Domestic general government expenditure on health as a share of current health expenditure

67,4 (%) in 2021

Share of current health expenditures funded from domestic public sources for health. Domestic public sources include domestic revenue as internal transfers and grants, transfers, subsidies to voluntary health insurance beneficiaries, non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) or enterprise financing schemes as well as compulsory prepayment and social health insurance contributions. They do not include external resources spent by governments on health.

Дата Значение Изменение , %
2021 67,4 1,03%
2020 66,7 6,67%
2019 62,5 -1,53%
2018 63,5 0,92%
2017 62,9 -0,21%
2016 63,0 3,62%
2015 60,8 -1,27%
2014 61,6 -8,81%
2013 67,6 2,93%
2012 65,6 1,86%
2011 64,4 -0,22%
2010 64,6