Король: Ibrahim Iskandar
Премьер-министр: Anwar Ibrahim
Столица: Kuala Lumpur (official/royal), Putrajaya (administrative)
Языки: Bahasa Malaysia (official), English, Chinese (Cantonese, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka, Hainan, Foochow), Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Panjabi, Thai
note: in East Malaysia there are several indigenous languages; most widely spoken are Iban and Kadazan
Статистическое агентство
Население, человек: 35 344 242 (2024)
Площадь, кв км: 328 550
ВВП на душу населения, долл. США: 11 379 (2023)
ВВП, млрд. долл. США: 399,7 (2023)
Индекс Джини: 40,7 (2021)
Рейтинг Ease of Doing Business: 12
Наборы данных
Balance of payments of the EU institutions - monthly data (discontinued)
Balance of payments, capital account, monthly data
Balance of payments, current account, monthly data
Balance of payments, current and capital account, monthly data
Balance of payments, financial account, monthly data
Balance of trade
Balance of trade - EU and euro area aggregates
BIS Effective Exchange Rate Indices
Broadband penetration rate (discontinued)
Building permits - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Building permits, Seasonally adjusted - monthly data
East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, World Bank, 2013
Economic sentiment indicator
Effective exchange rates indices - monthly data
Employees by Sex and Economic Activity
Employees by sex and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and age (thousands)
Employment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity (thousands)
Employment by sex and economic activity, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)
Employment by sex and occupation (thousands)
Employment by sex and status in employment (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Employment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Employment distribution by economic activity (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by education (by sex and age) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by occupation (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment distribution by status in employment (by sex) (%) (discontinued)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex and age (%)
Employment-to-population ratio by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - annual data
Estimates of slaughtering, other than in slaughterhouses - monthly data
EU27 international trade - monthly data (discontinued)
EU27 trade (without UK) by BEC product group (discontinued)
EU27 trade (without UK) by SITC product group (discontinued)
EU27 trade by BEC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
EU27 trade by SITC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
EU28 international trade - monthly data (discontinued)
EU28 trade by BEC product group (discontinued)
EU28 trade by SITC product group (discontinued)
Euro area 18 international trade - monthly data (discontinued)
Euro area 19 international trade - monthly data
Euro area balance of payments (source ECB) (discontinued)
Euro area18 trade by BEC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
Euro area18 trade by SITC product group since 1999 (discontinued)
Euro area19 trade by BEC product group since 1999
Euro area19 trade by SITC product group since 1999
Euro Monitor Dataset, 2015
Euro yield curve by maturity (1, 5 and 10 years)
Euro yield curves - monthly data
European Union and euro area balance of payments - monthly data (BPM6)
Euro-zone Business Climate Indicator - monthly data
Exchange rates
Exchange Rates and Trade Flows, WEO October 2015 Chapter 3 (One Time Publication)
Export, Import and Prices on Resources and Energy in Australia
Exports - electricity - monthly data
Exports - gas - monthly data
Exports - solid fuels - monthly data
Exports by Country for Senegal
Exports of goods - chemicals and related products
Exports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
Exports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
Exports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
Exports of goods - other manufactured products
Exports of goods - raw materials
Exports of goods - total
Exports of grains, by final destination, Canada
External Trade Country 2003 - 2018, Jordan
External Trade in Goods, Main Figures, by Country/Trade Region/Continent (NOK Million), Monthly, Norway
External trade of RM by countries, cumulative data, Republic of North Macedonia
External trade of RM, by countries, monthly data, Republic of North Macedonia
Import of Petroleum Products of Japan by Region and Country
Import prices - capital goods
Import prices - consumer durables
Import prices - consumer non-durables
Import prices - intermediate goods
Import prices - manufacturing
Import prices - total industry
Import prices in industry - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Imports - electricity - monthly data
Imports - gas - monthly data
Imports - solid fuels - monthly data
Imports of goods - chemicals and related products
Imports of goods - food, drinks and tobacco
Imports of goods - machinery and transport equipment
Imports of goods - mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials
Imports of goods - other manufactured products
Imports of goods - raw materials
Imports of goods - total
Inactivity rate by sex and age (%)
Inactivity rate by sex, age and education (%)
Inactivity rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
India: Exports, Imports, Prices & Consumption of Coffee
Industrial countries' effective exchange rates - monthly data
Industrial countries' effective exchange rates excluding new Member States - monthly data (discontinued)
Industry - monthly data
Industry - monthly data - growth rates (NACE Rev. 2)
Industry - monthly data (discontinued)
Industry - monthly data (discontinued)
Industry - monthly data (NACE Rev. 2)
Interest rates - monthly data
International Energy Data, Monthly Update
International extra-EU air passenger transport by reporting country and partner world regions and countries
International extra-EU freight and mail air transport by reporting country and partner world regions and countries
International intra-EU air passenger transport by reporting country and EU partner country
International intra-EU freight and mail air transport by reporting country and EU partner country
International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (IRFCL), Monthly Update
International Rotary Rig Count, Monthly Update
International Trade in Goods and Services, U.S.
International Travel and Tourism Statistics of Mauritius
International Visitor Arrivals by Inbound Tourism Markets, (Air), Monthly, Singapore
International Visitor Arrivals By Inbound Tourism Markets, (Sea), Monthly, Singapore
Internet Users around the World
Percentage change (compared to corresponding period of the previous year) in nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by residents/non-residents - monthly data
Persons outside the labour force by sex and age (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, age and education (thousands)
Persons outside the labour force by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Persons subject of asylum applications pending at the end of the month - monthly data
Potential labour force by sex and age (thousands)
Poultry - monthly data
Price indices of agricultural products, output (2000 = 100) - monthly data
Price indices of the means of agricultural production, input (2000 = 100) - monthly data
Producer prices in industry, domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, non domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Producer prices in industry, total - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in construction
Production in construction - monthly data
Production in construction - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in industry - capital goods
Production in industry - consumer durables
Production in industry - consumer non-durables
Production in industry - energy
Production in industry - intermediate goods
Production in industry - manufacturing
Production in industry - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Production in industry - total (excluding construction)
Production in services - monthly data
Production of meat: cattle
Production of meat: pigs
Production of meat: poultry
Production of meat: sheep and goats
Property Price Statistics, Monthly Update
Purchase prices of the means of agricultural production (absolute prices) - monthly - old codes - data from 1969 to 2006
Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI)
Purchasing Power Parities outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 1) (Monthly data)
The Economist Big Mac Index
The Economist's Tracker for Covid-19 Excess Deaths
Time-related underemployment by sex and age (thousands)
Time-related underemployment rate by sex and age (%)
Top 100 Chess Player Ranking
Tourism Statistics by country of origin, Botswana
Tourism Statistics of Bhutan
Tourism Statistics of India
Tourism Statistics of Indonesia
Tourism Statistics of Malaysia
Tourism Statistics of Maldives
Tourism Statistics of Turkey
Tourism Statistics of Zimbabwe
Tourist Arrivals by Mode of Transportation and Purpose in Seychelles
Tourist Arrivals in Thailand
Tropical wood imports to the EU from chapter 44 of the Harmonised System
Turnover and volume of sales in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data
Turnover and volume of sales in wholesale and retail trade - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry - capital goods
Turnover in industry - consumer durables
Turnover in industry - consumer non-durables
Turnover in industry - intermediate goods
Turnover in industry - manufacturing
Turnover in industry, domestic market - monthly data
Turnover in industry, domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, non domestic market - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in industry, total - monthly data
Turnover in industry, total - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
Turnover in services - monthly data
Turnover in services - monthly data, percentage change (discontinued)
U.S. Financial Firms Claims on Foreign Residents: Data by Country and Region
U.S. Financial Firms Liabilities: Data by Type, Country and Region
U.S. Natural Gas, Weekly Update
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average
Unemployment by sex and age - monthly average, 1 000 persons (discontinued)
Unemployment by sex and age (thousands)
Unemployment by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and duration (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and education (thousands)
Unemployment by sex, age and rural / urban areas (thousands)
Unemployment distribution by duration (by sex and age) (%) (discontinued)
Unemployment distribution by education (by sex and age) (%) (discontinued)
Unemployment rate by sex and age (%)
Unemployment rate by sex and age, seasonally adjusted series (%)
Unemployment rate by sex, age and education (%)
Unemployment rate by sex, age and rural / urban areas (%)
Unit value of exports
Unit value of imports