (ECI)
Economic sentiment indicator
Education Statistics of Abu Dhabi
Education Statistics of Qatar
Electricity Prices around the World
Electricity prices by type of user
Emissions Totals
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions
Employees by economic activity and occupation (thousands)
Employees by Sex and Economic Activity
Employees by Sex and Educational Mismatch, Statistical Approach (discontinued)
Employers as % of total employment -- ILO modelled estimates (Discontinued)
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions
Employment by economic activity and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and age (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation - ISCO level 2 (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and status in employment -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and economic class -- ILO modelled estimates (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Employment distribution by economic activity (by sex) -- ILO modelled estimates (%) (Discontinued)
Employment distribution by occupation (by sex) -- ILO modelled estimates (%) (Discontinued)
Employment distribution by occupation (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age -- ILO modelled estimates (%)
Energy and Water Statistics of Abu Dhabi
Energy Statistics of UAE
Environmental Performance Index
Environmental Statistics of Abu Dhabi
Euro area19 trade by BEC product group since 1999
Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999
Euro yield curve by maturity (1, 5 and 10 years)
Exchange Rate of Mozambican Metical against Major Currencies
Expat Insider: Environment and Sustainability Ranking
Export, Import and Prices on Resources and Energy in Australia
Exports - electricity - monthly data
Exports and Imports by Service-Category, Shares and Growth, (BPM6)
Exports by Country for Senegal
ICT Development Index
IMF: World Economic Outlook (WEO) Database, October 2024
Immigration by age, sex and broad group of citizenship
Imports - electricity - monthly data
Index of Economic Freedom
Industrial Statistics Database, INDSTAT 4 2022, ISIC Revision 4 (Discontinued)
Industrial Statistics Database, INDSTAT 4 2024, ISIC Revision 4
Industry - monthly data
Inflow of foreign-born employed persons by sex and economic activity (in thousands)
Interest rates - monthly data
International Energy Data, Monthly Update
International Migrant Stock at Mid-year by Sex and by Major Area, Region, Country
International Migration Database
International Property Rights Index
International Student Mobility (archived)
International Trade in Goods and Services, U.S.
International Travel and Tourism Statistics of Mauritius
Investment - Capital Stock
Main scenario - Net migration by age, sex and NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Major Price Indices in Abu Dhabi
Maritime Transport Costs HS1988 (archived)
Marriage and Divorce in UAE
Mean and median income by ability to make ends meet
Mean annual earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean hourly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean monthly earnings by economic activity, sex, occupation
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and economic activity -- Harmonized series
Mean nominal monthly earnings of employees by sex and occupation -- Harmonized series
Mean weekly hours actually worked per employed person by sex, occupation and marital status
Mean weekly hours actually worked per employee by sex and economic activity
Measuring the Information Society Report, 2018
Merchandise Trade Indices, Annual, 1980-2022
Merchandise: Product Concentration and Diversification Indices of Exports and Imports
Merchant Fleet by Ship Type
Migration and Remittances Factbook
Milk collection (all milks) and dairy products obtained - annual data
Mineral Commodity Summaries
Minimum wages
Mobility Trends Report across Globe from Apple
Money market interest rates - quarterly data
Mosques Statistics of UAE