- Governor:Erkki Endjala
Land area, sq. km:26 573 (2011)
Population, persons:244 146 (2011)
Population density, people/sq. km:9,4 (2016)
Household average size, persons:4,8 (2011)
Life expectancy at birth, Male, years:47 (2011)
Life expectancy at birth, Female, years:62 (2011)
Literacy rate, 15+ years, %:88 (2011)
Population in labour force, %:49 (2011)
Main source of income: farming, %:22 (2011)
Severely Poor, %:7,3 (2010)
Poverty Inequality:0,410 (2010)
Households using Electricity for Lighting, %:9,0 (2011)
Households using Wood for Cooking, %:88,0 (2011)
Households using Wood for Heating, %:89,1 (2010)
Main Source of income