Capital:Ulan Bator
- Governor:S. Batbold
Population, Thousand Persons:1 463,0 (2017)
Area, Sq. Km:4 704,00 (2014)
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:306,22 (2017)
Gross Domestic Product, Bln. Tog:No data
GDP per Capita, Thousand Togs:No data
Unemployment Rate, %:7,50 (2017)
Official Web-Site of the Region
Population Growth Rate, % Change from Previous Year:3,16 (2016)
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1'000 Population:24,70 (2017)
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 1'000 Population:5,20 (2017)
Average Female Salary, Tog:No data
Average Male Salary, Tog:No data
Vehicles per 1'000 Population, Number:339,63 (2016)
Population with Tertiary Education, Persons:93 037 (2000)
Physicians per 1'000 Population, Persons:6,43 (2017)
Наборы данных
Birth, Death and Natural Increase, per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Births, by Mother's Age Group by Soum, Mongolia
Births, by Sex, by Soum, Mongolia
Births, Deaths and Natural Increase per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Quarter, Mongolia
Marriages and Divorces, per 1000 Population, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Marriages and Divorces, per 1000 Population, by Soum and District, Mongolia
Maternal Mortality, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, and Soum, Mongolia
Mothers Who Head Household With Children Aged Below 18 Years Old, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Mother's Age Group, Aimag and Capital, Mongolia
Number of Births, by Sex, by Aimag, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Age Group, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Age Group, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Sex, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Deaths, by Sex, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Households, by Bag/Khoroo, Urban and Rural, Mongolia
Number Of Marriages And Divorces, By Aimag And The Capital
Number of Marriages and Divorces, by Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Maternal Deaths, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Mothers Headed Household, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Number of Household Members, Mongolia
Number of Old Aged Living Single Headed Households, by Sex, Mongolia
Number of Orphan Children, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Marital Status, Soums and Districts, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Mother's Educational Level, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Birth, by Mother's Educational Level, Soum and District, Mongolia
Women Who Gave Births, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia