- Президент:Wesley Simina
- Вице-президент:Aren Palik
Языки:English (official and common language), Chuukese, Kosrean, Pohnpeian, Yapese, Ulithian, Woleaian, Nukuoro, Kapingamarangi
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек:112 893 (2024)
Площадь, кв км:700
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США:4 084 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США:0,5 (2023)
Индекс Джини:40,1 (2013)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business:48
Наборы данных
Accommodation for the elderly, France
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Activity rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Agricultural accounts according to EAA 97 Rev.1.1 by NUTS 2 regions (until 2012)
Agri-Environmental Indicators - Land
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions
Air transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions
Air transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
All causes of death by NUTS 2 regions
Alleged Offenders and Victims of Crimes Reported by the Police Forces to the Judicial Authority, Italy
Allocation of primary income account of households by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal grazing on the holding: number of farms and area grazed by duration, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size class, agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - cattle: number of farms and places by cattle size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - laying hens: number of farms and places by laying hens size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal housing - pigs: number of farms and places by pig size classes, economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
Animal populations by NUTS 2 regions
Annual average population (1 000) by sex - NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Annual bonuses as % of annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions and economic activity (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-N (discontinued)
Annual Value of exports by SHORT-TERM (industrial origin), country, imports and exports and time, Denmark
Annual Value of Imports and Exports by BEC (Broad Economic Categories), Country, Imports and Exports and Time, Denmark
Annual Value of imports and exports by main SITC groups, country, imports and exports and time, Denmark
Area by NUTS 3 region
Area by NUTS 3 region
Area under wine-grape vine varieties broken down by vine variety, age of the vines and NUTS 2 regions - Romania
Areas harvested, yields, production by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Arrivals at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions
Arrivals due to internal migration (excluding intra-regional migration) by sex and age - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
At-risk-of-poverty rate before social transfers (pensions excluded from social transfers) by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey
At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions
At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey (discontinued)
At-risk-of-poverty rate by NUTS regions
Austria - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions
Average annual population to calculate regional GDP data (thousand persons), by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Average annual wage income, by socioprofessional groups and gender, France
Average hours worked per employee, by working time, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Average number of rooms per person by NUTS region
Average number of usual weekly hours of work in main job by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (hours)
Canada: Primary Metal Manufacturing Trade Data by NAICS Industry Group
Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived with Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life Years 1990-2016
Causes of death - crude death rate by NUTS 2 region of residence
Causes of death - infant mortality by NUTS 2 region of residence, 3 year average
Causes of death - Standardised death rate by NUTS 2 region of residence (3 years average)
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 years average - females
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 years average - males
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - absolute number, 3 years average - total
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate per 100 000 inhabitants - annual data
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate per 100 000 inhabitants, 3 years average - females
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate per 100 000 inhabitants, 3 years average - males
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - crude death rate per 100 000 inhabitants, 3 years average - total
Causes of death by NUTS 2 regions - standardised death rate per 100 000 inhabitants, 3 years average
Change of Address Stats of United States
Civil Service Headcount in France
Community design (CD) applications by NUTS 3 regions
Community design (CD) applications per billion GDP by NUTS 3 regions
Community design (CD) applications per million population by NUTS 3 regions
Community designs (CD) by NUTS 3 regions
Community designs (CD) per billion GDP by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Community designs (CD) per million population by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Community trade mark (CTM) applications by NUTS 3 regions
Community trade mark (CTM) registrations by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Compensation of employees by NUTS 2 regions
ComTRADE: Biofuel Trade Flows
Construction of Non-Residential Buildings in France
Construction of premises, France
Construction of residential buildings, France
Consumer Price Index of France
Conventional dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and NUTS 3 region
Cooling and heating degree days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data
Cooling and heating degree days by NUTS 2 regions - monthly data
Cost of Essential Healthcare Services in Africa
Country Policy and Institutional Assessment
Country Programmable Aid (CPA)
Coverage rate of municipal waste collection by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project
COVID-19 Vaccines Status U.S. (archived)
Crimes recorded by the police by NUTS 3 regions
Croatia - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Crop production by NUTS 2 regions - historical data (1975-1999)
Crop production in EU standard humidity by NUTS 2 regions
Crop production in national humidity by NUTS 2 regions
Crop statistics by NUTS 2 regions (1974 - 1999) (discontinued)
Crop statistics by NUTS 2 regions (from 2000 onwards) (discontinued)
Czech Republic - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Early leavers from education and training by sex and NUTS 1 regions
Early leavers from education and training by sex and NUTS 2 regions
Economic accounts for agriculture by NUTS 2 regions
Economic activity rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Economically active population by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Economically active population by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Education indicators by NUTS 2 regions
Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 1.1 activity and NUTS 1 regions (1994 - 2007)
Employed HRST by category, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions (from 2008 onwards)
Employed persons aged 15 and over by sex, citizenship, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1), status in employment and NUTS 3 regions
Employed persons by sex, age group, educational attainment level, occupation (ISCO-88) and NUTS 3 regions
Employer business demography by NACE Rev. 2 and NUTS 3 regions
Employer business demography by size class and NUTS 3 regions
Employment (thousand hours worked) by NUTS 2 regions
Employment (thousand persons) by NUTS 3 regions
Employment and commuting by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions
Employment by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Employment by sex, age, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 regions (1 000)
Employment in high-tech sectors by NUTS 2 regions
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and level of education (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and level of education (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 1 regions and type of occupation (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (1994-2008, NACE Rev. 1.1)
Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors by NUTS 2 regions and sex (from 2008 onwards, NACE Rev. 2)
Employment rate of the age group 15-64 by NUTS 2 regions
Employment rate of the age group 20-64 by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Employment rate of the age group 55-64 by NUTS 2 regions
Employment rates by sex, age and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Employment rates by sex, age, educational attainment level, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Employment rates of young people not in education and training by sex, educational attainment level, years since completion of highest level of education and NUTS 2 regions
Employment, activity, underemployment by business sector (ILO concept), France
Energy: primary production and final consumption by NUTS 2 regions - 1 000 tonnes of oil equivalent (discontinued)
Enterprise Surveys Data
Enterprises births, France
Environmental protection expenditure by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, Age and sex - as at 30 June 1996 to 2017, Australia
Estimated resident population, Country of birth, State/territory, Age and sex - as at 30 June 1996 to 2016, Census years, Australia
Estimated soil erosion by water, by erosion level, land cover and NUTS 3 regions (source: JRC)
Estimates of salaried employment by business sector, France
European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications per billion GDP by NUTS 3 regions
European Union trade mark (EUTM) applications per million population by NUTS 3 regions
Exchange Rate wrt 1 USD
Exposure to PM2.5 in Countries and Regions
External Trade in Goods, Main Figures, by Country/Trade Region/Continent (NOK Million), Norway
External Trade in Goods, Main Figures, by Country/Trade Region/Continent (NOK Million), Monthly, Norway
External trade of RM by countries, cumulative data, Republic of North Macedonia
External trade of RM, by countries, monthly data, Republic of North Macedonia
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics
Health Nutrition and Population Statistics by Wealth Quintile
Health personnel by NUTS 2 regions
Healthcare Access and Quality Index Based on Amenable Mortality 1990-2016
Heating degree-days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data (discontinued)
High-tech patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 regions
High-tech patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority year by NUTS 2 regions
Hospital beds by NUTS 2 regions
Hospital Civil Service Headcount in France
Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, per 100 000 inhabitants - females
Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, per 100 000 inhabitants - males
Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, per 100 000 inhabitants - total
Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, day cases, total number - males
Hospital discharges by diagnosis and NUTS 2 regions, in-patients, per 100 000 inhabitants - males
Hourly labour cost index, France
Households that have broadband access by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Households that have internet access at home by NUTS 2 regions
HRST by category and NUTS 2 regions
HRST by category, age and NUTS 1 regions
HRST by category, sex and NUTS 1 regions
Human Development Index of Mauritius, 1980-2015
Human resources in science and technology (HRST) by NUTS 2 regions
Humanitarian Aid Flows - Total Reported Funding by Affected Country
Hungary - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
ICT patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
IDA Results Measurement System
Income of households by NUTS 2 regions
Income of households by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Index of Economic Freedom
Indices to review a commercial or professional lease, France
Individuals regularly using the internet by NUTS 2 regions
Individuals who have never used a computer by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use
Individuals who ordered goods or services over the internet for private use in the last year by NUTS 2 regions
Infant mortality by NUTS 2 region
Infant mortality rates by NUTS 2 region
In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - females
In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - males
In-patient average length of stay (days) by NUTS 2 regions - total
International Comparison Program Results (ICPR), 2011
International Data from FRED - Forecast Data
International Telecommunication Traffic
International Trade in Goods and Services, U.S.
International Trade in Services Statistics of Denmark
International trade; Imports and exports of services by country, 2003-2013, Netherlands (discontinued)
Internet Users (Per 100 People)
Intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by NUTS 2 regions
Intramural R&D expenditure (GERD) by sectors of performance and NUTS 2 regions
Inward activity of multinationals by investing country - ISIC Rev 4
IPEDS: U.S. Fall Enrollment, Residence and Migration of first-time Freshman
IPEDS: U.S. Fall Staff: Full-time Instructional staff by Tenure status for Degree-granting Institutions
Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Irrigation: number of farms, areas and equipment by size of irrigated area and NUTS 2 regions
Italy - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Labour Cost index, France
Labour cost, wages and salaries and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions
Labour cost, wages and salaries, and direct remuneration by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Labour cost, wages and salaries, direct remuneration by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of worker, category of worker, legal status of holding, economic size of farm (ESU) and NUTS 2 regions
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of worker, category of worker, legal status of holding, size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Labour force: number of persons and farm work (AWU) by sex of workers and NUTS 2 regions
Land covered by artificial surfaces by NUTS 2 regions
Land use by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Landscape features: number of farms and areas by agricultural size (UAA), economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Life expectancy at birth by sex and NUTS 2 region
Life expectancy by age, sex and NUTS 2 region
Live births (total) by NUTS 3 region
Live births by age group of the mothers and NUTS 3 region
Live births by mother's age and NUTS 2 region
Live births by NUTS 2 region (discontinued)
Livestock: number of farms and heads by economic size of farm (ESU) and NUTS 2 regions
Livestock: number of farms and heads by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions
Livestock: number of farms and heads by size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by economic size of farm (SO in Euro) and NUTS 2 regions
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals by livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions
Livestock: number of farms and heads of animals of different types by agricultural size of farm (UAA) and NUTS 2 regions
Long-term care beds in nursing and residential care facilities by NUTS 2 regions
Macro-Statistics - Key Indicators
Main scenario - Age specific fertility rates by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Age specific mortality rates by sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Life expectancy by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Net migration by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Net migration by age, sex and NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Population on 1st January by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Population on 1st January by age, sex and NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Projected demographic balances and indicators by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Main scenario - Projected demographic balances and indicators by NUTS 3 regions (discontinued)
Manure exported from the holding in % of total produced: number of farms and areas by economic size (SO in euros), agriculture size (UAA) of farm and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Manure exported from the holding in % of total produced: number of farms and areas by economic size (SO in euros), livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Manure storage and treatment facilities: number of farms and areas by economic size (SO in euros), agriculture size (UAA) of farm and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Manure storage and treatment facilities: number of farms and areas by economic size (SO in euros), livestock units (LSU) of farm and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Manure storage facilities by NUTS 3 regions
Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions
Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions
Maritime transport of freight by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions
Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions
Maritime transport of passengers by NUTS 2 regions (questionnaire)
Marriages, Nuptiality and Civil Solidarity Pacts in France
Material and social deprivation rate by NUTS regions
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean annual earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 1.1, C-O excluding L
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Mean hourly earnings by NUTS 1 regions (enterprises with 10 employees or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O
Merchandise Exports and Imports of Saudi Arabia
Migration (Transfer of Residence), Italy
Migration Statistics of Netherlands by Country of Birth -(discontinued)
Millennium Development Goals (discontinued)
Monthly Value of exports by SHORT-TERM (industrial origin), country, imports and exports and time
Motorways network by NUTS 2 regions
Multi yearly statistics by NUTS 2 regions (NUTS 2006)
Multiannual statistics for distributive trades (NACE Rev. 2, G) by NUTS 2 regions
Municipal waste by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project (discontinued)
National Accounts Main Aggregates Database
National annual road freight transport by regions of loading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards
National annual road freight transport by regions of unloading (NUTS 3) and by group of goods (1 000 t), from 2008 onwards
Netherlands - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by coastal and non-coastal area and by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards) (discontinued)
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by degree of urbanisation and by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards) (discontinued)
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions
Non-resident travellers entering Canada, by country of residence (excluding the United States)
North Korea's External Relations
Norway - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Norwegian Controlled Ships: Port calls, by Registry, Country, Part of the World and Trading Region, Norway
Number and capacity of recovery and disposal facilities by NUTS 2 regions
Number of Airports by Country
Number of employees and hours worked, by working time, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions
Number of employees, hours actually worked and paid by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by coastal and non-coastal area and by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards)
Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by degree of urbanisation and by NUTS 2 regions (from 2012 onwards) (discontinued)
Number of establishments, bedrooms and bed-places by NUTS 3 regions (1990-2011)
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions
Number of hours actually worked and paid per employee by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of local units, persons employed and wages and salaries by NUTS 2 regions
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions
Number of statistical units by NUTS 1 regions - NACE Rev. 2 (source LCS 2008) (discontinued)
Number of statistical units selected for the survey, by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Participation rate in education and training (last 4 weeks) by NUTS 2 regions
Participation rates of 4-years-olds in education by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Passport Index
Patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 regions
Patent applications to the EPO by priority year by NUTS 3 regions, international patent classification (IPC) sections and classes
Patent applications to the European patent office (EPO) by priority year by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS 2 regions
People at risk of poverty or social exclusion by NUTS regions
People living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS 2 regions (population aged 0 to 59 years)
People living in households with very low work intensity by NUTS regions (population aged 0 to 59 years)
Percentage of households with broadband access in relation to households with internet access, by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Peri-neonatal mortality by age of mother and parity, by NUTS2 region of residence and occurrence, 3 year average
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by size of farm (UAA), size of permanent crop area and NUTS 2 regions
Permanent crops: number of farms and areas by size of permanent crop area and NUTS 2 regions
Persons by type of building and NUTS 3 regions
Persons Convicted by Final Judgement - Demographic Characteristics, Italy
Person-years lived between exact ages (Lx) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Physicians or doctors by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Pig by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Poland - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Political Terror Scale (PTS)
Population aged 25-64 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Population aged 25-64 with tertiary educational attainment level by sex and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Population aged 30-34 by educational attainment level, sex and NUTS 2 regions (%) (discontinued)
Population and population structure, France
Population by Country of Birth, Sweden
Population by current activity status, occupation and NUTS 2 region
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Population by educational attainment level, sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions (%)
Population by family status and NUTS 3 region
Population by group of citizenship, occupation and NUTS 2 region
Population by group of country of birth, current activity status and NUTS 2 region
Population by group of country of birth, educational attainment level and NUTS 2 region
Population by group of country of birth, occupation and NUTS 2 region
Population by housing arrangement and NUTS 2 region
Population by period of arrival in the country, country of birth and NUTS 2 region
Population by sex, age group, educational attainment level, current activity status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, household status and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age group, size of household and NUTS 3 regions
Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and degree of urbanisation
Population by sex, age, citizenship, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and degree of urbanisation
Population by sex, age, country of birth, labour status and NUTS 2 regions
Population by sex, citizenship and NUTS 3 regions
Population by single year of age and NUTS 3 region
Population by status in employment, NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 2 region
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3)
Population change by NUTS 2 region - Crude rates of total change, natural change and net migration plus adjustment
Population connected to public water supply by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Population connected to wastewater collection and treatment systems by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Population connected to wastewater collection and treatment systems by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Population density by NUTS 2 region
Population density by NUTS 3 region
Population Estimates and Projections
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by age group, sex and NUTS 3 region
Population on 1 January by age, sex and NUTS 2 region
Population on 1 January by broad age group, sex and NUTS 3 region
Population on 1 January by NUTS 2 region
Population, Health and Society, with Projection till 2100 (discontinued)
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 2 region
Population: Structure indicators by NUTS 3 region
Prevalence of disability by sex, economic activity (NACE Rev. 1) and NUTS 2 regions
Price indices of the new housing and indicate Solicitors-Insee of the price of the old housing, France
Primary income of private households by NUTS 2 regions
Private households by composition, age group of children and NUTS 3 regions
Private households by composition, size and NUTS 3 regions
Private households by type, tenure status and NUTS 2 region
Private Philanthropy for Development (CRS) (discontinued)
Probability of surviving between exact ages (px) - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Producer price index for construction of new residential buildings, France
Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions
Production of cow's milk on farms by NUTS 2 regions
Pupils aged between 3 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by NUTS2 regions - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils aged between 4 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by NUTS2 regions - as % of the population of the corresponding age group
Pupils and students enrolled by education level, sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils and students enrolled by sex, age and NUTS2 regions
Pupils and students in all levels of education (ISCED 0-6) by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Pupils and students in upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (ISCED 3-4) by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Pupils enrolled in early childhood education by sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils enrolled in lower-secondary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils enrolled in post-secondary non-tertiary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils enrolled in primary education by sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils enrolled in upper secondary education by programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 regions
Pupils in primary and lower secondary education (ISCED 1-2) by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
S80/S20 income quintile share ratio by NUTS 2 regions - EU-SILC survey
Sales of fertilisers by type of nutrient (source: Fertilizers Europe)
Sales Volume in Wholesale and Retail Trade in France
SBS data by NUTS 2 regions (NUTS 2006) and NACE Rev. 1.1 (1995-2007)
SBS data by NUTS 2 regions and NACE Rev. 2 (from 2008 onwards)
Secondary distribution of income account of households by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Selected Data for Majority-Owned Foreign Affiliates in All Countries in which Investment was Reported
Self-reported unmet needs for medical examination by main reason declared and NUTS 2 regions
Services Producer Price Indices in France
Services Production Index, France
Services Turnover Index, France
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS 2 regions
Severe material deprivation rate by NUTS regions
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of irrigable and irrigated areas in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of main land types in utilised agricultural area (UAA) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of main livestock types in total livestock units (LSU) by NUTS 2 regions
Share of Renewable Energy in Final Energy Consumption by NUTS 2 regions - % (discontinued)
Shortage of Mental Health Care Professionals in HPSAs in U.S.
Slovakia - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Slovenia - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) 1950-2021
Soil conservation: number of farms and areas by economic size of farm (SO in euros) and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Soil conservation: number of farms and areas by size of arable area and NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Spain - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Specific land use parameters by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Specific transport parameters (NUTS2) (discontinued)
Spouses Citizenship, Italy (Discontinued)
Stock of vehicles by category and NUTS 2 regions
Structure of agricultural holdings by NUTS 3 regions - main indicators
Structure of labour cost as % of total cost by NUTS 1 regions
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 2 activity and NUTS 1 regions - % of total cost, LCS surveys 2008, 2012 and 2016
Students by age, sex and NUTS 2 regions
Students by level of education, orientation, sex and NUTS 2 regions
Students enrolled in tertiary education by education level, programme orientation, sex and NUTS2 regions
Students in tertiary education (ISCED 5-6) by NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
Suriname: Tourist Arrivals by ports
Survey on Donors Forward Spending Plans
Sweden - Internal regional migration by sex, region of origin (GEO) and destination (PARTNER), excluding intra-regional migration - NUTS 2 regions (discontinued)
U.S. COVID-19 Cases and Deaths by State (archived)
U.S. Direct Investment Abroad: Activities of U.S. Multinational Enterprises
U.S. Immigration Statistics
U.S. Science and Engineering Articles
U.S. Variant Proportions by Jurisdiction
U.S.: Pilot and Airmen Certificate Statistics
U.S.: Total Spending Per Capita
UN Statistics Division: Energy Statistics Database
Unemployment by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates by sex, age, citizenship and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment rates by sex, age, country of birth and NUTS 2 regions
Unemployment, unemployment rate and halo by sex and age (ILO), France
United Nations AIDSinfo Statistics
UNODC International Homicide Statistics