Capital:No data
- No data:No data
Population, Thousand Persons:No data
Area, Sq. Km:No data
Population Density, Persons per Sq. Km:No data
Gross Domestic Product, Bln. Tog:No data
GDP per Capita, Thousand Togs:No data
Unemployment Rate, %:No data
Official Web-Site of the Region:No data
Population Growth Rate, % Change from Previous Year:No data
Crude Birth Rate, Births per 1'000 Population:No data
Crude Death Rate, Deaths per 1'000 Population:No data
Average Female Salary, Tog:No data
Average Male Salary, Tog:No data
Vehicles per 1'000 Population, Number:No data
Population with Tertiary Education, Persons:No data
Physicians per 1'000 Population, Persons:No data
Наборы данных
Full-Time Graduates From General Educational Schools, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Full-Time Teachers in General Educational Schools, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Full-Time Teachers In General Educationalschools, By Region, Aimag, The Capital, Soum And District
Number of Children in Pre-School Institutions, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Children With Disabilities in Pre-School Institutions, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Educational Institutions of All Levels, by Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of Employees in Pre-Schools Institutions, by Types, Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number Of Full-Time Teachers In Pre-School Institutions, By Region, Aimag And The Capital
Number of Full-Time Teachers of Educational Institutions of All Levels, by Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number of General Educational Schools, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Graduates of Educational Institutions For All Levels, by Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number Of Kindergartens, By Region, Aimag And The Capital
Number of Kindergartens, by Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia
Number Of New Entrants To General Educational Schools, By Region, Aimag, The Capital, Soum And District
Number of Students in Universities, Institutes and Colleges, by Region, Aimag and the Capital, Mongolia
Number of Students Studying Across All Levels Educational Institutions, by Region, Aimag, the Capital, Soum and District, Mongolia